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Everything posted by GunnyButch

  1. I check mine cold before it leaves the garage or first thing in the morning if I am on the road. BTW for the Avons I use the max cold pressure posted on the sidewall all the time and like the way it feels under all conditions.
  2. I'm on my third Avon rear tire, 14K from the first 12K on the second but changed early since I didn't want to change it later in the season. I expect to get about 14K from the current one. I'm not a real agressive rider, I suspect the lower mileage reports are due to a lot harder riding.
  3. Pretty rude response to the dry splines suggestion don't you think? Maybe you should just get rid of the RSV and not look back if you all you want to do is rant at someone for offering a suggestion you solicited. Just my .02 worth.
  4. 2 minutes is a long time but if there is no other traffic who is keeping time, look both ways and go has been my rule in the wee hours. Most of the lights here will sense a motorcycle but there are still a couple that do not. However small it's still seems like a step in the right direction.
  5. Published Wed, May 28, 2008 8:44 AM COLUMBIA, S.C. South Carolina has joined six other states that let motorcyclists, mo-ped drivers and bicyclists run red lights that don't change within a couple minutes of their stopping. Gov. Mark Sanford signed the bill into law Tuesday. It requires motorcyclists, mo-peds and bicycles to stop for two minutes before entering an intersection if a traffic signal has not turned green. Motorcyclists pushed the legislation because they said automatic signal controls using sensor embedded in roads don't always detect their bikes. The American Motorcyclist Association says Arkansas, Idaho, Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee and Wisconsin have similar laws.
  6. I have the VenomX on my 2nd gen and they are bias tires, I'm on my 3rd set so I really like them. I checked the Avon site and didn't see a radial tire. I thought they had a radial but was mistaken so please disregard my question.
  7. Were those radial or bias tires you that gave had the wobble. I'm not very familiar with 1st gens but they aren't they designed for radials? Just wondering.
  8. I bought the cycle pump and tire plug kit a few years ago. So far I have only had to use it to top up the tire pressure while on the road. The pump is great and built to be durable, I haven't used the plug kit except to practice on an old tire but it also is easy to use. Like you said not cheap but I expect not to have to replace it and be there when needed.
  9. I have been using the Wiley-X frames for about 4 years now. Very comfortable and they have a goggle style gasket. The lenses are interchangable and my eye doctor can make the lens to fit. http://www.wileyx.com/images/items/large_291.jpg
  10. I used the "on at all times" option in the diagram so they could be turned off or on anytime with the passing lamp switch. That sounds like the option you want being able to have them off when starting up. I also installed a lighted rocker switch next to the DC outlet with a relay. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/PassingLightInst.jpg
  11. az1103, Here is a couple pictures of the Avon MT90 front tire on mine, the smaller tire is hardly noticeable if at all. I think the low speed handling is improved and there are quite a few that are using the smaller tire. When I had the dealer put the smaller tire on the mechanic told me he thought that size should be standard equipment. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/P1010012.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/MT90.jpg
  12. mrod I'll give you that it could have been something beyond his control, so he gets the benefit of doubt but it may a stretch. The times I have ridden that road it was enjoyable but way too populated both during the week and weekends. I liked the Cheroholla better for the scenery and leisurely pace.
  13. I haven't seen those before but they look good. A few years ago I bought WileyX frames because I had to go to a prescription lens. I've been very satisfied with them and they claim to meet the ANSI standards.
  14. Don't know what you're trying to say mrod, I just don't have a problem with LEOs citing reckless driving whether it's a car or bike. Other than the publicity the dragon is not all that special considering the other roads in the region.
  15. I've been through there quite a few times but there are a lot more roads just like it in western NC and Tenn that are a lot less crowded. Personally I don't think the LEOs handout enough citations along the dragon. Once people start treating the area like a public road instead of a personal racetrack you won't have some jack ass starting forest fires with his wrecked bike and the LEOs won't have anything to do except wave as you ride by. Just my .02 worth.
  16. Here is how I connected my passing lamps and haven't had any problems. From the Yamaha instructions I used the on at all times option, ran a 12ga circuit from the battery with a 20a inline fuse under the seat to a relay. The switch is a lighted rocker switch from autozone mounted on the underside of the fairing next to the 12v accessory plug. Hope this helps. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/PassingLightInst.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/WiringDiagram.jpg
  17. Mrs Wilkes Boarding House is also a great place to eat down in the historical district, I think rivals Paula Dean's. http://www.mrswilkes.com/ I'd recommend heeding the advice about River St, leave the bike parked up on Bay St and walk down it's not far. the large stones and trolley tracks are treacherous. The sights on River St are nice, large ships, shops, bars, and Ships of the Sea Museum is nearby. http://shipsofthesea.org/ A liitle further east toward Tybee Island and the beaches is is Ft Pulaski, it dates back to precivil war. http://www.nps.gov/fopu/
  18. 12-15k out of my Avons and no complaints, I just put the 3rd rear tire on last month. The last one had 12k on it and still looked pretty good but wasn't going to last through the summer so I replaced it a little early.
  19. Sounds like the map data may not be up to date with the road improvements. My Zumo data doesn't have several street addresses I've looked for that are 2-4 years old, new subdivisions in Atlanta, Columbia, and Camp Lejeune areas. I've also seen the "shortest route" option make some recommendations I've ignored.
  20. I use power-tye ratchet straps with softties. I loop the softites through the top between the handlebar clamps and snug the rear on the frame. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/UpperTie.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/SideTie.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/FrontTie.jpg
  21. If any of the stuff you ordered is Yamaha OEM parts and they are on back order good luck. Yamaha doesn't seem to get in any hurry for back ordered items. I've experienced this first hand. From the other comments it looks like your dealer is doing all they can.
  22. That's where I connected mine under the seat, it is a little more work taking the tank off and running the wires properly. I also put the OEM in line fuse there too so it would be easy to get to. The fuse for that circuit is in the fairing I believe so the smaller fuse on the Zumo should go first if anything does happen.
  23. I saw the previews a while back and decided to wait on the video release. Didn't see anything Oscar worthy.
  24. I replaced my radio antennea with one mounted inside the fairing made by tunetrapper.com . It works well for FM reception, AM not as well. Just a thought.
  25. Mine too is re-routed up the left handlebar along with the other control cables. It takes longer to open and close the fairing than moving the intercom plug. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/P1010004-1.jpg
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