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Everything posted by dueyk1111

  1. Sorry to hear bout jean! MY thoughts n prayers go out for the both of you n your family! HOPE for a full recovery for jean!!!!!
  2. May GODS blessings be with you 'n' the rest of your family in this time of great loss!! prayers sent!
  3. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all! may the new year be great for all! may you truly be blessed with GOD'S presents in you 'n' your family' lives!!
  4. ride many of the same roads alot! i'm just 6 miles from the wis state line. ride wis alot! Really pretty up there 'n' people in wis seem to watchout for bikes alot more than other places!!!!
  5. Prayers sent for your mom n the rest of your loving family!!!!
  6. would love to have one,waited to long before n steve passed away . have an 06 blackcherry, please keep us posted, i would almost bet there is enough interest!:
  7. prayers sent, may she heal quickly:2133:
  8. i went hunting last year with a venture bullet, got one 2! i hope everybody fills their tags this year! i don't want to hav ta use a venture bullet again, they are pretty xpensive! May not survive the next encounter! guy from firedept got the last one, so it didn't go to waste. i think they are neat to watch 2, but hope i dont have to hit one with the bike again!!!!
  9. Thanks again!
  10. buddy, will be ordering a set sometime in next day or 2, neighbor has paypal that i order with look'n forward to git'n the deflecters,sounds like a good investment! THANKS:thumbsup2:
  11. dont know if you have a farm n fleet store i n your area, but go to auto parts store n get yourself some abs epoxy, two part syringe type deal ,squezes out epoxy n hardener at same time, mix n apply where needed! stuff works great. used on my 2nd gen under front fairing n lowers. held great! good luck:thumbsup2:
  12. everytime i replace a battery in my bikes i go with an interstate battery! i've had great luck with them outlasting there waranty! when the battery in my bike goes flat, i'll replace it with an interstate again! not sure on price comparisons, but i like top shelf stuff for the bike! i run interstates in all my cars n trucks.
  13. Prayers and condolences for the loss of a great husband and father!may the good lord hold you in his arms till the sorrow turns to wonderful remmeberances of loved ones taken from us to soon!
  14. Glad to here you both are ok, prayers sent and hopes for a speedy recovery!!!!
  15. Glad your ok n still here to tell us bout it! go to cycletrader.com, then type in ventures n wala. ventures of all years n milage, color, n location. tiz where i found mine after i went deer hunt'n with my first one! 2nd one had less miles than the first, n found it local too! Good Luck in your search!!!!!
  16. i have the same color! best color to ride! enjoy, they truley are great bikes to ride. hope to see ya at the international!!!
  17. put me down for 4, please! twill pickup at international rally as long as thats ok. don't mind the xtra cost.
  18. sorry i never got a chance to met him, sounds like a wonderful human being! my prayers go to all his family and friends!!!!
  19. STEVE! hang in there and keep a positive attitude, it does help! my 2nd x-wife had bone cancer n lived for 4 more years after she was told. Will definately keep you and your family in my prayers!!!!!!
  20. Welcome!!!! glad to see you made it safely! look forward to meet'n you at the international rally this summer!!!
  21. GOD is truely with us all, whether we know or feel it or believe it!!! The man upstairs was with me last dec when i went deer hunting with the bike, he was truely with you through this whole ordeal! may he continue to bless you with his presence in your life and in your healing process! PRAYERS sent for you and your wife!
  22. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you wonderful mothers out there! hopefully your kids and family will really appreciate you for everything that you do for them! even though my mom is long passed away, i still remember most of the things she did for me grow'n up! it brings back wonderful memories! so again i say, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all you wonderful mothers out there!!!!:thumbsup2:
  23. Pmelah, good to here your doing better! good luck with the job interview, and nabove all , enjoy the ride and be safe!!!!
  24. mike,thanks for the up date on your daughter. hope you continue to find solutions, prayers sent again and snail mail sent!
  25. PRAYERS sent and better days ahead!!!!!
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