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Everything posted by pmelah

  1. thats one of those hydro steer trailers cool to pull behind but can create big problems if you dont know what your doing ask me how i know
  2. i would do that for the right price but i got to be tied off every step of the way up now to get the leg working
  3. MS has the law and im glad
  4. yes you have to create an acount
  5. ok i just removed my name from the list not that i could provide much help now anyway
  6. not yet im still looking at 3 to 6 months i have put in calls to a couple agencies like MS Vocational Rehab and they all say the same thing i need to be released from the doctor and my current employer will not release me to collect unemployment they are afraid i will not return to them. i told them i wont if i dont have a place to live because i cant pay my bills with no income. they asked me about my savings and i informed them that is all gone. im currently looking for something i can do but with the economy being the way it is and my limitations is tough.
  7. Thank you to all the members here that have sent me donations to help me thru my rough times. my electric is back on and my house note is paid thru March next payment due in April all of you have been a tremendous help. i also have enough to get my physical therapy started which requires a 50.00 deposit and i start next week now to get the leg working so i can use the shifter on the 1st gen
  8. nice now thats a VMAX :cool10::cool10:
  9. i wanted one just like that just cant find anyone to do windows:whistling:.....and:no-no-no::no-no-no: i dont do windows .... nice house now wheres the garage
  10. looks like you wont be going anywhere for more than a couple years after you finish then you have to start cleaning all those windows :stirthepot:
  11. thats great i would like in on this but got to wait till im back to work and this might be over with by then but its all good its for the children the best cause ever i hope it raises over 10k that would be awsome
  12. i would take you up on that but (yes there is allways a but) ill be in physical therapy 3 days a week then working the leg so i can ride again tues., thurs., and sat. good thing about that is (she)therapist rides and said we will get you riding again no matter what:cool10::cool10:
  13. :buttkick::smash2::bang head::duck: you got me :rotf:
  14. Miles i dont think you have enough 1st gens out there to pull all those 2nd gens to MD day in OH reguardles of how mant tow ropes you have :crackup:
  15. :Happy Birthday:
  16. My way is to time consuming and the tools needed a dremel polish tool mothers polish and baby powder and a tooth brush put the polish on then the baby powder (it sucks the moisture out ) then start rubbing and polishing
  17. Now that's a with while cause KenP I believe DragonRider could get more money in donations for a raffel of the bike than the actual value of the bike intern giving more moneys to St. Jude just my observation its your bike do as you see fit as either way its going to a worthy cause for the children:bighug:
  18. yup thats what it is.... i cant afford it so i didnt ask i just want one for Christmass and new years and my BDay and Easter and 4th of July and MD Day and and ill think of some more days later but it is awsome .....oh yea there this hot Red Head at therapy (i start next thur.)i can chase around with/on one of these :stirthepot::stirthepot:
  19. happy birthday 5 years old what a good fun age
  20. now thats awsome i need one of those
  21. question what part number is that i cant find it in the yamy parts man. and what years fit what ..... on the surgury prayin for your speedy recovery
  22. great news im not diabetic but my dad is and he wont listen anymore but at 76 who does mom has it to she is type2 takes no meds keeps everything under control thru diet and exersize and she is a young 66 heck 2 days after her stints were put in she was up and running against doc orders doc still shaking his head in disbelief at her recovery just keep it up and you will be out running the 20 something kkids soon :stirthepot::fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo
  23. i have plenty of bailing wire so im good there i plan on having the fastes 2nd gen i just have to figure out how to make the tow rope to the 1st gen pulling it invisable :whistling::rotf::rotf:
  24. change your password my yahoo account was hijacked last year i caght as it was happening changed the password and fixed that problem also yahoo sent me an email of the problem hijack to my other email account
  25. ok my printer ran out of ink on the first ticket for Beat the Newbie
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