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  • Name


  • Location
    Edgerton, OH, United States


  • City
    Edgerton, OH


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding, Bowhunting, Packer Football
  • Bike Year and Model
    '04 Midnight Venture

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  1. My '04 just hit 16,000.
  2. Thanks for all the great advice. You guys make owning a RSV a great decision!!
  3. Bought a 2004 RSV a little over a year ago. Has a little under 14k miles. Only real maintenance I've done is put on new tires, oil changes and ran Seafoam through a couple of times. Have no real knowledge of what the previous owner did as far as maintenance. Was thinking I should take it in to the dealer for a good going over. Any suggestions on things I should definitely have done?
  4. Looking for a complete set of pillowtops if anyone has some for sale.
  5. Where did you buy your pillowtops?
  6. Can you tell me where to find the ad for the upgrade kit? Thanks!!
  7. Just bought our first Venture. It is a 2004 Midnight. It still has the original studded seat. My wife is only 5' 2'' tall. The back rest is really uncomfortable for her. Any suggestions on padding for the area between the passenger seat and the backrest??
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