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About yuckly

  • Birthday 09/11/1968

Personal Information

  • Name
    pete yuckly


  • Location
    Wilmington, NC, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    motorcycles, hard rock heavy metal, music, bbq'ing, tattoos
  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe
  1. Cowpuc was correct- Dyna 3000 is the ignition module. Yes, basically i am comparing syn and dino. I am NOT recommending Valvoline 10w-40. Engine was too noisy. I WAS recommending Maxim 10w-60 BEFORE i got the clutch replaced, as it made the engine quiet. (I would LOVE to go back to this oil, but i am afraid that the clutch will slip and do not want to introduce that possibility. I hate changing oil every 3k...) I AM recommending Maxim V-Twin 20w-50 after getting clutch replaced because it is not allowing the clutch to slip. I hope this clears up the confusion. I am not a mechanic, but just sharing my experiences and trying to explain them as clearly as possible for others to consider. Thanks!
  2. dude! that bike is sooo nice! damn!
  3. I worked on the RSTD yesterday. Pulled the baffles and wrapped them. I like the way the packing changed the "note of the exhaust' but I think that I will have to put more in. Quiet it down even more. We are doing 170+ miles today so i will have a better idea of the overall effect that the quieter pipes have on my ears on longer rides.
  4. THe voyage is a really cool looking bike! This guy does a nice job explaining the features of the bike, especially the cooling system for the rider.
  5. tomorrow i will be working on the RSTD at the local shop. New wheel bearing in front and gonna pack those slip ons. as mentioned above somewhere, I love the pipes I have - aesthetically! ha ha!! I just totally forgot that i had the muffler packing to quiet the noise a bit from the cockpit. My buddy told me that he did it and it really helped with the racket at higher speeds. So we will try that and it will help I am sure. I had the stock pipes on there when i first got the bike, then drilled them out as per the threads here (Stage 1??) I also have a set of Street Glide pipes in the rafters. BJ66 - I love a Road Glide! They have a murdered out one that is really mean at one of our local dealers $20k. I don't doubt that I would love that bike. I am glad you like yours! SOme of the other thing that I failed to mention in my original post was that I was interested in EFI and Belt Drive. MOST bikes have had EFI for ten years, and the belt drive eliminated the shaft lash.
  6. MikeG: I am thinking that I would also want an RSV for the long haul!! I know that addition of the tour pack and fairing make it top heavy compared to the RSTD. Just keep the RSTD for the daily commute- BRILLIANT!! Thanks also to Barrycuda concerning the Vulcan. vn2000 would be the only thing i would consider. Love how massive it is! I appreciate your input into this discussion. I like the vulcan line as well, but I am mostly just pro-metric!
  7. O yes!!! Great Idea. I try to always include pictures and/or videos with my posts! I am going to add that packing for sure, but will need to go to the shop and get some assistance getting the baffles out. That 2hrs I spent last nite did not produce any results... just frustration. Those baffles were in there good! I will report back when i get that handled!
  8. Thanks for your responses cowpuc and big Lenny! I hear you on the history and innovation that HD had had on the mc world. I will get on that Vulcan 2000 on the next few days and give a report. I worked on the rstd for 2 hours when I got home today trying to get some Fiberglas packing around my baffles in tthe baron touring pipes. Totally forgot that a former rstd owner told me to do this and gave me the packing. Maybe it will make enough of a difference at higher speeds??
  9. I appreciate the response and your enthusiasm cowpuc!! Good things to think about! Which reminds me that I was also wanting to go to EFI and a belt drive which is another reason that the Vulcan was attractive. I demoed a Strat... no likey. Demoed a Raider and was all smiles. Fun bike to ride! What it really comes down to I guess is the high revs of the tranny on the RSTD that gets on my nerves. I will continue to kick it around and see what really rocks my world. I will not get rid of the RSTD! I will get the twin and see which I like more. If the twin doesn't hack it, i will sell it and have my ol' RSTD to get back on. I see that my friends in the club are CONSTANTLY... literally CONSTANTLY working on their bikes. not just to improve them, but to fix them.Always... And the shop charges an arm and a leg and 9/10 it has to go back due to crappy service. I do not think for a SECOND that HD is the answer. I am open to all possibilities, but i am borderline anti-HD... I would find a Vulcan 2000 that someone has done a bit to in respect to seat and other light touring amenities. it is just fun to think about the possibilities...
