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About captnmidnight

  • Birthday 05/26/1958

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Loris, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Ride,Golf,Fish,Did i say RIDE!
  • Bike Year and Model
    07 midnight venture
  1. Looks nice! I like it. where did u get it or did you make it? Does it create any buffeting and how much does it cost?
  2. Very happy with mine so far too. I ve only put about 500 mi on them so far. I'll let ya no more when I go to gatlinburg the last of august. (tail of the dragon)!
  3. Good luck,,hope everything goes ok. They say ice cream is good for that afterwards....or is that tonsils???
  4. I too think it could be caused by driving more aggressively on left turns than on right turns. I know that when I used to race dirt bikes, I allways felt more comfortable on left turns because when you put your left leg out in front of you while cornering (to serve as an outrigger),your right foot was still on the brake pedal so you felt as though you had complete control of braking.However with your right foot out in front of you ,,you only had control of the front brake. Therefore I went faster on left bends. Is it possible for this to carry over to an rsv??on the street?? I would assume if your a peg scaper that it would indeed carry over from dirt to the street. speaking only for myself I still feel more comfortable hammering through left turns as opposed to right. My 2 cents worth.
  5. Question?... how do you think it runs compared to the rsv?..and handles?. I do like alot of what the wing has to offer,IE:more power,heated seats,better sound,GPS,reverse for towing,and TONS!of aftermarket stuff available. However I do like the RSV's retro styling better. I like being able to see the engine instead of plastic. And the wing seems to be more cramped when it comes to seating position. Anyway enjoy your wing my friend!!.....Traitor.
  6. Don, your in my prayers.
  7. Thx for all your help guys.
  8. The ME880 www that i see have the same stock size front..150/80h 16,,but the only 15 inch rear i see at motorcycle superstore is a 170/80 hb 15.. Isn't the 170 to wide?
  9. Thx guys,for the input. I appreciate it.
  10. can someone tell me if I can buy a set of avon tires,the same size as the stock tires.(150/80 16)front,,and the (150/90 15)rear, in the wide white wall. I'm having trouble findin the stock size in the www. Or do I need to go to the 130/80 16 in the front. And also where can i find the best price.? thx in advance.
  11. Somebody was watchin out for you. Coincidence??? I don't think so!!!
  12. Thx noah thats a ld off my mind. I wont ask you how you know that!
  13. The other day b4 I left home my wife and I were pulling out of an ice cream parlor in town. Stupid me thought the bike was in 1st gear but as I pulled out I realized it was in 2nd. This made for a slower start and a wobble. As I looked back and saw a car approaching quickly,I decided to stop. I must have grabbed too much front brake and the bike went over onto the left crash bar only,with my wife still sitting on the bike. She qickly got off so I could pick it up ,and as I did I noticed a puddle of anti-freeze on the ground the size of a 50cent piece. I couldn't see any damage and no idiot light ever came on. I proceeded to drive home aprox.4 mi. with no issues and haven't started it since. Question: Is there sometype of overflow that could have leaked the fluid? Or is there no way this should have leaked any fluid unless I broke or damaged something. Thx in advance for all your input on this. Cap:bang head:
  14. Myrtle Beach has over 200 days of sunshine a yr, Over 3000 restauraunts, Camping,Plenty of different places to stay to suite anyone and everyone, nightclubs,Live entertainment, fireworks every night of the week,The BEACH!! with plenty of bikini's!, biker freindly establishnents like SBB,(1&2),and HB Spokes. Good riding roads just a few miles inland, and did I say the BEACH??? DDAAAHHHHH! Its the vacation capital of the east coast for good reason:thumbsup2: Just don't mention that your part of Beer 30's crowd!
  15. Dahhh,,Are you guys talkin about the RSV or a Harley???
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