Well, Well, Well.
Tonight I took the chrome housing apart on the throttle side. The throttle cable is not broke.
The slot on the throttle sleeve of the kury grips where the ferrule or (little round squared off ball at the cable end) fits into is broken.
So I need a new kury throttle grip.
Previous owner installed these. You think Kuryakyn would make it good?
Or do you know where I could find replacement? Don't want to buy pair unless I have to.
Man I'm so glad it wasn't the cable.
Thanks xv1100se. I'm gonna use that write-up as my guide. Probably start tonight. This throttle cable repair is going to be a challenge. Will keep y'all posted.
No. Just got the bike in December. Only greasing I've done is to the rear splines. And the hub pins. Hadn't thought about throttle cables. Do new ones come already lubricated?
Pulling out from a stop sign today, heard a pop and then my throttle was turning freely. Pulled off the road. Evidently the cable broke at the grip.
No throttle whatsoever. Called my buddy and he brought a trailer and we loaded it up and brought it home.
This is the first time this has happened to me in all my years of riding.
Trust me, this will leave you stranded.
06 RSTD with Kury grips. I will search threads but guys I need some help on this one.
I have a 06 RSTD. If I change to kn filters over stock, will it cause a lean condition due to possibly more airflow? If so, what would be the correct adjustment: Shimming needles, larger pilot jets, turning out pilot screws or nothing at all.
Played golf for the first time today since last summer. Hadn't even swung a club. Captain's choice. Did ok till all the bud lights kicked in. It was fun and they raised a lot for the March of dimes. Plus we had a sponsor who paid for our team. It was a good day.
The petcock on my rstd is tight also. Evidently just one of them things.
The petcock on my VTX I had previously was very easy to turn.
I'd say don't sweat it. It is what it is.
I think what happened was the city of Myrtle Beach wanted to stop black bike week which is right after the MB rally due to all the problems it was causing.
They enacted a mandatory helment law for the city only. This caused all the bikers and vendors to stay away from MB and go to Murrells Inlet and North MB.
Some businesses in MB took the city to court because of the money they were losing during the rally because the bikers avoided the city.
A judge ruled that the city could not override a state law on helmets. Helmets are not required for adults.
The rally is still good but I don't think it will ever be as big as it once was.
I'm with you. I Bought my rstd in December and it's the best riding bike I've ever owned as well. If it holds up mechanically it will probably be my last bike.
Today I received my Yamaha driving lights and bar I got off ebay for my rstd. I was supposed to receive the halogen lights with bulbs but they sent me the sealed beam lights instead. Should I send them back and get the halogens or keep the sealed beam. I don't know which would be better. What would you do and why.