  10. Good fit for me at 67.5 wheelbase - meaning the RSTD. Yeah, i am aware that the seat would have to go. I hear what you are saying about the stock mufflers, but i guess that is not a consolation that I am willing to make. As i had said, I am very happy with the bike up to 70 mph. (or 65.5 mph actually.. haha!) I have been disappointed before thinking that I wanted another bike. Most notably, the Victory Vision. I thought that was going to rock my world, but i left the test ride disappointed. I test rode a 2015 CVO Street Glide (not even CLO$E to an option) You can keep it thanks... The same could happen with the Vulcan. I have an acquaintance that has one, so I will get to test ride it. it may simply come down to the fact that I want a v-twin? I will not know until i ride them and consider the pros and cons. I ride the RSTD everyday and love a lot of things about the around town ride. I just thought that I could get some input from someone that has made the switch, or has both a V4 and the twin. Just a conversation. Appreciate your responses.
  11. I assume that you mean back to stock? I think that it more the transmission. I have great slip -ons, Barons Custom Touring
  12. Hello Venture Riders! here is the thing, LOVE my 05 RSTD! Ride it daily to commute and ride all alllll weekend long around NC and SC with my club. Put a buncha $$ in it, got it running right. D3K. slip ons. trinkets. I like the power, sound, it's a beautiful paint scheme, classic lines, etc. etc. The only time that i long for a different bike is when the wife (120#) and I hit the highway with all the Harley's and the high revs just start to get on my nerves a bit. They are puttin' along and I am wound up! The earplugs help. but at 85 it is a bit much to handle for long periods of time. I have recently become intrigued with the Vulcan 2000. Fell in love with the '05 Limited paint job. Good fit for me at 67.5 wheelbase. I am 6'4". I am a huuuge STAR fan and was thinking that my progression into a v-twin would be the Road Star, but the wheelbase 66.5 is a bit shorter and I want to go bigger, not smaller. Hence the Vulcan 2000 at 68.3. Overall, it is a huge bike. I like that! I was just looking for feedback from some of ya'll who may have considered, or have a v-twin in the stable. I appreciate your input!
  13. a little over a year ago ... "I proceed with caution because people are "passionate" about what works for them... I recently got an oil change after ... a bit longer than it should have been... and they used what was recommended and what they had and I noticed a considerable change in the clutch whine. my previous mechanic - who is unfortunately out of commission for awhile due to health problems - used Maxima Maxum Extra 4 Synthetic 10w60 oil in my RSTD and now I remember why. The Maxum is engineered for Wet Clutches, heat reduction, etc. The oil did wonders for the clutch whine which most people observe gets worse as the bike heats up. for product info: http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com...xum4-extra-oil http://www.stevecramerproducts.com.a...1147&B=10&BT=1 Big difference! I live in the moderate climate of SE North Carolina, so I feel the viscosity is fine for all year... I look forward to your responses! Well, a little over a month ago i got my clutch done. Friction plates, spring kit, etc. My mechanic- who usually uses the 10w-60 synthetic- said that to break in (or whatever the correct term is...) the friction plates, ya gotta use a mineral based oil. I didn't know that... i don't know alotta things. He used Maxima V-Twin Mineral 20w-50 With this the engine sounded great and better than it ever had. So, that's good, but the big thing was that the clutch was hooking up like it never had before! I did not realize how BAD the clutch was slipping, and some of this slipping may have been caused by the heavy synthetic which some of you here on the forum had cautioned against. So your point Yuckly??? I am sticking with the 20w-50 mineral based oil out of fear that the clutch will slip again with synthetic!! Oh... and the Dyna 3000 I just put in is helping too! Peace and a great Thanksgiving to all you Royal Star lovers!!
  14. Well... the saddlebag lid organizers broke loose when the weather started to get colder. So, velcro will last for awhile. I installed saddlebag lid rails recently, so now I had something for the organizers to mount to underneath the lid. here ya go!
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