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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. he came and picked them up at my sister's while i was on vacation in florida. Just got back so i guess he was satisfied.
  2. Congrates, enjoy them. Spoil them and then send them home to their parents. sweet revenge!!!!! Bubber
  3. Called and left a message. Yes I have a pair of handle bars. Yes they are for a Venture. Yes I am willing to sell them. What else can I possible say? Ball is in your court. Bubber
  4. Let me look when I get home tomorrow and I'll give you a shout. Bubber to all you post stealers!!! LOL
  5. spike13 I believe I have a set that I replaced with some other bars that had more sweep back to them. Where are you located? What do you think is a fair price? Bubber
  6. I haven't seen any of your stuff but with winds like that you may want to look on the east coast and not so close to home. Glad your OK and are still hunkered down on the home front. Stay warn and hope to see you at PIP in the Fall. Bubber
  7. Plan now or regret for ever that you didn't get a chance to meet your fellow members and of course me. Who would want to pass that up?????? Seriously, that is why I posted now so everyone could plan. As stated many times I don't care how much I love our Canadian friends I am tired of them having more people in attendance at the Pork in the Pines than people from the lower 48. Granted the Canadians know how to have fun and party but really folks we need to belly up and show up. We have many attractions to: Mc Giever and his evil twin SideCar our newest and most honored member Pistol Pete returns with his sidekick Black Owl and Gary our founding fathers to the PintheP. Interesting and in depth conversations about, politics, people, food, bikes, rides, places, jokes Don't forget our resident jokesters: Marilynn, Laura and Elizabeth, Elizabeth seems to know way to much about obscure operations and the specifics of them. Camp fires very night, food every day solving the words problems with the meeting of the greatest minds of the VenturRiders club (wow I'll going to hell for that wopper) did I mention great food by a world renowned chef. Chef Red the extradinar . The many helpers that number in the tens without them this event would be anywhere near as spectacular as it is. Fellow participants that we never know what they will bring to the party. Auction of precious and not so precious items. Half the population of Canada or so it seems some times. Excellent company and more BS than you can fit in your saddlebags. WoW what else can I tell you to convince you that you would be missing the greatest event since Barac OBama leaving office. Ops (sorry Don) Bubber
  8. I was hoping that we could get some long distance members that were planning a vacation out this way. There are plenty of members to visit along the way, camping or spare rooms are plentiful. I have both. I understand your commitment and wish you the best with your rally. :clap2: God's speed my friend. Bubber
  9. Well folks I know it is early but I just posted the Pork in the Pines on the calendar for 2016. (Thanks EagleEye for reminding me) Plan your Sept accordingly, especially Mike alias Mike who can never seem to get there. Geese just send your wife instead next time. Seriously though I want to give everyone a lot of notice so we can make this Pork in the Pines better than the last. And let me tell you the last one was pretty special. We inducted a special person into our group and named him SideCar, a great young name we hope to see every year from here on out. I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Years and I hope your upcoming year is full of blessings and great riding weather. I really do hope you will put he Pork in the Pines on your Calendar and plan on attending, as usual all are welcome and all will be served. Your fellow member Bubber
  10. Your a lucky man indeed, nothing to assemble, nothing with a handle attached, everything was consumable. A lucky man indeed. Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Bubber
  11. WOW! Congrates to all. I got three healthy and happy kids, unfortunately, all in different parts of the country. Best of all presents. I told my daughters that what I need is disposable items like food, or other stuff that gets used up and its is gone. I got stuff, This coming year I will be downsizing big time. Giant man sale coming. I had a great Christmas knowing my kids are healthy and doing good in life. Everyone has their trials and tribulations, it is just part of life. Thanks for everyone in my life and thanks for Venturriders of which I have found some very good friends! What else could a guy need? Wishing you all the best in the new year! Bubber
  12. Merry Christmas Eck Glad they are all safe and sound! Bubber
  13. Thanks Freebird It made me happy and sad at the same time. The Lord works in mysterious ways and we never know when, where, or how. Thanks for sharing I enjoyed it immensely. Merry Christmas to all. Sing a Christmas carol and remember why we celebrate this time of year. May the Lord bless you all in the new year. Bubber aka Steve
  14. Welcome to our world! Bubber
  15. CaptainJoe Thanks for rubbing the good weather your having, we will be in the 30's and trust me that is really good for us this time of year. We are all looking forward to the ice freezing so we can go ice fishing. Season is only open till end of Feb. and there isn't any ice at all. Bubber
  16. You have done the same thing most of us have done, that spacer washer is not in the correct place. look at the manual and you will see the correct location. I don't remember the specific place so I don't want to tell you. Just know I did the same thing. Good luck Bubber
  17. Is the inner fairing cracked? and if yes can it be repaired or toast? I was looking for a part to practice my repair technique on. Bubber
  18. Bubber

    Fuel Pump?

    Sorry someone couldn't help you this time. Next time we will all jump in hopefully. Live and learn I guess. Glad you got it fixed and it is running the way you wanted. Oh BTW you could look on the home page under 2nd or 1st gen for fixes and repairs people have done. Hope that helps for the next time. Bubber
  19. Bubber

    Fuel Pump?

    Did you ask? Just remember someone here just about knows everything, just not the same person each time. Bubber
  20. Bubber

    Fuel Pump?

    Mucho Gratsias or how ever it is spelled. Mine will never fail again because now there will be a spare. Bubber
  21. SEA FOAM ! Let it sit over night.
  22. Bubber

    Fuel Pump?

    Here is the points that I bought off of ebay, do a search for the number I am sure it will come up numerous times. 18-4615 They seem to be used for all kinds of Jap bike fuel pumps. Good luck. Bubber
  23. Really no one has pictures other than the ones posted????? Someone must have pictures. Bubber
  24. Bubber

    Fuel line

    look on home page there is a history of the bike and other articles that relate to the bike and parts. Bubber PS Technical Library is where you should find this type of information.
  25. Bubber

    A Sad day!!

    NOT a Chrysler fan either. Good luck with the future X-wife. Bubber
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