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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. Thanks Bob I just can't get the hang of a foreign language.
  2. Originally Posted by Bubber My wife thinks I'm nuts too, but in her case I think she has proof. What are you trying to imply here Rick? And I thought you were my friend.
  3. Good luck maybe you can get it to work.... our elected official sure the heck don't, work that is. No politics here Boss just a statement of facts. Yes I know ...go lay down by my bowl and shut the %$@# up.
  4. You better watch those two. They can be a hand full. Enjoy!
  5. My wife thinks I'm nuts too, but in her case I think she has proof.
  6. Love Ya Brother! Oh ya! Love ya Brother! Ahh I forgot how to speak Canadian there for a moment, Ahh,
  7. Bubber

    Blonde Joke

    Oh my son. When you get to blonde heaven ...boy will pay for that! LMFAO
  8. No Rick! Not you! :rotf: Gave up on the idea of the weights, Did Ya?
  9. Works for Me!!!! I got three or four anyway. LOL:missingtooth:
  10. That's funny because the other night on a re-run of Big Bang Theory, Sheldon mentioned something about the US being invaded by Canada. Closer to the truth than he knew. :rotf:
  11. Dazzle them with brilliance or baffle them with Bull S**T No body won here! A young boy lost his life and a man lost the rest of his.
  12. Ya can't fix stupid!
  13. My advice is to never use a used bearing. My thinking is that it takes to much work/effort to do it twice if it doesn't work correctly. Besides if your bearing has chunks out of the race there was more wrong with it than the bearing. It must have not been adjusted correctly.
  14. Oh sure blame it on me! Mike knows we like her best anyway! Beside she can make Carmel rolls in her sleep. So I've heard.
  15. The End Bye Bye! :crying::crying::crying::crying:
  16. There is no gear lube just motor oil. Motor oil is also used as gear lubrication. Your buddy may be right and it is the shock. I have not seen the color of the shock fluid so hopefully someone will chime in with an answer.
  17. And that concludes the epic story of "Tail of Two Cities" or as we affectionately call it "The Canadian Express". Rolling, rolling, rolling, keep them wheels a rolling. :rotf: Brought to you by those friendly folks North of the boarder and the members of VentureRider.Org
  18. Thanks Dan, you ruined the surprise ending! :rotf: Geeze, now everyone will know.
  19. Two hot biker chicks from Canada doing a Road Trip together. Stopping to meet members along the way. :dancefool:
  20. It must be a well kept secret from Rick. Lets not spoil the surprise ending.
  21. I see adds all the time on Craigslist and other places where someone obviously spent a lot of time restoring, rebuilding, customizing or what ever, has little or no time or miles on it and wants to sell it for what ever reason. SO what's up with that? It just seems to me that if you do this and get it just the way you want it why would you sell it? DUH? Yes I know us weak minds don't understand but it makes no sense to me.
  22. Marilyn Make sure you post that you got across the boarder and you and Courtney are safe and sound in Canada. AHH! Oh ya the bike too. Rick might get ticked at us if we don't return you'all in good health to him. We don't want anything to happen to either one of you on our watch (as if you need to be protected). Could you also post Rick's retraining schedule ? We don't want to be interrupting his retraining with frivolous idle chit chat. :rotf:
  23. We fed them good and still let them sleep in. Eggs and toast and sausage and what ever. They seem to like my cooking just fine.
  24. All I know is she had them bars strapped to the bike and was waving good bye and I was standing there wondering what just happened.:rotf: Damn she's good! Heck they been is my garage for over a year gathering dust....... I mean accumulating value. Ya that's it! Accumulating value.
  25. The pleasure was all mine. Glad I had the chance to meet Courtney and spend time with Marilyn. She must be well into ND by now, unless they made some side trip to shop. OH ya they don't have any room to put anything anywhere. Good thinking Rick.
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