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Everything posted by GunnyButch

  1. All the bolt sets I have are spoken for now. When I get a chance, probably about a month, I'll post and see if anyone else wants some of these and I will be glad to make some up. If anyone else wants to make them PM me and I'll give you the supplier and part numbers I have.
  2. GunnyButch

    new tires

    Popeye, radial tires should not be used on the 2nd gens. I've had the Avons on for 35k with no complaints. WIKD, concerning Metzlers there have been quite a few posts about them cracking and throwing chunks. From what I've read they would be very low on my wish list.
  3. I made these for mine and have been in use about 2 years, they look to be about the same as the ones on ebay except I chose a tee knob. The bolt sizes are: M6X35 M6X55 and M6X30 Knob. I've sold these for $10 per set including mail and everyone says they like them. I have a few sets left and if there is an interest I would order more material. The bolts have to be ordered 100 to a box and the round 30mm knobs would also be available. I'm going out of town the end of the month so it will be a few weeks before I could get anything out, my source has to back order the 55mm length ones and it takes about 2 weeks. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/SaddlebagScrew.jpg
  4. GunnyButch

    new tires

    I'm putting an AM42 on mine this week, this will be #3. I am completely satisfied with the Avons.
  5. I've had the best handling and wear at the max cold pressure, 50psi rear 40psi front (MT90). That seems to be the concensus here too. Yamaha recommended pressures made the bike feel mushy and had trouble holding a line in the curves.
  6. Good looking site and very helpfull. A question about the registry clear link, is that a legit program or like others I have seen that are some form of spyware. My computer has been in service about 4 years old and has slowed down due to stuff being added and deleted. Thanks
  7. I would think the vent should conform to the curvature of the windshield more than the deforming the windshield curve. I'd recommend tightening the vent screws down left and right in increments to avoid breaking the vent. I put on a Clearview shield with the louvered vent last year and like it. My stock one after 4 years was pretty scratched up from all kinds of assorted abuse.
  8. It was a nice day here but I had to work. We did play golf down at Sea Pines yesterday and it was a nice day too. Another good place for BBQ is just a little further down Hwy278 from Jim & Nicks is One Hot Mommas, they smoke thier own pork and make beer can chicken.
  9. Although I am pleased with the Zumo550 the City Navigator V8 has some gaps. My niece has lived in a new neighborhood for 2-3 years in the Atlanta area and Sleeperhawks Mechanic address in Columbia, niether are found in the current map software. I checked with Garmin and they said v9 was released this fall, no free updates unless the unit was purchased after May this year.
  10. Thanks guys for all the information.
  11. I'm considering a GXM30 XM reciever for my Zumo550 for Christmas. If anyone has one I had a few questions. 1.The web site says it needs a clear path to the southern sky. Any problems with signal loss regarding direction of travel or riding conditions (overcast, wooded or forested areas etc) 2. It appears the mount has a magnetic base. Where is yours mounted? I was thinking somewhere on the front somewhere. 3. How large is the GXM30 unit? 4. How satisfied are you with it? Thanks
  12. I took the antena off mine and removed the CB mount. I left the plug to the CB accessable so I could reinstall the mount and plug it back in if need for something like a large group ride or something like that. The FM mount I removed completely and repaced the antenna with this hidden antenna in the fairing. Now there isn't any visible antennas. http://www.ecshylites.citymax.com/catalog/item/604191/368050.htm The hidden antenna works well with FM but AM reception is not so good but I don't use AM anyway.
  13. Here's a link to his page, it shows it was updated Aug 07 so it should be current. http://www.venturedad.com/
  14. If you have seen any RSVs then you have seen engine guards. They are on each and every one. I would suggest you examine one up close for a few minutes. Maybe we can help if we have a bit more information such as 1) what kind of motorcycle do you have now and 2) how many times has it been dropped or dumped?
  15. I've run the web updater but it only updated the program, voices and stuff like that. I assume by that the map data is up to date. The streets around Atlanta where my niece lives is not in the database and they have been there for 2 years. I was just wondering if there was newer map data than what I have now.
  16. Is this version the same as your update? This is the map source version that came with mine. City Navigator North America NT v8
  17. The wobble especially on decel at those speeds sounds like the steering head bearings need adjusting. If you can lift the bike check the travel and bounce on the front end. Letting the front end go to one side on it's own to the stop and it should rebound slightly. There may be an article in the tech library on it. Don't give up on the bike. Most problems like yours are due to dealer setup errors. BTW, keep a close eye on the Metzlers for cracking.
  18. I've got the 130 front tire now and like it. As for the rake I'm still exploring there. There is a guy here in SC that will include the rake change when installing the Motortrike kit, I don't remember exactly the price he quoted but was around $1000.
  19. Jerry M, How did you increase the rake? Does the frame neck to be cut and rewelded? Thanks
  20. I agree that customer support is a major part of being in and staying in business. The businessman cannot afford or be expected to give his product or expertise away without compensation. My point was the support should reasonably be related to the product purchased. In this case the DX body it seems like installation, painting, lights, accessories would be supported. Mechanical issues like gear ratios and suspension support would be for another product, as they mentioned in the email "this was a project you decided to take on instead of purchasing a proper kit". Again, not trying to be difficult but since I am considering them I wanted to know.
  21. Don't take this the wrong way but I want to make sure I understand your complaint about them. I have been considering a trike kit from Triwing. I've spoken with them a few months ago on the phone and via email and never got anything close to a rude response. The only part you bought from them was the DX Cruiser body and they were reluctlant to give tech support or advice on suspension and gear ratio. Sounds like you got what you paid for, a DX Cruiser body.
  22. chabicheka, I'd be interested to hear your opinion after you catch a deer over the handle bars. Perhaps you'd give the deer your place in the ambulance since you caused the accident by using the road. Also if you were being serious in your comments about the people being injured or killed in these mishaps I can only say, What an a**.
  23. I did see a difference in picture using the coax cable and the HDMI connections. What I couldn't get over was the sales rep at best buy trying to sell me the 6ft $80 cable, I bought 2 identical cables with 1 day shipping for $32 from the web site I mentioned. The cables were $7 each and the rest shipping.
  24. You will also need HDMI cables and the prices at retail outlets stunned me. When you go looking for HDMI cables try this link, the cables here are a fraction of what you will find anywhere else. www.mycablemart.com
  25. We do that quite a bit especially if we are out for the day or overnight. Depends on the weather which direction too, raining to the north it's south or west etc. Here along the coast you can't get very far east though. The POI feature on the GPS comes in handy too when riding like that, push a button and see what is nearby.
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