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  • Location
    Mobile, Al, United States


  • City
    Mobile, Al


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    05 Royal Star Venture Midnight

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  1. Worked like a charm!!!
  2. I read where the 1156 bulb would replace the rear turn signal but it doesn't seem to fit. Can someone tell me what bulbs will work form say autozone, etc? the 1156 doesn't have the offset pins like the stock bulb. Thanks for any assistance..
  3. What clutch upgarde did you do? I am curious if it is the same as me. I added the heavy duty spring and removed one clutch disc. Just curious if this is possibly an issue with mine? Thanks
  4. Well unfortuntely the problem still exist. Rode the bike on a decent ride yesterday and the same issues as before with the shifting. Not sure what to do at this time. Guess I will try a different oil on the next oil change. Thanks again for all the assistance. Todd
  5. Thanks again for all the suggestions most of which I had already tried. However, I decided that today i would try bleeding the clutch again. I did this very slowly and bled the clutch several times. Almost a half of a pint I ran through the system. Afterwards, I took the bike for a short ride and the clutch felt great. The gears shifted with ease even at a stopped position which in the past was difficult. I didn't get to ride long enough to get the engine really hot which is where the shifting usually gives me more issues, but I hope to try it out soon. I will post my results once I see how it performs. Thanks again, Todd
  6. Thanks for the quick replies. I have bled the clutch fluid but it was manual with no vacuum bleeder. I suppose i could try it again. I have tried the clutch lever tied to the handle bar over night but without loosening the MC lid. I have ridden less than 1000 miles since the last oil change. Yes I did clean and sand the clutch plates. the reservoir is just above the sight glass adn it looks clean.
  7. Hello, I am new to this site and will likely be joining soon as there is very good information here for $12.00 a year. My question is, I have a 05 midnight venture with 45,000 miles. I bought the bike a few months ago and changed the oil and bleed the fluids. ie clutch, brakes. When the bike is cool the shifting is perfect but if I get into traffic with stop and go it gets difficult to downshift. If I rev the engine a little it will shift better. By the way, this doesn't always happen. Sometimes it will shift normal even in traffic but mostly it will not shift as I would like. Is this normal or what should I look for to help with the issue? Thanks in advance for any assistance. I have upgraded the clutch spring already because the clutch was slipping when I got the bike. Just changed the oil again; went from Mobile 1 to Rotella T synthetic just to try something different, No change in performance after the change. Thanks again!!
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