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Everything posted by JohnT

  1. Back awhile ago, a group of Pekin, Illinois bikers were riding west on I-74 when they saw a girl about to jump off the Murray Baker Bridge . So they stopped. George, their leader, a big burly man of 53, gets off his Harley, walks through a group of gawkers, past the State Trooper who was trying to talk her down off the railing, and says, "Hey baby.....whatcha doin' up there on that railing'?" She says tearfully, "I'm going to commit suicide!!" While he didn't want to appear 'sensitive', George also didn't want to miss this 'be-a-legend' opportunity either so he asked..."Well, before you jump, honey-babe... Why don't you give ole George here your best last kiss?" So, with no hesitation at all, she leaned back over the railing and did just that.... And it was a long, deep, lingering kiss followed immediately by another even better one. After they breathlessly finished, George gets a big thumbs-up approval from his biker-buddies, the onlookers, and even the State Trooper, and then says, "Wow! That was the best kiss I have ever had, honey! That's a real talent you're wasting, sugar shorts. You could be famous if you rode with me. Why the hell are you committing suicide?" "My parents don't like me dressing up like a girl." It's still unclear whether she jumped or was pushed.
  2. So that the relatively small woofer isn't trying to reproduce low level bass it is incapable of. I do recomend them. That very same speaker sounded good in my bike till I made a habit of over driving them some. Look at the low frequency spec of the speakers and chose a blocker that closely matches their spec. I highly recommend Crutchfield as both a place to purchase audio gear and for their sound advice. (pun may or may not be intended)They will be happy to make sure you buy the right one. Just ask them. They provide a level of customer care that is second to none. And if you ever get a bad piece of gear from them you will be amazed at their customer care then. I have never actually gotten a bad piece of gear from them. I thought my amp was bad last year, but oddly enough it turned out I made a mistake.
  3. For the record, it is still snowing and night temps are still in the SINGLE digits here in NNY. And it is still snowing just off the Tug Hill. Last Saturday I had to shovel the last 60 or so feet of my driveway because the white cement that fell and drifted to 2+ feet in places was to heavy and wet for a snowblower. That little girlie scraper he had in his hand is not a shovel. It is a toy given to small children to let them think they are helping Dad clear snow. Or for the wife to clear the back steps. I don't even want to ride my snowmobile anymore. It has been winter here, real winter, since sometime in late November or very early December. No let up. 200 inches here. Double that almost on the Hill (Tug Hill Plateau) It just plain sucks. :bang head::bang head: Oh, and to make things just real peachy, since Christmas I have driven just 30,656 miles though all of it. (Not counting personal mileage) My winter run is a line through the snow belt. Try 40 mile stretches at walking speed to 15 miles an hour. One snow event I actually turned off my headlights and ran on park lights to cut down on reflection off the wall of snow. Why did I not get off Rt 81 at that time? I literally could not find the off ramps. Can't stop, can't fnd a ramp, hard to go forward. Find the left hand rumble strip and continue. Drove on closed highways 3 times this winter. Twice they closed while I was on them, and it is just as easy to continue as it is to find a place to hole up. Once I drove past the signs and continued north. It was still clear and passable. I got off at exit 38N and am damn glad I did. Just few miles later I crossed "the line". For those not familiar with "lake effect" snow bands they are just that. A band, a line in the snow. In a mile they go from grey skies to as much as 3 to 6 inches an hour. I made it home driving around cars that just stopped and some that should have. Part of me still has fun with the stress and challenge of nasty nasty winter driving. And pride in the 40 years of driving skills and judgement that make me able to push on. Withut ever wrecking myself or anyone else. And have never left a myself or a vehicle stranded. The rest of me HAS HAD ENOUGH!! Getting off of and putting away the
  4. I have yet to install mine yet. The one I bought has basically a pipe nipple that threads into the plate and of course into the enging. I was contemplating using red loctite on the nipple to adapter union and blue on the nipple to engine union. Thoughts? I just don't want the plate to loosen unless I want it to.
  5. Ouch, I will stick with my mittens. I can see my snowmobile clothing getting some extra duty during the early and late season.
  6. This thread makes me glad I live in blizzard country. I did live in Tulsa for a year. After seeing a funnel near my apartment I left shortly thereafter. Guess I am just a sissy.
  7. That was my third thought. Behind the freezer and then the drill and screw idea.
  8. Um, just bought a battery for my 1998 Ford Taurus. Talk about sticker shock! 650 CCA plain old car battery. $108 And that is the going rate for this very ordinary average size battery. I shopped around a bit when I recovered from my fainting spell.
  9. Found them, fuel injected them, and onto the showroom floor.
  10. I chose this last summer to buy a snowmobile. Got an older used Arctic Cat 600 cc trail sled. I have had a ball on it every time I have ridden it. Forgot how much fun it can be. And yes, relived some "younger moments" driving a bit fast , jumping banks, rolling it on it's side in deep powder, and such. And it has been a long, long riding season. I have HAD ENOUGH WINTER!
  11. Very cool indeed. Congratulations. Way to stick it out and make it happen. And remember that is how it is. You stuck it out, you kept at it, and you are making it happen. The rest is now a matter of time.
  12. JohnT

