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Everything posted by spitfire9

  1. I have an 85 speedo I could send you next week for shipping costs, if you still need one. Came with a cluster I bought for a CMU, and I have never used the speedo. Probably works, though. Let me know if interested.
  2. Thanks guys. Sounds like a good way to go then.
  3. Thinking hard about buying Dmnordin's rebuilt carb set, which is from an 86 1300. Anyone know if it is the same setup as on the 85 1200 I have? I think it is, but hate to drop the $$$ and have a nice set of carbs I can't use. Thx to any and all that answer. I do appreciate you guys/gals. Kevin
  4. My left replacement fairing (my drop crunched my fairing against my other bike) has a very similar scratch to the one yours has on the edge. I was thinking about some kind of stick-on plastichrome to trim out both sides along the edge, but haven't had that aha! moment yet. Still keeping my eyes open for the right trim or stickers. More chromey bling on a loaded VR can't be a bad thing, can it? :wink:
  5. Got the replacement fairing installed. Has a sm crack and some minor paint issues, but more than 3 feet away you can't tell it's not perfect. What a hassle. Had to buy the black side piece that goes up to the mirror and has the vent in it also. I did learn that taking that stuff apart wasn't really all that hard. I expected the swap to be much worse. http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj290/cyprinut/1985%20Venture%20Royale/photo12.jpg
  6. I bought a vent from the same seller a few weeks ago. Very nice and clean. He polished it up to look like new.
  7. I had to search to see what a "worm drive clamp" was. Then I felt really stupid when I saw the pics.
  8. I'd take a decal and a couple of patches.
  9. Oooh thats a good idea. Chalk it up as a good preventative switch inspection every time.
  10. Still waiting here...good ol USPS I presume.
  11. Glad it wasn't any worse, tz.
  12. Holy cow I finally found the exact same fairing, year and color, with only 1 small crack in it on ebay. Only took 4 months but I knew it would show up if I kept waiting and looking. Happydance!
  13. That's a really nice looking color. How do you decide which one to ride?
  14. Hey that's pretty.
  15. Glad you're ok and missed that beast. I have heard the advice that if an animal runs in front of you and it's small enough to eat in one sitting, don't risk an accident trying to dodge it. That never applied to turtles, I bet. Or armadillos for that matter.
  16. Very nice.
  17. "Met" him on the phone a couple weeks ago. Very nice, informative guy. Thew info at me I had no idea to even ask for. Hope everything is good and you're just busy Earl.
  18. Here's one for $58, anodized aluiminum. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Oil-Filter-Adapter-plate-83-93-Yamaha-Venture-Clear-Anodized-/261045385834?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cc7847a6a
  19. Got a spare left upper fairing?
  20. What a great idea. Is the 2006 fuel injected?
  21. My buddy had that happen while clearing brush. Hope you feel better tomorrow, and glad it wasn't any worse. With the drought and heat we had in MO this year, I have never seen so many yellow jackets and paper-hanger wasps in my life. I guess they liked it hot.
  22. Wow I wasn't expecting $95. I think I'll pass on that one. Thanks for the info though!
  23. Knee on wheel, txting on iPhone, in fast lane going 55- St. Louis.
  24. Yeah I guess it's a silver-gold, whatever that is, lol. I call it tan! I'd love to find the right color, but just finding ANY decent fairing uppers without a bunch of cracks is difficult. Since my "forget the kickstand, just drop it onto the Vulcan's fork tube" incident, the fairing is slowly cracking worse and worse, and last week the rear corner chunk just fell right out. I do like the suspension stiff for better handling. Didn't know Marilyn Chambers was ever pure in any way, hehe. Interesting tidbit of info. I guess the hollywood acting career didn't work out like she had planned. Or maybe it did.
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