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Everything posted by dueyk1111

  1. hello, this is duey k from northern il. i would truly be interested in the second gen center stand. just let me know what the shipping charge is and where to send the money. i use paypal or i can send a check directly to you. my address is duey kubly, 107 north turner st davis, il 61019. let mre know what you decide. i'll even throw in another $100 dollars for you or your favorite charity. thanks again!!!!!
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! hope u have a wonerful day!!!!! lucky u, all the cake n ice cream you want!!!
  3. what i meant was i don't ride on salt covered roads cause it takes to long to get the salt washed off the bike. if you can get it washed off. went against my rule of not rid'n when there is salt on the road a few years back on christmas day, it actually got warm enough to ride around here. when i got home that day you couldn't tell what color my bike was. spent 2 days n probably 30 dollars at the next town overs car was with the bike on the trailer try'n to make sure i got all the salt washed out of the nooks n crannies on the bike. vowed to never do that again when there is salt on the road!!!!😧🤣
  4. what bothers me is all the salt they put on them there roads!!!!!😐
  5. i have 2 diffferent places that fight over who makes the best cornbeef reubens!😜
  6. i replaced my bolt washers when i checked n did my valve adj along with new gaskets. 50 or 60 thousand miles ago, no leakage. i found out that honda uses the same valve shims as the venture does. went to my local dealer n they just traded shims with me. no charge. reason i did my bolt washers was valve covers were just starting to leak. good luck!!!!😉
  7. CONGRATS!!!!! hope you get to truly enjoy your retirement. mysef n 2 other friends have been retired 4 yrs now and have all made the statement, don't now wen i had time to have a job! ENJOY!!!!!😊😇
  8. great look'n truck!!!! hope itz as trouble free as the older ones!😉😁
  9. would think that it would take alot to push it threw the air as big as the front fairing is. i wouldn't want it either. a bigger version so i could turn it into a hippie van!😉😁
  10. Thoughts n Prayers be with the family!
  11. THANKS!
  12. i took mine off the old china fuel pumps that take a s___ and save n use them. old fuel pump with new points work'n fine!!!!!
  13. ok, started year with old fuel pump, checked it to see if it was running, it was functioning correctly. went for ride, shortly after starting ride started starving for fuel, came home , changed fuel pump, put new one in, ran for bout 3 minutes n started starving for fuel again. checked to see if fuel pump was running, it was not. plugged old fuel pump in and ran fine when i turned the key on . changed plug back to new one and it was dead. d___ china fuel pumps just aren't worth the metal they are made out of. is there a good fuel pump out there that isn't $200 dollars?
  15. that is the goal for mine this year, i'm at 92,670 right now. then another 8,200 after that n i will have put 100k on mine since i bought it after the deer motorcycle accident.
  16. i have a real lik'n for potosi rootbeer. made in potosi wi. north of debuque iowa, right on the river. can get it in bottles or half gallons. team it up with cedar creast icecream, makes an excellent rootbeer float. unfortunately you can only get it right around potosi wi. nice bike ride for me,. can strap a case on the luggage rack on the bike or if i get half gallons, with the saddle bags empty n not to much stuff in the trunk. i can get 13 or 14 half gallons in all the bags n make it home. usually ride up the iowa side n ride the ferry across the mississippi river n then stop in potosi on my way home n load up! wonerful motorcycle roads to ride all the way over n back. good all day ride, close to galena on the way depending on which way i go! usually eat in balltown iowa, great place to eat n very senic ride!!!!!🍦
  17. nice!!! glad you got out for a ride!!!! we're slated to get a little s___ again today! damn!
  18. LOOKS like a nice ride for a harley! sorry' harley's just don't do nothin for me. hope she has many great miles and adventures on it!
  19. thoughts n prayers sent up for you! hope all goes well!👍
  20. just make sure you put the new one in as the old one comes out. i made a mistake putting in a new starter relay n it screwed other stuff up, so just pay attention to how the old one is wired when you take it out. jusy a little friendly warn'n.
  21. congrats ragtop! it,ll be a great addition to the bike!👍
  22. prayers up for your wife n you! pray,n for a good outcome!
  23. i'm still riding my 06 blackcherry venture. plan is to put n100,000 on it! got bout 20,000 to go. gonna ride till i can't hold up 2 wheels anymore n then go to a trike! already try'd a slingshot, fun run but to low to the ground! to hard to get in and out of. ni'll put my hat in, wagner grill guard would be a great addition to my bike!!!!!
  25. PRAYERS SENT!!!!!!
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