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Everything posted by Thurber

  1. took mine in a year before it failed as was wet and grimey at bottom of shock.also squeeky.Only had the bike a few weeks but dealerI bought it from said it ws fine and charged me for looking at it as nothing was wrong so not a warrenty issue.Of course the shock failed a few months after warrenty was up.Called Yamaha and told them i went to have it repaired under warrenty and the dealer said it was fine.Yamaha would not cover it as i did not have an invoice.I told them that you dont get a work order when no work is done.Yamaha refused to do anything about it.Run a works shock now as the stock venture shock is still known to fail.By the way AlanticMotoplex dieppe newbrunswick was the dealer.Just a heads up. Love my venture but not very pleased with yahama Thurber
  2. Hello everyone Out on a ride today and went to shift down and couldnt without reving the engine.also when in first gear,and stopped,bike kept moving forward with clutch lever squeezed tight.Seems to be a lot of play in the lever as well.Checked the resivour and was full. any ideas.if it was cable driven i would say stretched cable but at a loss with hydrolic clutch any ideas Thanks
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