    coolant leak

    My first spring owning my 86 I saw a puddle under her on first start up. It is a sort of known issue and resolved itself as soon as the engine warmed a bit. Never a problem for the balance of the season.
  13. One morning a dude in Hanover PA passed me on the right (I was in the left lane to make a turn), cut me off, then turned into the station I was going to for coffee. I was lucky enough to be in time to hold the door open for him to enter the station. As he did so, I asked if it was true? He asked," what? " And I replied,"Is it true that the first thing they do at the BMW dealer was to suck out every remaining bit of common sense and good manners?" I can't print his reply here. As we spent the next few minutes in close proximity I tried to keep our pleasant little conversation going. It was a one sided affair by this time though.
  14. Ya don't have to ride her hard really. But the products mentioned are the first step for sure. It may very well be all that is needed.When I got mine it had only seen 7000 miles in the previous 20 years. I store it now with Seafoam, Stabil, and a touch of Marvel Mystery Oil.
  15. Now if only I could get my 1st Gen to handle at the speed it is capable of. Starts getting freaky on me at about 110. So that makes top gear a moot point more or less. Seat of my pants tells me it is from the fairing, an aero wobble. I keep thinking about removing the windscreen for a pass to see if that helps. Then I could go to Tejas and visit my brother for a cruise down this highway. LOL go to Tejas, get a ticket.
  16. Just an idea here. One of the items I deliver is called a shadow box. Pretty much a deep picture frame. In addition to the shirt you arrange other items that go with the thought in the deep frame.
  17. Somehow it doesn't seem so cold in Northern NY right now.
  18. My friend, that is the part that is getting OLD. I don't know whether to or . I din't actually check the temp, cold is cold and we aren't going to beat the -37F (without the wind chill) national record we set a while ago. I hope.
  19. Just looked, Redfield NY is now at 297" for this winter. We've got another month to go. Glad I bought a snowmobile last summer. First winter with a sled in 8 or 9 years.
  20. Check out my neck of the woods. Google Tug Hill snowfall. From 2007 Unofficially, the squalls have dumped 12 feet, 2 inches of snow at Redfield. If accurate, that would break the state record of 10 feet, 7 inches of snow that fell in nearby Montague over seven days ending Jan. 1, 2002, said Steve McLaughlin, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Buffalo. Residents of this hardy upstate New York village seem unfazed. Redfield, whose economy thrives on snowmobilers and cross-country skiers, receives an annual average of 270 inches — more than 22 feet. The hamlet of Hooker holds the state's one-year record with 466.9 inches, about 39 feet, in winter 1976-77. This year we have had repeated storms of 22" plus in 24 hours. Child's play. Just a good old fashioned NNY winter. Last Sunday I spent the day on my old (1999) Arctic Cat running off groomed trails in waist deep powder. There is something about rolling a sled over at a 45 degree angle at 50 mph, left, right, left, right, through the snow that is surreal. You float sort of. Hard to explain. But if you get it stuck,,,,,,,
  21. Nope, not just you. It almost is driving me nuts at times.
  22. I am going out tomorrow on a snowmobile that has about the same coverage / wind protection as my VR. I'll be out all day. But then again, I have a full coverage helmet and a 2 piece snowmobile suit. If it weren't for the road salt I could ride the bike. Once the salt is off the roads, the snowmobile suit will see double duty.
  23. Legalize it, no question. I first smoked pot at the age of 14. In the 41 years since I have gone as long as 4 years without smoking. It should be treated just like alcohol. Even though I feel it is less dangerous. Gateway to other drugs? Poppycock. It just ain't so. It's the individual person who may go to other drugs. Remember alcohol is a drug. Makes no more sense than thinking a bourbon habit will lead to smoking crack. Did I ever try other drugs? Yes, the list is embarrassing. Did they "stick"? No. I made choices. But, if I could drive without having to pass random drug screens, my drinking would decrease a bit and my weed intake would increase. A bit.
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