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Everything posted by spitfire9

  1. OK I found some stuff out, and came up with more questions. The main big plug on the back of the dash is 9 pin, not 17, and there is another smaller 14 pin connector. The colors on the chart given match though. All values with engine off, ignition on. Yellow/green stripe(HL-LO) to Green(HL-LO). Plugged-in .26V drop when switched on. Unplugged, 0V high beam switched, 11.76V lo beam switched. Green/red stripe(HL-HI) to yellow/red stripe(HL-HI). Plugged-in .24V drop switched on. Unplugged, 0V lo beam switched, 11.76V Hi beam switched. Yellow to yellow/blk stripe (brake). Unhooked- 0V, then 11.76V with pedal depressed. (I think) that the headlight and brake switches are giving a clean connection. When I played around with fusebox, my tach decided to get lively. I had great fun revving the crap out of it in the garage and listening to the pipes sing. So I unhooked the battery and pulled fuses, cleaning contacts and squeezing the fuse grips together a little. Reconnected everything and tach less lively. Sigh. No change in dash errors. The errors all light up when I plug in the smaller plug, so I guess thats the next step. I also need to look at that oil switch wire, along with completely redoing the fusebox, which is actually laying on top of the battery, and has 2 1-1/4" fuses where they should be 20mm.
  2. Could that switch cause an error light and the headlight still operate? I downloaded the pdf's on the cleaning, but haven't had time yet to get into it again. Think I will have time tonight if I can stand 104F in the garage. Hey what's the melting point of a Venture, anyway?
  3. Thanks a bunch, Bkuhr. I appreciate the pin out diagram. I ran out of sweat for today- its like 95 in my garage. Will check those pins to ground as soon as I can.
  4. Thanks, dingy that must be it. Bkuhr yes it split the boards and resoldered and those large traces. Here's a weird clue maybe- I started it and all 4 came on, then I revved it and the headlamp went out and stayed out.
  5. Sigh- no luck so far. I took the dash out and resoldered all of the pins where the main plug comes into the display, cleaned all connections with contact cleaner and its still goofy. The display itself works properly, but something still telling it to throw kickstand, oil and brakes as well as warning led blinking. It has come and gone a couple of times and sometimes the headlamp warning comes on too. I took it out to open it up yesterday and rode it up to 90mph with all the warning lights on and it ran like a top. Parked it and then restarted it and they were off. Today- on. Also still has the "sluggish" tachometer. One question- is there a relay in the back of the bike somewhere? You can hear a click back there in starting sequence. Compressor? I think the fusebox is next place to start looking. Any other suggestions definitely appreciated.
  6. I like snakes better than most of my neighbors. The one across the street was a coach at a catholic grade school years ago. Last Dec, 15 men came forward accusing him of molestation 20 years ago. No charges, no arrest, just a lot of suspicion.
  7. When I bought my 85 in April it had old dunlop elite I tires on it, and it was all over the place, even on the freeway going straight. New tires made it much more stable and me more confident. Like was said, if running properly it should just scream with power. When new that thing was rated at 10.6 sec, 106 mph in the quarter mile, numbers that many a muscle car would be proud to post. It should not feel like a dog in any way. One thing I had to get used to as compared to my Vulcan v-twin was where the engine is most happy in the rpm range. If you are cruising 50-65, it will be happiest in 4th gear and will feel sluggish in 5th. 5th starts getting way happy at 75, at least on my VR. 40mph curvy up and down roads demand 3rd gear on mine. Seems to wake up good around 3500-4000rpms. Maybe you are lugging it and trying to run it like a v-twin? Just my guess if it's running right and smoothly. Good luck!
  8. I tool my Vulcan wheels off, had a shop remove the tires, bearings, valve stems etc, and shipped them to Chrome Pros about 18 months ago. I did have to jack around with one guy on the phone who tried to suddenly raise the price from the original quote, but he relented. Got them back and they look just beautiful. The chrome job was very nice. But- they do seem like a mom and pop shop. Cousin Larry tells you one thing, and Billy Bob does the other. Sorry you had such a disagreeable experience with them.
  9. Yeah, I've always been partial to the "french nails" look myself. Gonna also do this... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33328
  10. Thanks, bkuhr, I did verify that the hi-lo beam is working perfectly, and the kickstand switch was also killing the bike in 1st gear. Appreciate the locations of plugs. Now I just went out to look it over again, and lo and behold, all systems are normal. This morning I rode my cruiser to work because it was still acting goofy for the third day. I guess somewhere there is a loose connection in the dash. Like you said, I'm pretty sure 4 faults didn't suddenly occur (and now go away.) I will take the front end apart (gulp) this weekend and use contact cleaner everywhere. hopefully no mousetraps are necessary.
