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Everything posted by casiper

  1. Just bough the one on Ebay. Thank you all for the assistance!!!
  2. Ups. I forgot to mention that its the reservoir that I broke.
  3. Just broke mind trying to loose the side bolt. If anyone has one for sale or a link to one, I would appreciate it. Thank you guys!
  4. Thank you for the offer. I was able to order one thanks to another member.
  5. I just called them, but they don't have a listing for a 1200. Is there a part # or other model bike that will fit?
  6. My lever broke today thanks to a moron that did not payed attention while backing up, no other damages. I will buy off you or if someone can tells me if there are other alternatives. I could not find one on Ebay or elsewhere. Thank you. Carlos
  7. casiper


    From the album: My New Beast

  8. casiper

    My New Beast

  9. Would I be right to think that the stator is acting up after riding for a while. I got good acv readings before going for a test drive of 30 miles. Towards the end I started to get 12.4 to 13v (I installed a digital volt reader at the battery terminals). after the bike cooled down for 10 minutes I had it run for a few and I had 13.9v at idle.
  10. I've taken the R/R out and used the video in the link below and according to that the R/R should be ok. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDx3zgOLShY]Rick's Motorsport Electrics, Inc. How to test a motorcycle rectifier regulator - YouTube[/ame] any input?
  11. I just connected the stator plugs and started the bike. (previously I was getting 22v at idle and 47v at 2800 rpm) With both connectors engaged I went from 8.3v to 9.7 regardless of the rpm. What do you think?
  12. Stator resistance, all the same values. My instructions tells me that I should have 0.35-0.48 ohms. ????
  13. All right, the new solenoid is in and the bike is running, but look a the voltage while keeping it a different rpm. What do you think? I'm trying to test the rectifier now, but any ideas please throw them up me. TY
  14. So, to summarize what's been done so far: I've connected two different batteries to it, both fully charged and load tested and still no crank. Disconnected the solenoid plug and voltage at the male connector shows same voltage as the battery it self while pushing the start button. Re-connected solenoid connector and shows 10.4v while pushing the start button. I disconnected the wire going to the starter at the solenoid post and the same thing, 10.4v So every time the solenoid is connected to the harness I'm loosing voltage. I have a new solenoid coming within a few days and we'll go from there. If the bike starts after replacing the solenoid, then it will be time to figure out if there something odd with the charging system that might of mess up the solenoid, since when I got it to start via direct jump to the starter the voltage at 3000 rpm was lower than when I got it idle at 1000 rpm. Thank you to all of you that took the time to help me out and educate me. I will report back once I get the new solenoid installed in a few days. Thank you again guys!!! Carlos Silva
  15. I got all 4 nuts tight. Also, I got 05.4 Oms at the solenoid connector.
  16. I tried getting voltage at the fuse box with a test lead on each side of the fuse while the key was on the on position and I didn't get nothing on the first two up top, the last two showed 0.04 I believe. Unless I'm doing it wrong. very good observation regarding the small wires. I did get 12v at the connector if unplugged, but only 10.6 connected to the solenoid. Is the solenoid bad?
  17. yes, I jumped the two post at the solenoid and the starter cranked. I wonder why I'm getting 12.4v at the battery, but only 10.6 at the connector for the solenoid...
  18. ok, so how much voltage should I be getting to the solenoid when I press the start button if 10.6 is low? The battery still showing 12.4v This am I took the battery from over a day of charging showing 12.9v and I did not get cranking after pushing the start button. I'm charging the battery now. I'm ordering another solenoid today just in case.
  19. Thank you for explaining how the solenoid works!!! I measured the voltage to the small wires at the connector that plugs to the solenoid and I got 10.6 while pushing the start button, I also notice a very fainted click coming from the solenoid. The battery is showing 12.4 since I've been testing for a while. What else I can test or conclude at this point?
  20. Ok. At solenoid small wires: red/white strip =12v Start button pressed: 12v Blue/white stripe=12v Start button pressed=0.61v Sorry about my ignorance on this next question: In front of the starter there is a thick cable connected to a bolt, I assume its the positive side, since I was able to connect a cable from the positive battery terminal to it and the bike started. Tracing that thick black cable takes me to one of the top terminals on the solenoid where the "negative " cable goes to the battery negative post. To me it makes no sense. Shouldn't this thick black cable connect to the positive terminal on the solenoid, which I believe is the right side post if you look at it in front of you while still mounted?
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