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Everything posted by GunnyButch

  1. Show chrome levers on mine, very satisfied.
  2. Mine is about 1 1/2yrs old.
  3. For what it's worth, I had my fairing split the other day and I remembered reading this thread and couldn't remember how many holes/slot were in mine. As it turns out my Clearview has six holes elongated about 3/8", no slots. They all line up perfectly and have enough vertical movement for adjustment, all were found to be tight.
  4. I use one of these inside the fairing. http://www.ecshylites.citymax.com/catalog/item/604191/368050.htm
  5. I've been using Avons for several years now and not had any problem. What I did find shortly after putting them on is under inflation will give you the feeling you described. I use 2lbs under the pressure listed on the tire max pressure. Give that a try and see if doesn't feel better.
  6. I had the fairing apart removing the cassette player and decided to take out the Kennedy cellset for my Zumo 550. It works fine, puts Zumo audio and telephone through the headsets but I may have used it twice in the last last year or so. Anyway if anyone is interested here what is included: KT-CELL-INT-FPD 5 pin cellset intercom harness KT-95413 cellset MC/GPS-ICS/MIC KT-95423 Zumo device harness A 12v power cord will be needed or one can be ordered from Kennedy for $20. $130 includes shipping via USPS, parts list for $225. More information and diagrams available at http://www.cellset.com/multigps.html
  7. Congratulations on 3 fine young men. Thank them for me, Semper Fi.
  8. I was planning on taking an early retirement in about 15 months, now I'm not so sure. Guess it's wait and see.
  9. There is no adjustment I know of for the seat height. Was it your intention to see over the wind screen when you ordered the 5 inch shorter one? If so you may want to consider taking another 2 inches or so off to see over it.
  10. The frame adaptor with legs that Carbon One builds makes it easy.
  11. Sorry to hear about your friends and pray for a quick recovery. I wouldn't blame the trike as much as some of the other contributing factors, low experience as a rider, riding in such a large group, and like some have said the voyager can be hard to handle. Without knowing the circumstances of the accident I'd hesitate condemn trikes as a whole. We all know you can't let your guard down even for a moment. Again our thoughts and prayers go out to your friend Debbie and her husband.
  12. I mounted a lighted LED rocker switch next to the 12v outlet on the fairing and wired them always on so I would have control of them anytime. They are also on thier own circuit. If you like I'll email you the wiring diagram I used.
  13. Don Would you post a couple pictures?
  14. Thanks. I was planning on installing the rake kit they make, the dealer said it moves the front end about 4 inches forward, he also mentioned the tendency to shake without it. We haven't talked price yet and he has an 06 RSV Hannigan I will test drive before we agree on price. The dealer is about 50 miles from where I live so it will be a couple weeks before I can get up there.
  15. Does anyone have the Hannigan conversion? I'm thinking about having one put on my 02 soon and was looking for comments about the Hannigan or about trikes in general. I was wondering about the steering, will the handlebars return to the neutral position or do you have to pull them back to center?
  16. Here's the way I installed mine and haven't had any issues. On the Yamaha directions I chose the "on at all times" and installed a lighted rocker switch next to the 12v outlet on the underside of the fairing. The lights are on their own circuit and can be turned on or off any time the ignition is on. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/PassingLightInst.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/gunnybutch/WiringDiagram.jpg
  17. In 3 years mine has locked up once when playing with the route but never while underway. In the navigation menu under avoidances there is a choice to avoid unpaved roads, tolls, etc., don't know if you've checked there but worth a look to see what preferences are selected.
  18. Mine is an 02 Midnight and the only problem I've had was the rear shock replaced under warranty about '04. Keep it serviced and tuned is all you need to do, the carb sync is pretty easy and come to one of the meet-n-greets and someone will likely be syncing carbs. I've added some stuff like the taller Clearview windshield, Yamaha lower wind deflectors, trunk rack, and bag rails but performance wise it's like it came out of the crate. The clutch basket whine isn't bad and seems to affect all 2nd gens to some degree. I'm a 29' inseam and the bike fits nicely but there are a lot of tall guys out there on them too. We ride 2 up most of the time and both of us are comfortable enough but are ready to stretch by the time we need gas, about 180-200 miles. I can put my legs forward without pegs but I'm sure you would need them to extend your legs. I love mine.
  19. GunnyButch

    Asheville video

    ADC, What kind of camera did you use? I tried my JVC Everio digital hard drive on a ram mount and it kept crashing after a few seconds from vibration. I had the anti-shake feature on and off with the same result. Very good video BTW.
  20. I have gone 225 before filling up and I was starting to get a little nervous about it, gas stations were kind of scarce where I was. This was on the dash odometer too so the real miles were a little lower. Now I primarily use the fuel warning on the Zumo with the warning set at 180 and the fuel odometer on the dash as the backup. I always have the petcock on reserve. Almost forgot, after 225 the tank accepted 5.3 gal.
  21. Depending on the tire 9K is not bad. My original bridgestone went about 9K, been on Avons ever since getting about 14-15K from rear tires now.
  22. I'm not considering a CT but following the threads I have a question. Is the only advantage in using a CT increased mileage? From what I've read handling is not improved or degraded and is something you get used to? Just asking, no criticism intended.
  23. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I do wonder though when I see someone all armoured up taking a cigarette break, kind of an oxymoron IMHO.
  24. I agree with Juggler about proficiency with firearms, if you're not spend the extra money on a good alarm and a Louisville Slugger. Personally I prefer motion sensing outdoor lights and a handgun inside, I also keep them loaded and readily accessable. Calibers I own are .357 .38 9mm(auto) and .380(auto) all in jacketed hollow point. There are no children in our home anymore and my wife was an expert marksman during her active duty time. SC has the castle doctrine so there is no problem vigorously protecting your self and home.
  25. I've had mine over 2 years so I updated it a few weeks ago. The download and installation took about 2 to 3 hours. The file was 2.04GB compressed/zipped before installation.
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