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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. Last week I bought a J&M headset from Chrome World.com and it works OK so I was going to buy the bride one except she has a half helmet and mine is a 3/4 helmet. The one I was looking at for her is J&M HS-G45 it says it is compatible with Goldwing but it doesn't mention Yamaha 5 pin connector. Anyone have one of these and your thoughts please and most of all is it compatible with the RS Venture 2006? Thanks much for the input! Steve
  2. Bubber

    Ho Hum....

    But ya goda love Fall in New England, one of the best places to be in the fall. Vermont has the most beautiful hills I have ever seen, almost looks like they are on fire in the Fall. I lived in Pittsfield MA. for about 15 years. I also have a sister that lives in western CT. Glad I am back in Minnesota but am beginning to find Winter a little much to deal with. Ride while I can and worry about it later. Steve
  3. You be safe Larry, and have a great time. You will be missed at the chicken dinner! CO is a great state for riding. If you get a chance give Big John a shout he is a good guy, he is right in Denver. God's speed and safety Steve
  4. You'll have to use tooth picks like the rest of us. Besides bright is relative isn't it? How about chicken ala queen for lunch? Crowless chicken breast sandwich? Where is Crowsnest when you need her???????? 4 and counting..........battta bing! Steve
  5. Bubber

    Ho Hum....

    Hijack me! ME? I would never........ how does 11:00am sound? I too am doing a more leisurely run. Figured I would go 10 to Motley and then straight up 64 to Laporte or something like that. Steve
  6. After being there last year I understand the "BRIGHT" remark! LOL I am packing the trailer and finding a dog sitter. I am leaving Friday morning and I have multiple chicken recipes for my friend MR Rooster!:banana::banana: Eggs? Yes! Three please! Steve
  7. Bubber

    Ho Hum....

    WHY DO THAT WHEN YOY CAN GO TO THE Pork IN the PINES next weekend. Give me a shout we are leaving on Friday heading North for the chicken feed I mean pork feed. Dang did that slip out. Steve North Branch aka Bubber
  8. Send him up my way and and I'll finish the job of not keeping him sober. LOL He sure got an early start to PIP. He must have got an itch he just can't scratch. Ride safe Lowel and see ya soon. Steve aka Bubber
  9. I will take one car and one MC. :banana: Paypal, check, or money order? How thick is the material the frame is cut out of????? Steve
  10. I am loading up the trailer and getting my stuff ready for the PIP. I finally got one head set and I installed it last night. Now to train me how it is supposed to work correctly. I never used my radio except for white noise cause I never really knew how to operate it. I feel a training session coming on!!!!!!! One of you hot shots can train me. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!!! LOL See ya at PIP Question: Do I have to wait or can I leave today? Steve
  11. DONE! God's speed and quick recovery! Steve
  12. Do you think that is because they are one time visitors and not regulars or they are no longer Venture riders? Un-answerable question I know. Come on guys & gals belly up and pay the measly 12 bucks to be a member of this fine organization. Bubber
  13. FANTASTIC !!!! :banana::banana::banana: Good news and good luck with the Chemo!
  14. I am sorry we didn't get a chance to meet you this trip Don, but let us know when you get back this way I for one would like to meet you for the first time. Steve aka Bubber
  15. Well OK then!
  16. Why would you want to put a diamond in a turd? THAT WAS COLD MAN! VERY VERY COLD!!!!!
  17. Let me be the first to DELETE my own message before it does go South! Message deleted by minority rule! Later Whatever!
  18. Yo Ediddy what was Yamaha's telephone number? I to am not interested in trading in my venture any time soon. BUT I also have the dreaded chirp and want to be prepared to give Yamaha a call. A few back I had an occasion to have a pissing contest with a Honda dealer and pretty much got the same answer as the dealers are independent. The bottom line is when I called the dealer back and he agreed to look at the bike I told him to go pound sand and if that he treats his customers like I got treated then he gets everthing he deserves. I also told him that I was going to tell everyone I know and ran into about his "independence" . When I bought my bike I went right passed his door and to his competitor. This guy took two bikes in on trade and since it was winter here in Minnesota he drove the trailered bike over and pick up the trades (over 50 miles away). Haven't ever bought anything from Mr. Indepent either. I go over or around them now, screw e'm. Thank much! Steve
  19. Awhile back there was a big rush to add gauges to their bikes prior to the riding season. Well I was one of those, and I stole an idea from AlbertaClipper and added a Voltmeter and and oil pressure meter to my dash (tank cover area) . Since I had to buy a three gauge set to get the two gauges I wanted I have the water temp gauge left over. I was cleaning out the garage and decided someone could put it to better use than taking up space in my garage. Is anyone interested in the water temp gauge (gauge plus mounting bracket for three gauges) or maybe I should give it to someone that shows up at the PIP? Well what do you think? SUGGESTIONS? and please keep it clean this is a family rated forum ya know. Bubber aka Steve
  20. Now all you have to do is get ready to go to PIP in Sept. Yeah! :banana::banana: Glad you had a great trip and no real problems. Good to see your home safe and sound. Bubber aka Steve
  21. Is there anything we can send you in the form of a CARE package that you would like or need? Make a list and I am sure I can get some of it if not most of it. Take care and be safe. Steve aka Bubber PS I don't envy you being in that part of the world. Gong back to the 12 century has got to be fun....NOT!
  22. I have a light bar bracket (no lights or mount for the lower wind deflectors) if you are interested.:banana: BTW some lights are halogen, some are bulbs, make sure you get the ones you want. Steve
  23. Well if you are lumping people in to the category of being a puss if they feel bad if they hurt an animal then put my name at the top of your list. Accidents are accidents and saving your own skin comes first, but people that hurt animals or mistreat them are pretty low in my book. You did what you had to do at the time, don't feel bad for your own self preservation. People need to keep their dogs from chasing cars and what ever or suffer the consequences, and I say that knowing my own dogs likes to bark at anything that comes by the house. I know if he does get out and chases it is on me not him. That reminds me I need to train him a lot better now that I heard myself say that out loud. Glad you weren't hurt! Bubber
  24. To bad you didn't take her (for good). Let her go live in another country is she doesn't have any respect for our flag or our country Screw her and get the heck out! And don't ask me how I really feel about it! Steve
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