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Everything posted by Boomer

  1. Sounds like you have the wrong model. Have the dealer research the numbers again.
  2. LB- I have a set of Bag Slash Nasty Boys for Venture that you can have real cheap...
  3. Impersonating a Biker....
  4. FINALLY! - Yes, I couldn't agree more. The whine is probably noot too bad in reality, but it is loud in the cockpit for the pilot. The wife does not hear it as bad as I do and I know if you move your head to the left or right, it tends to quiet down. It's the way the cockpit is constructed and with the windscreen, YOU become the focused point of the whine. On my '05, it was so bad we had to get Mic Mutes for the intercom just so I didn't end up with a spliiting headache after the first 100 miles. I did change to the same Clearview windscreen and although a bit quieter, it is still a large annoyance.
  5. As a former Yamaha Salesman, I agree with Don entirely. Yama does a good job at keeping the lid on things until the new models are officially released sometime in late September. Who knows...+
  6. WHEW! Boy I feel better.....if Larry can do it, I know anyone can...
  7. Think I'll just spray paint my Silver!
  8. LOVE my Firesticks and no plans to change that...
  9. Just got back from Star Days 2010 and missed seeing them there...
  10. Try www.sierra_mc.com and look at the IMC headsets. We love them and use the model that wraps around your head w/boom. Independant of the helmet.
  11. :2cents:Evidently a lack of communication in the group between the Ride LEader, Road Captains and Tailgunner. The ride leader should always sent a signal to the pack for that kind of incident.
  12. Hey Al, Jude and I are attending but the schedule is a mess. She'll actually be there more than me as I have work committments and can only be there on Friday. Maybe we'll bump into you!
  13. I'd take the time to go ahead and run an additional accessory wire or two to the front fairing. If you add anything later, you're wiring will be ready to use!
  14. Welcome to the "DarkSide" I use the Kuhmo and just got back from the Dragon and Cherahola in E. TN with the wife on back. Great ride and NO ISSUES!
  15. I'm headed over in the morning to ride the Dragon and the Cherahola....come join us!
  16. You must be talking about that old swabbie CPO. I don't have any pygmies...that I know of!
  17. LOL!
  18. Headed over there Saturday to ride a bunch over the weekend. Anybody planning on this weekend, let me know!
  19. OK, so I might be a wannabe. How do I get info?
  20. Slick, although it is true that movement of air in and out of the fairing is important like a speaker cabinet, I'm not sure that punching 2 extra holes in the fairing will make a big difference as far as the Venture sound system goes. Plus, I don't think ours are totally sealed units anyway, so there is plenty of areas for air to escape. My vote is to not do that particular fix on the Venture fairing.
  21. Bike night last week.
  22. I second that. Mic-Mutes are WELL worth the money!
  23. Jude nicknamed him "BB".....Black Beauty!
  24. Thanks!....BTW I did find the answer - It really helps to read the top of the cap....DUHHH!
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