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Power Trippin

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Everything posted by Power Trippin

  1. This is just for informational purposes only, not trying to start anything. The recall was not for the E-brakes locking up while driving. It was for the manual transmission vehicles that need the parking brakes when the vehicle is parked on a steep grade, like loading or unloading a boat or something like that. Here is the bulletin for people that were curious, LIKE ME..... #05042B: Product Safety - Parking Brake Shoe and Drum Contact - (Feb 27, 2006) Subject: 05042B — PARKING BRAKE SHOE AND DRUM CONTACT http://gsi.xw.gm.com/images/999999995.gifModels: 1999-2002 CHEVROLET 1500 SILVERADO2001-2005 CHEVROLET 2500/3500 SILVERADO, GVWR ≥ 9200# 1999-2002 GMC 1500 SIERRA2001-2005 GMC 2500/3500 SIERRA, GVWR ≥ 9200#EQUIPPED WITH A MANUAL TRANSMISSIONSTEP 11.2 IN THE SERVICE PROCEDURE FOR THE 2500/3500 SERIES VEHICLES HAS BEEN REVISED. DISCARD ALL COPIES OF BULLETIN 05042A ISSUED JANUARY 2006. ConditionGeneral Motors has decided that a defect which relates to motor vehicle safety exists in certain 1999-2002 Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra 1500 Series, and 2001-2005 Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra 2500/3500 Series vehicles equipped with a manual transmission. Some of these vehicles may have a contact condition between the parking brake shoes and parking brake drums when the parking brake is not applied. If this were to occur, the driver may or may not hear an intermittent scraping noise from the rear of the vehicle while driving. This condition could cause parking brake lining wear. If this lining wear is undetected, the parking brake may become ineffective in immobilizing a parked vehicle on a grade. An ineffective parking brake may result in a vehicle crash. Correction1500 Series – Dealers are to inspect the parking brake lining thickness on both rear brakes, and depending on the amount of lining remaining, install either a reduced-force parking brake retainer spring clip on both rear brakes or parking brake shoe kits, which includes the reduced-force clips. 2500-3500 Series – Dealers are to inspect the parking brake lining thickness on both rear brakes and install a new rear right-hand parking brake cable assembly. Also, depending on the amount of lining remaining, install new parking brake shoes (both rear brakes).
  2. I'm not sure what year bike your referring to, but my 83 does not like to run at a steady speed below 3k rpms. What I mean is, it really runs good above 3k. Below that it seems to have a vibration. Not sure if its in the engine or wheels, or if its a normal characteristic of the bike. Maybe someone will chime in about this. It starts and runs great so I have never thought twice about it. I guess what I'm trying to say is, make sure that it is not normal, before loosing your head over it. Over the years I've had my bike, I have learned that it is finicky, but I love it anyways.
  3. I guess if its that bad, your most likely looking at either getting a used engine or a new short block. Also, don't forget about your oil cooler. It may be plugged with debris, better off replacing it too.
  4. This is straight out of gm service information, does not specify flow rate, only psi., hope this helps. Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing With the vehicle on a level surface, allow adequate drain down time, 2–3 minutes, and measure for a low engine oil level. Add the recommended grade engine oil, and fill the crankcase until the oil level measures FULL on the oil level indicator. Operate the engine and verify low or no oil pressure on the vehicle oil pressure gauge or the oil indicator light. Listen for a noisy valve train or a knocking noise. Inspect for the following: Engine oil diluted by moisture or unburned fuel mixtures Improper engine oil viscosity for the expected temperature Incorrect or faulty oil pressure gauge sensor Incorrect or faulty oil pressure gauge Plugged oil filter Malfunctioning oil filter bypass valve [*]Remove the oil pressure gauge sensor or another engine block oil gallery plug. [*]Install an oil pressure gauge. [*]Start the engine and then allow the engine to reach normal operation temperature. [*]Measure the engine oil pressure at the following RPM: Specification 42 kPa (6 psig) minimum, at 1,000 RPM 125 kPa (18 psig) minimum, at 2,000 RPM 166 kPa (24 psig) minimum, at 4,000 RPM [*]If the engine oil pressure is below minimum specifications, inspect the engine for one or more of the following: Oil pump worn or dirty Malfunctioning oil pump pressure relief valve Oil pump screen loose, plugged, or damaged Excessive bearing clearance Cracked, porous or restricted oil galleries Engine block oil gallery plugs missing or incorrectly installed Broken valve lifters © 2013 General Motors. All rights reserved.
  5. I have had it happen once on my 83. It was when the temp was around 30 degrees. That was 2 years ago, and it hasn't done it since. Don't know if it was cold related or just a fluke. I haven't driven it when it's been that cold since.
  6. I don't hear the police cars because the radio is always crankin out "I CAN'T DRIVE 55", BY SAMMY HAGAR.
  7. I say....ride the venture more and try seafoam. I hope I didn't step on anyones toes, about the seafoam. Seriously, though, try seafoam!
