Hello, I am new to this site and will likely be joining soon as there is very good information here for $12.00 a year. My question is, I have a 05 midnight venture with 45,000 miles. I bought the bike a few months ago and changed the oil and bleed the fluids. ie clutch, brakes. When the bike is cool the shifting is perfect but if I get into traffic with stop and go it gets difficult to downshift. If I rev the engine a little it will shift better.
By the way, this doesn't always happen. Sometimes it will shift normal even in traffic but mostly it will not shift as I would like. Is this normal or what should I look for to help with the issue? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I have upgraded the clutch spring already because the clutch was slipping when I got the bike. Just changed the oil again; went from Mobile 1 to Rotella T synthetic just to try something different, No change in performance after the change.
Thanks again!!