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Everything posted by GunnyButch

  1. Eck, If Jeff doesn't take it I will. I need one too. Thanks, Butch
  2. Break in procedure: Ride it like you stole it!! Just vary the RPMs for the first few hundred miles and change the oil. BTW, don't follow the owners manual recommendations on shift point either, the RSV will barely run at those speeds. Wind it up good before shifting, remember it's not a V-twin and the rev limiter activates around 6500 RPM. Try and find it in second and third gear, you will be pleasantly surprised. Have fun.
  3. Hannigan makes a rake kit called steer-lite that is 6 degrees. I had it installed on mine and it steers very easily. Here is thier price list in the link http://www.hannigantrikes.com/content/xSpecsPDF/yamaha-Spacs.pdf .
  4. I've been very happy with mine, the speedo is even accurate after they got finished with it. Cougar has a hitch on his.
  5. My experience with Avon has always been good, for me the product is great. There are a few that have issues with Avon customer service but I think you get what you give when it comes to that sort of thing. Glad you had a good one.
  6. To clean stubborn bugs from chrome I use a damp dryer softener sheet. Don't use it on painted surfaces because it may be a bit too abrasive. I use it on the truck and bike chrome though.
  7. I haven't been looking at anything in particular, just waiting to see something that appeals to me. I dropped mine off at Hannigan's in Dec on the way to Louisville and picked it up on the way home. They are really nice people. I think Brad was the tech that worked on mine.
  8. Sure do, they make a nice hand gun. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H5GepjBRsM]YouTube - The Judge Taurus Handgun .45 & 410[/ame]
  9. I'm with Snaggletooth, I'll do my hunting with a 410 from the boat. Just hope one doesn't fall on the floor of the boat 'cause it'll still get shot.
  10. Here is the info you need, all decoded here. http://www.webbikeworld.com/Motorcycle-tires/tire-data.htm I used the sizes you are looking at, * Front = Avon 150/80-16 71H * Rear = Avon 150/90B-15 M/C 80H. The 80 is just a higher load rating and H is the speed rating.
  11. CMIK was just pulling your chain about the original color, it's not uncommon for those of us with MRSVs to think they are the fastest. I have the tall, vented, tinted clearview windshield and it clears the rain pretty well, there is still some glare from the chrome gas cap but the only answer there is to cover it and all is well. As far as performance goes I'd recommed a set of slip ons you like the sound/look of (I have stock RK slash cuts for the look), sync the carbs, and keep the rpms up in the power range and you should be very satisfied. You have enough miles on it to go looking for the rev limiter, once you find it in 2nd and 3rd gear then hit 4th I think you will be pretty satisfied. All the other stuff, rejets etc just lightens your wallet. Just my .02 worth.
  12. I got my Progressive renewal on my 02 a few weeks ago, full coverage $187 for a year. 100/300/50k liability limits, liability and unisured motorist part was $74.
  13. How is the Crazy Horse carving progressing? It's been 5 years since we've been out there.
  14. They did a great job on it, congratulations. Good choice too. Did you have the ezsteer installed? It looks like you did but it is hard to tell. Don't forget to re-aim your lights after the rake kit, mine were aimed in the trees after the install. When you decide on some different rims post a picture. I have thought about a different rim but nothing reall stands out. Have fun with it.
  15. I have AAA coverage that includes motorcycles and my Progressive policy also has roadside assitance. I haven't had to use either for the bike but you never know.
  16. Condor No offense taken. What I meant was you could probably get some to change thier brand of beer easier than a particular tire brand they like. BTW my trike has Michelins on the rear and they are great.
  17. I like the Avons and wouldn't use anything else, with the trike conversion now I only have to buy the front one now. I've been through 3 rear Avons with no trouble and 14k on the first 2, the third is in my parts pile from the conversion. From what I have read the few problems with Avons the manufacturer has made good on problems, Metzler on the other hand have far more complaints and seems fewer happy endings dealing with the manufacturer. Everyone seems to be pretty passionate about thier favorite tire so find one you like. Just my .02 worth.
  18. I read this article on the MSN home page and this thread came to mind, 10 things gas stations won't say. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/SavingandDebt/SaveonaCar/10-things-gas-stations-wont-tell-you.aspx 4. "If you're smart, you'll put that debit card away." Your debit card might be a convenient way to pay for gas, but it's a no-win proposition. When you swipe a debit card at the pump, the bank doesn't know how much money you'll be spending until you've finished pumping. So to make sure you have the funds to cover the purchase, some stations ask banks to automatically set aside some of your money: That amount can be $20 or more. That means even if you just topped off your tank for $10, you could be out $30, $50 or even $100 until the station sends over its bulk transactions, which can take up to three days. If your funds are running low, you might end up bouncing a check in the meantime, even though you had the money in your account. Unfortunately, paying inside with your debit card isn't much of a solution either. Many banks charge their customers 50 cents to $1 for the privilege of using their debit card in any PIN-based transaction. The American Bankers Association estimates only 13% of consumers pay these fees, but critics say the practice is on the rise and that consumers are often unaware of these charges.
  19. Rocket, I read the post, the comment I referred to was just above my post. Bull463 had his on for 2 years, that IMO is a long time for a motorcycle tire to be in service. Big Hack does have a problem but Avon seems to stand behind their product. Unfortunately like anything else if you get a bad dealer you will have a bad experience.
  20. Just something to consider, a tire that has been on a bike 2 years should be about due for replacement no matter how many miles on it.
  21. Check the switch for a fuse. The Yamaha install shows there is an inline fuse between the switch and the hotwire connection. Good luck.
  22. I've experienced about the same as everyone else on the limiter, 2nd gear about 65 is where I find it the most when trying to get away from traffic.
  23. I took the antennas off mine a long time ago. Have a look here, I've used this antenna a long time and works great for me. http://www.ecshylites.citymax.com/page/page/1574644.htm
  24. Sometimes it's just more convenient to trailer where you are going. If it makes them happy why care how they got it there.
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