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Everything posted by casiper

  1. ok, I'm getting 12.37 after hitting the button. The voltage readings I stated before are correct. They go higher at 1000 rpm and lower at 3000 rpm.
  2. OK. I jumped the starter using the positive side and it turned. I got it running for about a minute after that and then I turned off, then I tried starting normally, but it would not. When I dis-engaged the power kill switch the solenoid clicked and nothing else. The solenoid is less than a month new, I got it replaced at the same time I got the Ignitech unit. Also connected a volt meter from walmart that measures the voltage and has an alternator light in case of malfunction. When the bike was running I had 13.7v at 1000 rpm and 13.4 at 3000 rpm what should I do next?
  3. Gentlement. I have some time tomorrow for troubleshooting so what should I start? The battery tested good for voltage and load. Still no crank from start button.
  4. I got the bike home finally but won't be able to do much until the end of next week. Today all I did was to remove the side panel to look around and also to see if I was getting the same voltage at the starter solenoid from the battery. The ignition key was on the on position same as kill switch. I was getting 12.7v. Now, I tried to measure voltage out of the solenoid plug,but I didn't get any. Do I suppost to get any or not?. Also every time I turned the key to "ON" I could hear a click, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't from the solenoid. The battery will get load tested next wednesday.
  5. Good info thank you. I'll do all that as soon as I get it back home.
  6. I forgot to mention that the battery was new since August last year. Not even 1000 miles on it. I remember since I've owned it, the bike will always turn like twice every second for about 3-5 seconds then would start. It was late to take the battery to my mechanic and load tested after I got it fully charged. That day when I tried to jump it with my wife's car it did not start either, just clicking. As soon as I get the bike back home I'll try to jump it directly to the starter and see
  7. Yes. I always like to start it on neutral and the safety was off. I know the starter is fine so what's the next stop after that?
  8. So. I had the battery charged overnight at a solid 12.6v I went to check the starter and it worked when jumped from the battery. Still don't get nothing if I try the start button with clutch in, kick stand up or down. I looked at the start button inside and didn't see anything that could be obvious, there's 4 contacts there. How I can test that so I know that when I push it it is sending current? I think that there's no way to test charging unit until I gigureout what it's preventing it from cranking. The starter solenoid is two weeks new but I took it out today, how do I test it? If you guys have a tech article with steps can you post the link please. I'm hoping to have the bike home tomorrow afternoon so I can start running test. Thank you all!
  9. casiper


    From the album: My New Beast

  10. I left the bike for now and hoping to be able to get it back home tomorrow. As soon as I get it back we'll start testing. Thank you all for your time!
  11. I tried to jump it. At least when I hit the starter button there is a clicking noise comming from somewhere near the left side of the air box. Any ideas?
  12. Week tried to jump it. At least when I hit the starter button there is a clicking noise comming from somewhere near the left side of the air box. Any ideas?
  13. Very good pints guys. I'll get to it ASAP. I'm still waiting for a ride home. Will kelp you posted. Thanks again !!!
  14. The bike seemed a bit low in voltage while on the road, just under the 12v mark. After I got to a stop started dying. Tried starting and it was very slow at that. After trying a few times it would not even turn the starter. I have lights, radio and horn. The volt meter shows around 8. I'm waiting fir a ride to go get the car and jump it so I'm killing a good two hours before attempting it. Thank you for hve inputs guys.
  15. Bike was fine starting this am 10 miles away from home it died. Battery seems low but now it won't make an attemp to kick start the bike Battery shows almost 10v Any ideas.
  16. casiper


    From the album: My New Beast

  17. casiper


    From the album: My New Beast

  18. regarding TCI. I got the Ignitech thanks to the effort of one of our member and I'm very pleased with the way things played out. I can not thank you enough to everyone that took the time to post and give their two cents. After getting the new TCI I still had no spark. It took me a good three days of reading many post regarding bikes no starting and come to find out that somehow some of the safety relays were at fault and the bike could not start. Thank you again for being so open to help this newbie. PS. I saw a couple of ventures 1st generation at NH bike week, too bad I was walking while the bikes were moving, so I could chat with those two fellows. Any one in New Hampshire boys? I know many of you guys are way south from me. Thank you again guys!!!!!!
  19. Is there such a part number list of diodes and components for a TCI ignition box, has anyone tried to refurbish one? I have a friend with enough knowledge and the proper tools to do the job. He's an electro mechanical engenner and bike mechanic as well and he wants to try to fix my box. How could I find this info, any ideas???
  20. Fellow riders, I'm looking for a TCI box in working order or someone that can refurbish this boxes. I heve 2 of them causing trouble. I can't afford an Ignitech unit at this time. Thank you for your time.
  21. I've checked the puck up connector, but not the one by the headlight housing. I will start to check all wiring going to TCI. Thank you Gary.
  22. The bike is running, once in a while it will cut off. My mechanic traced it to the tci. So I need to find someone that could make it better.
  23. Does anyone can recondition stock TCI? I know that I can get an aftermarket for around $250, but I can't spend that at this time. I will be trying to clean it up and see what happens from there. Im heading to Montreal near the end osf the month and I need something done soon. Thank you.
  24. I just notice that the size on the rear tire shows a 16 not a 18 like in a manual I have Thanks for the info guys.
  25. anyone know where to get the 140/90-18 for the 1Gen.? TY
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