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Everything posted by rutman

  1. Nice. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Happy retirement Jeff. I am jealous.
  3. Count me in. I'd like to meet some of you guys and gals. There's awesome riding in those mountains. I've been all over them. But I'm only 45 minutes away.
  4. Yeah it's a good feeling to get that maintenance done.
  5. Picking n grinning.
  6. Not sure I would like that but may change my mind when I see the final product.
  7. Just heard on the radio while riding to work this morning that some Ford dealer in Wisconsin is giving away a new shotgun with the purchase of a new truck. So all you cheeseheads need to go get you some.
  8. Supposed to get up to around 70 here Sunday. I'm glad I'm not up there with you guys.
  9. rutman

    Worn Out

    I got 3. Couldn't imagine chasing 5 around.
  10. rutman

    Worn Out

    It was baseball but yeah, I'll still feel it.
  11. rutman

    Worn Out

    Came home from work today to find that my wife had picked up out 6 year old grandson from school. We played baseball till dark and then ate supper. Karen has left to go take him home and Paw-Paw is worn out.
  12. Those look good. Should help you be seen a lot better.
  13. 126 views no response. Guess those with light bars use the OEM.
  14. Nice. But I'd have to ditch the white walls.
  15. Yeah I'm talking about driving lights in the front.
  16. Anybody running a light bar other than the OEM Yamaha one?
  17. I work for Michelin. At my plant we make tractor trailer tires. Michelin has 70+ plants worldwide. There are 20 or so plants in the US. If you're buying car or truck tires they are made here. As far as motorcycle tires, any Michelin built overseas and imported here will be subject to the same quality standards we use here. Michelin quality standards are very tight. That's why in my opinion there the best. So don't worry about them being made in Thailand.
  18. I agree. Main thing is to change it when it needs it.
  19. You know, Kia is owned by Hyundai. There business plan was the same as Hyundai. Start selling cars in the US for cheap. Then after they had a ton of them on the road and their name was commomplace, They started offering some really innovated autos. Now they are just like Hyundai; offering some of the best quality cars on the road for a good price.
  20. It will be the best 12 bux you ever spent.
  21. yes I put them in. I heated the rubber hoses a little to make them easier to slide in. its a tight fit.
  22. I swear since I greased the rear splines and changed the oil to Mobil synthetic, the whining noise is not as loud. Or is the placebo effect at work here?
  23. Thanks guys. I think I got lucky and did it right.
  24. Fellas I got a question. Bought a carbtune and attempted sync last Sat. Went by directions in tech section. When I hooked it up and cranked the bike the rods started bouncing in time to the engine. Are they supposed to do that? Even thou they were moving with the engine idling, I still adjusted them to as close as I could get. When I revved the throttle, they moved then became stationary. Did I do this correct? Am I missing something? Do the rods jump in time to the engine? Bike seems to be running great.
  25. cool. that's how I will try it.
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