While I never!!!!!! Well actually I did once but I don't want to talk about it.
Got up early to take the dog out and have a little me time, since I don't work on Fridays.
I have no rush to be any where today. So let the girls sleep and catch up on some ZZZZs. They have had some long days.
Wife has breakfast planned eggs, toast, sausage, fruit and what ever she got yesterday.
I guess I will have to take a picture for you doubting Thomas's that they were really here.
Found my set of RSV bars and will hold them up to the bike and see if Marilyn likes them any better. I put RSTD bars on mine about a year or so a go.
YES RICK we will check the bike over before we let them leave and make sure they get home safe and sound to you, back to Canada ahh.
Thanks to them for stopping. Really liked seeing Marilyn again and meeting Courtney. Very nice young lady. Rick, is she related?
Ain't it great how superb this group takes care and helps each other?
I guess they missed Owl. I called twice to see if they had stopped to visit with him yesterday. His loss my gain.
That concludes this installment of
''As the Canadians Tour"