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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. MOMMY !
  2. No pygmies can be sent to Canada eh. That's where I moved to after that other feller from looezeanner replied to a posting I made. Bye eh Oh and I change my name to Claude too eh
  3. Shirley McClaine ????? Thank you very much!
  4. I hate to say it but I been through the 2nd Gen ones and I can't find it. I must be having a continuous senior moment or some thing.
  5. I couldn't access the posts with the above addy. Must be me.... oh ya I ain't a registered member either. How about a copy and paste in a PM to me ?????????
  6. DragonRider you may have mis interpreted my remarks.............. No you had it right the first time. LMFAO By the way I moved to Canada eh! Ya thats the ticket Canada.:missingtooth:
  7. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CLUE ?????? Besides I ain't an uppity Redneck......just a redneck. My neck is as red as a tree rippened apple and just cause Mrs Bubber says I am a know it all, don't make it so! I has been called a lot of things but never uppity. Some things I have been called I just can't print here where one of those young pygmies might see it and repeat it. :crying: Bubber who says if its pygmies you want..... pygmies you shall get !!! 12 breeding pairs on their way in a box with a couple of air holes punched in the side. :dancefool: No need to thank me!
  8. These boys can get brutal with out pictures! You best feed them something to keep them in line. LOL Some don't read as gooder as duz. :crying:
  9. Is there a tech article out there on how to install the vent? Where? I am pretty convinced that the vent is a good idea, now I need the HOW to INSTALL part of the equation. ANYBODY ???????? :yikes:
  10. Please excuse Bommer CPO after all he is from Loozeeanner. Nuff said!
  11. I am considering installing a windshield vent and was wondering about the Pros and Cons.:yikes: Is there an article on just how to install the vents and are there different types? Your help and knowledge is appreciated! Bubber
  12. http://www.warrensbakery.co.uk/products/large-steak-pasty.jpg I got hit with a bucket of pasties once, but I never had a bouncer learn me how to fly except for that one time in.............. ah never mind that, he was two feet taller and two feet wider than me anyway. Besides 6 feet ain't really flying. We have a lot of different ethnicities in the upper mid west (other than Scandihovians) so it could be a lot of things called different by each and eveyone of them. But it looks German to me, Meat and potatos, yah that looks Crout to me! I never been on that side of the big lake so not sure what they call it. BUT PASTIES sure got my attention.
  13. Wish we could make it up there....but once again, another family wedding on a holiday! Trust someone to go low on that comment.... Low on the family thing or the crystal balls. I had no idea you had that condition, C.B. that is! Always take the low road when I can before someone else that is. LOL Bubber PS: how is the water bottle holder coming? LOL
  14. YEAH!!!! That's Great! And now the good stuff begins....PIP, I am counting down the days.
  15. If'in your down that way stop and get those pygmies of yourn a hungry gator out of the bayou so they have a little something to keep busy with. Wouldn't them getting into mischief if your not watch'n real close. :missingtooth:
  16. Use double faced tape and attach a peice of plastic in the shape of a T, with a hole in the verticle part of the T. Didn't know how to describe it any better sorry.:ignore: Steve
  17. I am thinking 8 track! Cassettes are so high tech! :rotf:
  18. I saw the posting a little late. Here is hoping that all goes well and that your pants fit better after the surgery. LOL We will be thinking about you all day. Take care and heal fast over the next few weeks. Here is praying that God has his eye on you and sees you through. Steve
  19. You'ins, isn't that the Northern Cousin of Ya'all? Boiling is all ways best before grilling them thar thingies. Softens them babies right up. :dancefool:
  20. I would say it is good till it starts to slip. No Biggy!
  21. A-YUH, ya all come back now ya hear ! Pak the caa in havaad yaad. "use guys" get off the grass. I "sar it" in the newspaper. Any of those sound familiar Boommer?
  22. Sorry Eh! :yikes: Or should I have said Ufta?
  23. DON He is trying to restart the WHY thread !!!! Too political for sure. :missingtooth:
  24. WOW Ya'll must be sleeping. Lucky....Lucky me!!!!! :dancefool:
  25. FUNNY!!!! I BE LIKING IT Dingy!!!!!!
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