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Everything posted by JohnT

  1. But that bike is faster than a 2nd Gen.
  2. Where did everyone find the parts to eliminate the CLASS change to fill valves? That is the route I want to take. I have tried 2 auto parts stores with no luck. I have other plans for the dash area the (now non working) CLASS controller sits. And the area under the seat occupied by the compressor may just make a nifty spot for my amp and head unit.
  3. :happy65:Happy Happy Birthday!!!! (ya you)
  4. What on earth is a "color tune"?
  5. Cover your nos when you do that Mister!
  6. I did just buy a nice Best Buddy XL so my is shot.
  7. JohnT

    Speed Traps

    The Virginia info in the Rt 1, King St., and Quaker Lane info is spot on. I drive that area weekly for work. The motorcycle cops sit on the side street while their com-padre stands on the corner with radar.
  8. Well, it looks like we will get a chance to see if this is a good trailer. A friend in Ohio just opted to get a toy hauler and tow the Hardly Davidson instead of towing a trailer with camping gear. It was brand new last year and used just 3 times. $500. I was going to get a HF Tag Along, but this deal is just better. At least on paper.
  9. " it continues to end up in hands that have a sense of dignity and honor for what it represents.. WOW,, what an honor.." They could not have chosen a more deserving new owner.
  10. There is that, eh?
  11. It may just mean I really like the sound my bike makes. I just sit there with my bike sounding like a sewing machine, An 800 pound, 90 horsepower sewing machine. If you can hear it over the stereo.
  12. How in the he]] did I never notice that? One thing that has room for improvement on mine is mirrors. I'd like them up and out a bit.
  13. So, I'm cruising to my friend's house to use his air compressor. My tires were in BAD need of it. As I'm about a block away I see a bike coming. Turns out to be a 1st Gen! So I turn around and catch up to a guy from Lowville on his 87. We chat a bit, he is a member here whose user name I can't remember. We end up at my friends house talking bikes. Ya meet the nicest people an a VR.
  14. Fixed it for ya. Like anyone was gonna buy into that.
  15. I got that lecture once. It was a very,,,,intense explanation. Picture was of me with one of the shoe models in Kingston.
  16. Trade the bike for a 1st Gen. They come with a center stand that works nicely. You can adjust to the superior handling and added power of a 1st Gen.
  17. Motorcycles? My mind went elsewhere,,,,
  18. But then again, a 1st Gen battery would have to be on the handlebars to be any higher.
  19. And, doesn't the 2nd Gen carry some weight higher up? Isn't the gas tank actually up under what is a 1st Gen "tank cover"?
  20. Great, now I want more lights on mine,,,,,
  21. Would a set up like this draw enough load to "fool" the blown headlight warning circuit? Or does the board still need to be soldered?
  22. "There is a "regular" bulb that will significantly improve your night illumination. It is a Wagner BP1210H4 " "I had one in mine until I got scared reading about the wires possibly being to small to carry that load." I am using this. https://www.denniskirk.com/piaa/h4-high-performance-halogen-bulb-xtreme-white.p22387.prd/22387.sku It is however a $49 head light bulb. Vast improvement over stock bulb. Longevity is good, it is in it's second bike and is 4 or 5 yeas old.
  23. Just got double good news from my insurance agent. My policy is due in May and was quite surprised. First I get to leave Progressive. Not fond of some of their politics and HATE Flo and her commercials. Second, Minimum liability and ($3000) collision with comp and personal injury my insurance is going to be $50 a year.
  24. Now that is just plain rubbing it in. The light snow has stopped but the freaking wind has not. I hear we are forecast for 12" of snow during the month of April. Wherever my friend gets his weather info this winter it has been spot on.
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