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Personal Information

  • Name
    rusty freeman


  • Location
    spartanburg, sc, United States


  • City
    spartanburg, sc


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 RSTD
  1. Any one have any experience with "Diamond Cargo" brand. Looking at a 6x12 enclosed V-nose.
  2. rutman


    Are you talking Kawasaki synthetic or regular oil?
  3. Looking forward to your review of this.
  4. Cool. Can't wait to hear about the install and your impressions of it. I had a Woody's fairing on my VTX and loved having tunes. Been Jonesing for one for my rstd.
  5. I bought a r/r from Caltric and so far so good.
  6. What brand fairing is that?. Is it solid with no squeaks?
  7. I have a napa legend battery as well. Very satisfied so far.
  8. And thank you for your advice.
  9. Yea Djh3, I hope this problem is over. I've lost 2-3 weeks riding because of this. With my luck I thought it would end up being the stator. Really hope this R/R and the napa battery solved all this charging issue.
  10. THE SAGA CONTINUES. Took my 2 week old gel battery back to Advance. They load tested it and the battery was bad. Got my refund and went to NAPA and bought a NAPA legend premium gel battery. Put it in and rode about 100 miles. Got home and wouldn't crank. @#&%%^&*^%$. Bought a $32 rectifier on ebay and installed this evening. At rest the battery is 13.0 Idling the battery is 13.6 Increasing rpm's and the voltage goes to 14.2 Rode about 30 miles, got home and the readings are about the same. The R/R was a little smaller than stock but bolted right up. You guys think I'm good now or is my excitement premature?
  11. I was getting ready to test my R/R. Unbolted it from the frame and let it hang. Cranked bike and idled it up to check battery voltage before unplugging R/R to test. Voltage was 13.6 which I read was good. Only ran bike for a couple mins, then shut off. Unplugged R/R. Plug looked very good but the R/R was so hot I could barely hold it. Is this normal for the R/R to be so hot with the bike only running a couple mins?
  12. When I checked it with the bike idled up, the voltage was 12.5?
  13. Are you saying the culprit is this new gel battery that I just put in a couple weeks ago?
  14. Voltage with bike parked, 12.9 Voltage with bike at slightly above idle, 12.5 Any advice.
  15. Will check battery voltage when I get home What should the voltage be? Should the bike be running when checking?. Can the regulator cause this? I dont even know what the regulator does or where it's at.
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