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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. What is the recommendation for antifreeze in a RSV 2006? Thinking about changing it but probably not till late fall. Bubber
  2. What does this set-up cost Mike? And thanks! Bubber
  3. Point taken! Lets move it along. Hunter 1500 you got your answer ??? YES? Where the heck is that submit button when you want one?
  4. Sorry to hear about the lose of your beloved pet Buster. I am sure he was a fine family member too. May he chase squirels, bark at rabbits and live in your memory forever.
  5. Sorry I forgot the picture I took. The last one is the real Bubber!
  6. I got home about 5:30pm and hit sprinkles about 2 miles south of North Branch. Saw lots of cops and there was lot of traffic heading west toward St.Paul. I had a great time with great friends, new and the previously met ones. You guys treated me like a king and WOW what great breakfasts you all served.:banana: Great conversation, great BS'ing, got a little work done and drank a little beer too (by accident). I didn't look at the final mileage but it was close to 600 round trip. Thanks for having us all and thanks to every one that came to either help or offer moral support. We got a lot of work done some how. Vent worked fine and it is still attached. Bubber
  7. Bike is ready, trailer packed with tools and toys. The clock is moving real slow and I will be leaving here at noon today (friday). I hope I can either outrun the rain or have it push me along. I hope to be at Eagleeye's by 6 at the latest depending on weather. Looking forward to it. Momma says not to run over any of those Wisconsin deer that are always sleeping along side the highway. I hope they sell Leinenkugel Red in Suak City. I could be real thirsty by the time I get there. Bubber
  8. Any comments I could possibly offer would just get me into more trouble then I would ever need or want. Good luck and I wasn't here .....right?
  9. Dang Bob you was too fast for me on the gas filter. :crying: Now I suppose you'll have mantenance to do since you'll have parts. LOL Bubber
  10. Wouldn't mind seeing a bunch more pictures. Looks like you did a real nice job! Bubber
  11. How is the weather looking for the weekend? :yikes: We are seeing rain in the forcast on Friday, hoping that it is the morning and I can get out of here by noon. :banana: I better find the pants to the rainsuit huh? Bubber
  12. I think you read that wrong I don't need one. Slowhand does. I have a couple of them byt the rings are different and the they don't all fit the same . I believe it is because of the bulb Vs the halogen, but just a guess on my part. Bubber
  13. I was thinking that you were the Quality guy! OH! OH! Lions and tigers and engineers, oh no! :banana:
  14. A picture of the damaged parts would help. There are a couple of different buckets for the driving lights and rings so definitely need pictures on those, especially the ring and the screw mechanism. Bubber
  15. And don't forget the quality guy! Now we have gone and done it!
  16. Maybe I should re-think this whole hole cutting thing? You guys sound real anxious to cut holes in MY bike. LOL Whats the worst that can happen? Oh great, now I am worried! :crying: Bubber
  17. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians! What have we got our selves into?
  18. Haven't you ever heard that the early bird catches the worm! :banana: Ya can't learn nothing if you ain't there, can ya? Scooterbob is over by you, drag him along. We need a good engineer to watch over us! Bubber
  19. Mark your not supposed to work on it, your supposed to ride it! It ain't your old Harley! LOL Ya, we all like these bikes and they are well engineered that's for sure. Enjoy! Bubber
  20. Sounds to me that the artwork on the speedo is wrong. I told a cop in Wisconsin my speedo was off by 10% and he informed me that by law it HAS to be within 6%. Call YAMMA-MOMMA and tell her tht the speedo if off and oh ya the cassette needs a tune-up too. Don't hold your breath! :crying:
  21. Come on down! We'll put you to work doing something.
  22. I have Foremost and it is $250.00 full coverage. Never had a claim on a bike. Only claim was when Mr. Buck decided to run into my truck and commit "Harry-Carry" LOL :crying:
  23. Looks absolutely GREAT !!!! Great job, I be liking it !!!!!!! :missingtooth::missingtooth::missingtooth::missingtooth::missingtooth:
  24. A Little Bump to keep track of it! :missingtooth:
  25. Ride what you like and as everyone said you'll always be welcome here. I like all bikes some more than others, LOL Enjoy !!! and have fun!!!! Bubber
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