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Everything posted by JohnT

  1. At least the whine is coming from the bike. They are easier to fix than human whining.
  2. Passionate kiss, like spider web, leads to undoing of fly. (If yer lucky) Lady who goes camping must beware of evil intent. (Bet on that)
  3. Puc, Mama and I would like riding with you two. Keep the story coming.
  4. Steamer, the only bad part of 220 is from PA line in NY to Pensdale. There it merges with 180. From 17 / 86 in NY you can try 14 till it comes together with 15/220/180 near Montoursville and Williamsport. I haven't run it but it goes where you want to go. One thing that surprises me about that area is the number of "shoe show" / "adult ballet" establishments that are there. And no, I haven't been into a single one of them. :no-no-no: Yet. :whistling:
  5. Oh My God No! The 220 through PA SUCKS to high heaven. Unless you happen to like roads that are beat to death by, and packed end to end with, trucks hauling fracking waste and equipment over a road they have destroyed. (as in hydro fracking, not a euphemism for a cuss word) This is from the PA border to the junction of 220/180 at Pensdale. I used to run it from Pensdale to NY every week. I now take 15. 15 is a very nice ride. If I were going to head the VR down through PA I would run maybe 15 (highway) or take a look at 14 (secondary road) In NY Rt 81 to 13 to 17/86. Then pick either 15 or 14. Now I haven't been on 220 in almost 2 years, Thank God. They may have totally repaired the entire stretch by now. And found another route for the fracking traffic.
  6. I'm glad someone else said that. I have a friend who has 3 trailers. He has one trailer plate. Not one of his trailers has ever been to a NYS inspection station. I have, I mean he has ever had a problem.
  7. There was a pretty cool gathering at (can't remember name) a bar on Rt 28. Lots of Harleys of course and quite a few crotch rockets, BMW adventure touring and old rice burners. Including 2 other 1st Gen Mk II's. A blue on blue and a black and gold with much pin striping. I couldn't find the riders. (was only there about an hour or so) Was it anyone here? Was a good time. Nice bikes, good and reasonably priced food, Jack Daniels girls and other assorted smoking hot ladies, non stop music, and all sort of other fun stuff.
  8. This thread refuses to die. So, I send the payment to Lewis and the shipping to Gary?
  9. " Then there was the ATC which, quite rightly I think, was banned for being too dangerous." Oh my God! They were a vehicle that could swap ends or roll over in a heart beat under the right circumstances. Like if they were moving faster than 20 MPH. I rode one for 1 season before going to a quad. You want to talk about some SPECTACULAR wrecks.
  10. The way I am day dreaming of going the Spyder route is to make a front end like a sport 4 wheeler (Quad, ATV, whatever you call them in your area. Here, they are wheelers) On a Honda 300 EX I had I put wider A arms from 400 EX and a buddy made the upper arms adjustable. Once dialed in it was stable at speed and great for fire roads or even track use. It was tough in tight woods trails though. I don't think it would be all that tough to make the conversion with a street bike. Style it like a sport ATV. Get the caster, and the shock angle right and down the road it goes. The good news is I know a NYS inspection station that will sticker anything with a valid registration if need be. The bad news is I don't heal so quickly any more. The test pilot phase could be, interesting. The bad news is that this will probably never happen due to financial constraints. My wallet says if I can't ride 2 wheels I will have to put on training wheels.
  11. Oh, and by the way, that should leave a very nice mark. For at least a year or so. Why would I think this? Last year I backed toward my bike from the gas pump. In shorts. Still have a spot that looks like a faint, shiny bruise.
  12. I actually had to check to be sure that I didn't post that.
  13. Just got back in from the road. (working SUCKS) $ sent
  14. I think gravity has gotten stronger over the years. No matter what happens now, it hurts more. Hope you feel better soon.
  15. Right here. I saw the $220 first hand in Rome last weekend. They wanted $180 for an ME880. $137 is right in line with what I pay for an ME880
  16. My buddy is having good luck with his Kenda Cruz. $294 for an E3? :mo money:I thought the $220 :mo money:I saw in Rome the other day was horrible. If they don't last for 20,000 miles they are simply not worth installing. I know a lot of folks here swear by them and I sure don't want to sound off like a jack ass, but man oh man. That is serious coin. for $300 I can buy 3 Kenda Cruz or 2 Metzler ME880.
  17. Pretty risky on his part. Stopping for a hitchhiker and all.
  18. When the slave cylinder leaks it drips on top of the exhaust collector and evaporates. You may not even see any evidence of leakage.
  19. Cowpuc, I bet you've heard this before. Ol' son, you just ain't right.
  20. We NY folks need to hang together. I'm tossing $20 into Bob's pot and it goes where his goes.
  21. Cowpuc, you are amazing.
  22. I can always take a quick trip to Ravena Ohio. How close is that to you Gary? I've got a trailer to pick up out there at some point. My best intentions are to get out there before Carl's event. But the way I'm (not) getting my chores done here lately,,,
  23. A start http://raleigh.craigslist.org/mcy/4434823765.html http://knoxville.craigslist.org/bar/4388252811.html
  24. 2 years ago next month I found my 86 with just over 20,000 on the odometer. They are still out there.
  25. If I let the fluid get to low (slight slave leak) neutral gets hard to find.
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