  8. Got mine from dennis kirk, just last year!
  9. I never would have guessed in a million years that another motorcycle rider would be against waving. I can remember riding on the back of my dads bike as a kid, watching him wave at all the other m/c riders. I asked him one day how he knows so many people. He said motorcycle riders are a tight knit group and everybody waves at every body else out of respect that your riding. It had nothing to do with what kind of bike you were riding! I wave at everyone from bicycles, mopeds, walkers, joggers, crotch rockets, gold wings, and even hd's. I don't care if you wave back or not, I am showing my respect to another rider, period!!!
  10. Yamaha venture drive train? That'd be cool. No wait.......vmax power plant, oh ya!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I just ignore the nasty people, their not worth my time. It does seem like there are a lot of them though. It's getting tougher all the time, to deal with all of the negativety in the world, but I keep trying. I say twist the throttle more, and stop paying attention to all of the jerks in the world. THATS HOW I ROLL:cool10:
  12. You beat me to it. I was gonna respond to that to, so anyways DITTO....to your reply. oh yea, only 1 bike, 83 blonde that just keeps screamin at me to go faster, faster, faster,......... I better stop before something happens that I can't explain!
  13. Hey Welcome to one of the best bikes in the WORLD! If not the best!! Just curious, what was the fix?
  14. [quote=rbig1 my shoulder will not make it till the 60 year mark where im at. It sounds like your situation is similar to mine. I am also in the maint industry. If you are familar with "flat rate" pay, you know what I mean. I don't mind doing the work....its just the way I get paid. I bust my ass while parts people sit on the arses and make more than I do because in our union, parts people out number techs. So every contract we get another crappy contract shoved down our throats. I'm in the process of updating my resume and hopefully finding a job that will not destroy my body, maybe make some money, hopefully doing something I like a little better. My dream job......motorcycle evaluator! Anyone looking for someone to fill that position? Give me a call! LOL Everyone on this site wants that job right?
  15. 40 miles each way, in rush hour traffic, can take anywhere from 40 mins to 2 hours. I usually don't get to venture off on an adventure too often, during the week. Kids to get home for and other responsibilities always get in the way. Ocassionally, my son and I take off for a couple hours during the week or weekend. Looking forward to retirement, however, that is a long ways away and I really don't want to wish my life away. Just trying to enjoy each and every day.
  16. Anyone have pics of what to look for? As I have never looked at my pump.
  17. Okay, I know you are all talking about a 2nd gen. I read Seakings post on the rpm differences, before and after the swap, very informative. I guess I am wondering if the first gens had the vmax gearing from the factory? That might explain why they are faster than the 2 gens! My 83, cruises at 70 mph at about 3800 rpms, in 5th gear. So....anybody care to weigh in?
  18. That speedometer noise usually only happens when it is cold. I had the exact same type of noise on my 83. I lubed the cable, the gear on the wheel, and it still was not fixed. Last winter I had mike bike disassembled and I removed the speedometer from the cluster and lubed the bushing inside the speedo assy.., problem gone! There is an article in the first gen library on this site that tells you how to do this properly. My guess is that you will need to lube the bushing in the speedo. Not hard to do, it just takes a little time. p.s., now that you own one of the best bikes in the world,....contribute 12 bucks to this site. You'll need all the info and it will be worth it. Oh yea.....I am not in any way, shape, or form, affiliated with the management of this site, JUST A FAN OF IT!
  19. OH BOY.....I hoped you knocked on some wood? I aint never jinxing myself like that, my bikes way to old!
  20. I have only been on a few charity rides, but I plan on doing more. My question is, are all of the charity rides dominated by Harleys? Just once I would like to go on a ride with a group of bikes that weren't mostly loud obnoxious bikes. I take that back, I have been on one ride that was not mostly H's, the Pork in the Pines ride! Now that was fun.
  21. Awesome....can't wait to see em. Way Cool!!!!!
  22. I love it.....I had a similar incident last year coming back from Pork in the Pines. I was cruising along at idle speed, ya know about 75. A hardley came sneeking up behind me, ya know how sneeky an unbarebly loud hardley can be. One of those goofy lookin things, ape hangers so high he could barely reach them, wearing a wife beeter t-shirt and sunglasses. Didn't even acknowledge me as he inched passed me, while squinting from all of the air turbulence. The hardley was so loud I could not even see straight. I shifted down 2 gears, pulled up along side him, nodded, still no response....now I'm pissed....time for a lesson...... after I got to 110 and he was no where in sight, I dropped back down to 75 and smiled all the way home. That was a great ride!!!!!!
  23. Yep, I agree with everyone elses reply. If it ran before, either the oil is overfilled and the carbs are gummed up. Oil is most likely coming from the vent tube that goes to the air filter housing, or a dried up valve cover gasket. Don't let the stealers touch that motor, they'll just make it worse! Find someone who knows these bikes and is not afraid to work on them.
  24. If you have checked all wiring and it all looks good, I'd be looking at the fuse block itself. I know they seem solid, but being an automotive tech, I have seen many fuse blocks that look good on the outside, but test bad. Sometimes they don't even test bad, but either there is a bulletin that said to replace them and/or tech assist recommends to replace them, problem gone after that.
  25. Thanks for all the info. I do have a super brace. Looks like my next project will be the bearings and races! Now, wheres the best place to get new bearings and races?
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