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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. You came to Mpls, and didn't give anyone a shout? BAD BOY! VERY BAD BOY!
  2. Don't you have to work driving those future juvinal deliquents around in that big yellow jail? :yikes: Have fun in Mesa! Have a 64 for me, no not me for Gary. :rotf:
  3. Id like to come as long as you bring Karen because she is fun to be around. :rotf:
  4. I think the theory is that the magnet captures the particles and prevents it from floating around before it gets a chance to go through the filter. It it is attached to the magnet it hasn't gone through the filter yet and won't go through the bearings, transmission, rings, oil pump and on and on and on.
  5. Dude that was cold dude! Really Cold! :rotf: :moon: But your probably right! Oh ya steel!
  6. I hear an a$$ whoopin coming from a1bummer place.
  7. Clamp two small peices of wood, one on each side, bend it back into position and then seal the hair line crack with clear fingernail pollish or other suitable clear coating.
  8. The way oils are made today and all the additives, to change the oil at 3000 miles is a total waste and for synthetics it is a terrible waste. Yes I used to change my oil at 3000 miles too. but not anymore. I change at 6000 minimum and have gone to 7500 in the cars. I won't waste the time or money changing any earlier than that. Same goes for the bike. for what it is worth.
  9. Ya had me at " It is gelatinous in texture" Ummmmm Ummmmm Yummmy NOT! They throw in under sheds to scare the skunks away..... tell you anything? :rotf:
  10. Bubber


    Hope everything works it's way out. You know the old saying "$hit happens" but in your case I guess it doesn't. :yikes: Best of luck and a speedy recovery.
  11. Hey your not blamming us for you spending all that money on those great upgrades are you? LOL Sounds like a great bike especially with all those add ons.
  12. What is the real difference between a battery tender jr and a battery charger? Since the last battery I put in the bike was a AGM type I am wondering what it is I should be using. Read articles about desulphering and all kinds of technical stuff. Just need to know in layman's terms what to do or at least an explanation of what each kind does and if it is important to me or not. Let the technical guys come back first and then you can let the insult fly.
  13. Hello! I am here from the IRS and I am here to help you. I will wait in the corner to be admonished. :rotf:
  14. I also have a magnetic drain plug since about new or at least my first oil change.
  15. Better get the new one before you take the old one out. Is it even available? Sounds to me like it should be left alone. It doesn't sound like it is a problem and it is working.
  16. Can I just totaly disagree with that and get back to the regularly scheduled show? or not?
  17. Bubber


    Why would it be installed on a swing arm and besides it would be behind the saddlebag wouldn't it? How ya going to scare a soccer mom with it on the swing arm?
  18. It just seems curious to me that the rotor would dish like that. Something must be pulling or pushing to make that happen . I doubt that it warped on it own. Better check the caliper mounting. Or if you took it off originaly was there any thing strange that you noticed. You may have got it mounted wrong and never noticed it and now you have it mounted correctly. Just thinking out loud here. Steve aka Bubber
  19. Thanks for the pics Kenny and Beth. Hey Captain not to worry, I got a sense of humor and can take it as good as I give it. I take no offense to nothing. Good times riding in Cody, it will always stay with me what good guys to ride with and the fun we had together. :rotf: Ya, Tom was nice enough to send me a CD of the ride. With out it I wouldn't have had much for pictures at all.
  20. Now at last someone who is helpful. LMAO :rotf: Thanks Prairiehammer I'll have to save that pic to my "where you have been file". :moon:
  21. Thanks sarge for sticking it to me. Got some 64 beer with your name on it! :rotf: How is that for payback? I probably still owe you at least one more.
  22. Well mine wasn't there and it was real hard taking a picture of myself riding my bike. Beth took pictures of me on Chief Joseph Highway and I never heard from her again. Maybe I did break her camera and she is P-O'ed at me. Maybe she is holding my picture for ransome. Wait ...... all I want is my pictures! Jeeeze I didn't mean any harm by this posting, what have I started here, anyway? :crying: You guys are a tough crowd for sure!
  23. No........ pretty sure it was Beth. Yammer Dan Whats a picture??? That is something with a frame around it.
  24. Yooper I was thinking about you the other day. A gal at work was up in your neck of the woods snowmobling, seems like it is the only place with snow. Not sure exactly sure where, but up near you. Glad you didn't go into hibernation up there on the U-P. I am going to take a long weekend this summer and come to the U-P just see where the heck you live, just don't tell the little women eh. Hope your getting that 1st gen ready to do a little riding, eh.
  25. Yo kbran and Beth thought I would send my email addy so when you find that picture(s) of me going down the highway you can just email them directly to me. I forgot all about it then my brain cells clicked together and BANG , then I couldn't remember who. Looking forward to seeing the picture. :banana: Your personnel folder was full so I posted here instead. Steve aka Bubber steve_stelter@yahoo.com
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