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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. The Eagle has landed! They are here safe and sound just a little before 9:00pm local time. A little tired but hungry I hope. Hamburgers on the Barbie!
  2. I hope she makes it soon because I want to have some Hot Sex and I hate to be alone when I do. :rotf: Also got an Awsome Orange Cream and I'm Bananas Over You. Just a little sampler for the girls. Oh boy I may be in trouble now. :rotf:
  3. Sarge Why are you surfing the net Don't you have laundry to do?
  4. Do 99 and later parts fit?
  5. Check you PM! All our info is in there. We are glad to help and see them.
  6. Probably give Owl a shout he is close to 35. I am 40 miles north of the cities on the way to Duluth a little out of the way. I am sure he cam accommodate the two of them. Unfortunately I am off to a wedding this week end. Not sure when they are coming through. Give a shout when in doubt. Bubber
  7. If you advertise that you are having ice cream I think I know at least one that will be there for sure. :rotf: A little to far for me and I just got back from New England from a wedding. Now all you other folks get on the stick poor Bob is lonely and needs a reason to "Party" Good luck Bob and remember green side up. And yes I did stay at the Holiday Inn, thanks for asking. Bubber
  8. Why be offended? Like you said it was a suggestion. That is how ideas spawn and grow.
  9. Although I have never personally met Gunboat. I have seen his name and activities here on the forum. If it is going to be more about his personality and less about motorcycles then I suggest one or more of the following. service to country service to community service to a fellow person in need, regardless of situation an outstanding or unselfish act that had benefit to others but no benefit to the provider service to their respective church (this may be touchy for some people of other or no affiliation) unique and unselfish act ( no specific offered, and must be submitted by anyone else other than the provider) There is my 2 cents worth. Steve aka Bubber
  10. Like me a lot of people buy HD compatible tach and they install just fine. 2 wires!
  11. That is a good 100 miles South of me. We must have members in Red Wing which is right next door.
  12. Where in Minnesota. we got other members here. Bubber
  13. Ya had me worried I was just about to call the state police. Glad you made it home safe and sound.
  14. Happy Birthday Mini! Join the senior citizens at the MD celebrations. I can never seem to schedule this right to meet all the crazies in this group. Here is looking to next year. Don't make me get out my NASA telescope and spy on you all at MD this year. The last time I did that, I aimed it wrong and got Don't neighbor while she was in the shower. Not a pretty site! Have fun all of you and toast the ones that couldn't make it! Bubber
  15. Tom you are always here so it doesn't really count.
  16. Thanks for the "Ridicule" of ScotterBob for not getting with the program. He and You better make it to the Pork in the Pine this year. Looking forward to see all of you or should the be "you all"? :Avatars_Gee_George: Bubber
  17. I just figured he was trying to run out on us. Everyone know knows that you can never leave once you join this group! :rotf:
  18. I emailed ScotterBob and got no reply. I research him in the members list and no listing. Did he disappear from the face of the earth or what. What have you done to that cheesehead?????
  19. Cut the end off and send it to me and I'll weld a pad on it. Good luck standing there holding up the bike while you wait for snail mail.
  20. Bubber


    I can hardly stand to hear it with out my eyes leaking. It is definitely a tear jerker for sure. With respect to all our service people Bubber
  21. I second, third and fourth that! Bubber
  22. Them there runt probably been use to them there east coast foods and those fish gut sandwiches are bit tough on the digestive track. Good luck with the Tums and ant-acids. When you heading North to see us folks at Pork in the Pines. Leave the pygmies at home though. God's speed my friend!
  23. I keep mine at 3000 minimum in 4th to get the best gas millage and still have some power for passing. In 5th I am doing at least 65 MPH and what ever the RPM is.
  24. Ya that is definitely Condor. :rotf:
  25. They are beautiful dogs!
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