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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. Anybody else? Must be more out there that have made the conversion from Venture bars to RSTD bars. Please chime in with your expertise.
  2. OK MR Bomgobobny! I am officially jealous !!!!!!!! :crying:
  3. Any other experiences with their conversions?
  4. Ok Folks I need a little help from the vast knowledge base of the VetureRiders. Bike info: 2006 Venture Midnight I want to change out my Venture handle bars and replace them with RSTD bars which I got last fall. Since the RSTD bars are a little longer and more pull back…..here is what I need to know. a)Does the upper brake line have to be longer and if yes by how much I assume that the lowers do not have to be lengthened at all, correct me if I am wrong here. b)Does the clutch master cylinder hydraulic line have to be lengthened and if yes by how much? c)Do the throttle cables have to be lengthened and if yes by how much. d)Do the electrical wires have to be lengthened and by how much? Some have made the swap before so I am looking for the wisdom of the group to do mine. Should I put all braided stainless steel brake and clutch lines on or just the standard ones? What is the bang for the buck? I thought I would do an article on the project so that it was documented for any members wanting to do it in the future. So give me your if you would. Thanks Much!
  5. I think ya gotta keeper there Margret! :dancefool:Congratulations and God bless!
  6. Ya who wouldn't want to be in Minnesota with temperatures in the single digits, wind howling and windows rattling? You poor Texans that have to suffer through 70 degree weather in January. I really feel for ya. NOT! :rotf: It will all be over in 4 more months or so, maybe.
  7. I just ran across this when I was looking through my MC stuff in the garage and thought it may of use to some of you. You can create your own list and check it off as you go. Check it out http://micapeak.com/checklists/
  8. Where are the pictures??? I just bought a spare front fairing to paint and fool around with. It is supposed to be on it's way but the UPS tracking doesn't show that it moved in two days. I may be asking you a bunch of questions on the paint you are doing, So that is your warning. LOL Would love to see how it comes out.
  9. Happy Birthday Larry. Hope you add it to a list of many more. :dancefool:
  10. I have also heard of the dry ice method and seen a vidio but have no personal experience. I used to be a bodyman back in the day but have not practiced for many a moon. Tanks are of a thicker gage so not sure if dry ice is that effective. I have used air on some tanks after plugging all the inlets and outlets. go slow with this and use a regulator. I had one tank that I had the dent pulled out with a pin spot welder but it required painting. Pushing from the inside out I am afraid will leave marks but a lot of things have changed since I was doing it. Tapping on the preasure point with preasure put on the dent either internal or external will help. Good luck with your project. BUBBER
  11. Why do you want to torture Big Tom. You know how he LOVES that white stuff or was it ice cream he loves?
  12. http://dsp.imageg.net/graphics/product_images/p6018629dt.jpg This would better fit Mr Owl and be much safer don't you think? :rotf:
  13. That lst picture burned out my retinas. Just like a sunburn or neddles in my eyes. DON"T ever do that again!!!!!! Where did I put the Jack Daniels, three fingers please!
  14. These are the ones I copied off another posting. But I have not checked then out to see if they are any good. Wix 3304 NAPA 3011 Purolator F 100 24 Auto Zone FF3330 (luber-finer G478) has a metal body) NAPA Gold 3307 (has a metal body) I checked at the local NAPA and the filters did not have a metal body, so that is why you should take the filter with you and do a side by side comparison, and bring a tape mesure tape. Bubber
  15. Now I need black glasses, a cane and a seeing eye dog. Thanks alot, just thanks alot! Where is an ambulance chaser when you need on?
  16. Wouldn't Russ fall down just looking at it? :rotf:
  17. There is something to be said for the scrap value. Ask the guy what he is willing to pay and come to some agreement. I would think a couple hundred for scrap price would make both of you happy. It would me!
  18. You'll make someone a great little wife someday! :rotf:
  19. That really sucks!!!!! I still gotta work 5 more f#%^## years to be retired. :yikes: Best of luck Steve and keep us poor working stiffs in mind when you are out fooling around with that Yooper guy. God's speed my friend! Steve aka Bubber
  20. People!!!!!! This a is a family friendly forum! Lets not be using the S-Word any more ......... OTAY! :doh:
  21. Sorry to hear that you lost your Grandfather. It is never an easy time. May you remember the good time you had with your family much more than the loss. Family is so important and sometimes we forget that until it is to late. You sure loved him and I am sure he knew that, and that will always be the thing that sticks to your heart forever. God be with you and God,s speed! Bubber aka Steve
  22. I sure hope you can run faster that your (wife, girlfriend,other) when they read this. Laughed out loud and thought how true it is. :rotf: Good thing Mrs. Bubber don't visit the site. Oh I hear her coming. "Gotta go"! :yikes:
  23. Happy Birthday Paul! So is it true that you are finally older than that 1st Gen????? You couldn't wait for your 1st birthday, you had to be born a day early didn't ya? :rotf:
  24. I never go out on Amateur Night.
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