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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. 2006 Venture midnight I bought a Bunkhouse trailer and it has a 5 wire plug on it and the bike was wired with a 4 wire Hoppy isolator. I believe that the isolator is not working and now I want to wire the bike for a 5 wire so I can plug it into the trailer. Does anyone know which isolator I need for a 5 wire? A little help from you electrical guru guys would be much appreciated.
  2. I am so ashamed, I didn't know you knew.
  3. The washer thing is common, don't ask me how I know.
  4. Who do you think you are calling me a friend, you should know better than that. ONE MORE DAY! Yeah!
  5. REALLY you going with that? And nobody has a comment? Where are the smart a$$'s :moon: I know and love? Your going to just let him get away free and clear? What has this world come to?:rotf:
  7. Bubber


    Boy you guys will drink anything....... and I do mean anything. Nice to know I'm not alone.
  8. Dang is it that obvious? I'll have to change my tactics. :rotf:
  9. FBI is not your friend. Just cause they read your emails doesn't mean they are your friend. Try again.
  10. And how do you propose I get him to be silent (reads close his pie hole)?:rotf: Hey wait with out Russell none of us would eat? What I meant to say was Russell is a great asset and as allows I welcome his input. Wow I think I dodged a bullet there.
  11. Canada is great. It's those Canadians that want you to stop and have some fun and get you in trouble.:whistling: You know who you are...... RICK. Great folks and lots of fun. Have a great trip and come back safe.
  12. No Mother-in-Laws...... gota poke to many holes in the box and beside they make to much noise in the trailer. Lets be practical...... no the heck with that. just have fun and the rest will just be OK. Not sure about the auctioneer but I will ask.
  13. thought he faded away or something. long time no hear from.
  14. Hello anybody out there? Was it something Owl said?
  15. Hey folks I was reminded by Allen that we had a auction a few years back to raise money to keep the Pork in the Pines going. This is strictly voluntary but your participation is highly appreciated. Here is how I see it working. You bring an item to auction off and the proceeds go to the Pork in the Pines to keep expenses down. Now the items can be humorous or something you just don't need or use anymore. All items should be a good to great shape. Your on your own to bid or not. We did this a few years ago and it was a lot of fun. It is all in what you make it. Not sure if we are having a raffle this year or not. Hope this doesn't interfere with that. Bring something even if it is for a laugh. I am good with that. See you all at PIP and ride safe, keep the rubber on the pavement. You can add your comments but lets keep it the subject please.
  16. Because your a man! You do things and sometimes you make mistakes. If you didn't make mistakes then you weren't doing anything.....ever. You see guys forget the mistakes and move on, other genders remember till they shovel dirt on you, and then it still takes a few years. :rotf:
  17. "Da Bears" are in Chicago. Everyone knows that. Have a great weekend everyone and be safe.
  18. Cold Man, VERY COLD! The poor guy is hurting and you find picture of his bike and post it for all to see! :rotf::rotf: Sorry but it was funny.
  19. I am guessing something happened here for you to write this posting. Care to elaborate? BTW I don't disagree!
  20. So, so sorry Mike & JoDee I just don't know what to say in a time like this. So sorry to hear of your loss. God be with you in your time of need. We will be thinking off you. Steve aka Bubber
  21. Since when the heck have been tung tied? Dang them there pygmies. :rotf:
  22. It is every Labor Day starting on the Friday before and ending when the last bike leaves on Labor Day Monday. This year is no exception. The dates this year will be Friday Aug 31 thru Monday Sep 3.
  23. If you come we'll find a wascally wabbit and cook it just for you. Do you want that smothered in Cajun sauce or BBQ juice. It ain't brisket but It'll have to do. We normally have chili from the famous mid west chief Black Owl Extradinar on Fridays. Whole roast pig on Saturday with all the fixing's Sunday is Puled Pork and Monday is a big going home breakfast. Sure you can't make it. Bring some alligator and snapping turtle and we'll do them up too.
  24. Great, that is only 800+ miles from Minnesota. Nice try, No soup for you!
  25. Put us on your calendar for next year and cross all them other things off. Don't ya love us any more? And after all the things we did to you.
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