  11. Bookmarkig this one... thats my next project after electrical issue figured out. Good luck, Orlin.
  12. I hadn't ridden my 83 VR for a couple weeks due to extreme temps outside. I checked the oil and it was fine, rode to the store with no problems, but got hit with a slew of LCD displays on the way home. The kickstand, brake, oil and headlight pictographs are all on constantly, and the red warning light flickers brighter the faster I rev. I got home and rechecked oil- ok. Lights all operate, charging system at around 14 when running, temp in the mid green, resevoir at proper level. Brake and clutch fluids all clean and full. Runs like a top but I'm worried it's gonna die on me or I will harm the engine. I checked it cold also and have same problem, even without starting the engine. When it runs thru the power-up checks, those LCDs just stay on. Could it be a bad ground in the LCD panel? I read a thread about the repair, but wasn't clear on the symptoms that prompted it.
  13. Wow good story. I think you should change your name to fullycrazedbiker now, hehe.
  14. Been using it now and then myself, for the same reason- price. Seafoam did get the old girl running much better after I bought it and dosed heavily for 500 miles or so.
  15. Man, I had some stupidity rattling around my brain friday and saturday. I think I got it all out, but here's what I did. I wanted to adjust my brakelight to come on sooner when I hit the foot pedal. So- I looked in the pdf manual I bought and found what I thought was "brake light switch" adjustment. So I adjusted it much better. Then I left the acc switch on overnight and killed the battery. Noticed that one 2 hrs before I needed to pick up my daughter and got the charger going. No biggie- all fixed up and she started right up. Got about 4 miles down the hiway and I noticed it had no power. Then it hit me "oh shiyat I adjusted the rear brake too!" I had no tools- NEVER AGAIN! So I called my wife and she came to my rescue. BUT- there was a broken down Ultra classic a mile before me with a cop pulled up behind it. She assumed it was me and pulled in behind him. He turned and walked toward her and she says loudly "that's my husband!" LOL she said it was really embarrassing when a gal emerged from behind the cop car and gave her a look that could kill. Having recovered from the embarrasment and explaining to the cop and riders she wasn't really insane, she drove another mile and finally found me. Luckily I only cooked some pad life, but it was all good once I REadjusted it and let it cool off a half an hour alongsde the freeway. The same nice police officer stopped to see if we were ok, and we chatted bikes for awhile. He even waited with us to make sure we merged back off the shoulder ok. LOL I never accelerated away from a cop so fast legally. So all the drama completed, I picked up my 15yr old girl from her mom's for a nice country ride. We got a mile away and it started pouring rain. Since it was 92 out, that was kind of fun. It stopped, we dried out and later I pulled through an area of really really expensive houses that she likes to look at. I'm talking 4-5 million each. It pays to keep these teens motivated! Rode up a dead end street with no circle and stopped. Was gonna back into a driveway and pull away, but the Venture had other ideas, deciding it was now a good time to lie down and take a nap. Daughter did great, nimbly hopping right off and away once it was apparent the bike wanted a rest. Was impressed at the foresight Yamaha had in putting those wonderful shiny chrome bars that stopped it before it got really ugly. Anyway, emergency tipover-switch test completed, she helped me pick it up and we had a noneventful rest of the ride. My hip hates me today.
  16. My only experience with them was as stock tires on my 900 vulcan, which weighs 585 or so lbs. They lasted about 6000 miles, and that was my last set of them on anything. JMHO, FWIW, YMMV.
  17. LOL mine was off by 5 knots until I cleaned the pitot tube.
  18. I have had nothing but great experiences with them.
  19. I have been running my 85 1200 back and forth to work, 90% highway. Last fillup I computed 46.2 mpg. Thats better than my vulcan 900 gets. Amazed me cause i just bought it 2 months ago and have done nothing to the carbs other than run lots of seafoam for several tankfulls. It does have idle creep when it warms but hope to sort that out soon. Bike has 43k on it.
  20. My 85 has been idling at 900 cold, 1400 hot so I searched and found this thread. Will check the same hose, boots etc. It does seem to run like a top, and after filling up today, I computed the mileage and came up with 46.2mpg on 93 octane. Is that possible? Thats better than my vulcan 900 gets. Anyway, seems there is a thread here for almost any q i come up with! Thanks, vr.org. :-)
  21. I believe it's on "user cp/customize profile" Not sure how all that html stuff workd in there though.
  22. Oh that sucks- sorry to see. At least you didn't lean it into another bike with you in between it- that's my trick.
  23. That's beautiful. Love the black and silver.
  24. Bob says he's shipping me one...
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