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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. First he plied me with liquor and then endless Dairy Queens. How could I resist? I didn't know anyone could get that drunk. Good luck here Tom Bubber
  2. Bubber

    Por 15

    I have read their literature and it sounds pretty impressive if it works like they say. But like always "buyer be ware" much better to get real life histories of practical uses. I think the clear will be beneficial to all the first gens that want to protect newly polished aluminum housings and chrome. As far as preparation, "the devil is in the details". I used to paint cars back in the day, and preparation was everything. 30 hours prepping and two hours shooting was the norm. Any others?
  3. Bubber

    Por 15

    Any body use the POR 15, Glisten PC? It is a clear coating to be used on polished metals, aluminum, chrome, brass, stainless steel, etc. It is supposed to be non yellowing. Not very cheap though. www.POR15.com is the site. Just thought it sounded to good to be true. Inquiring minds wants to know. Comments ???????? WAR stories, Horror stories. What ever you got. Thanks!
  4. I may have miss led you a little here. Cast on the inside of the housing is the following numbers. YHA317 STANLEY 0802 Japan These have come from multiple years of V-Star 1100 but they all seem to have the same designation. Shot me a PM and I will send you my phone number or email which ever you prefer. PS these use a bolt with a nut, it does not screw in from one side to the other. I also do not have the hardware to send. Bubber
  6. Yes I have one complete with black and blue wires too. Send me a PM if still interested. Bubber PS I compared these to my venture and they look the same even though they probably came off a 1100 classic. There are markings on the inside of each of the housings I have so give me the P/N, Code and I will compare to make sure they are the same.
  7. I have bought a few CrashToy bikes in the past and they all said they were branded. They only had minor replacement parts issues which I fixed. When I got the title it was NOT branded. What I had to do after the repairs were made is take it to a designated inspection facility and have them look at it, show them the receipts for the parts I bought and he checked the numbers to see if I replaced the frame or the motor. Oh ya paid fee for this folly and got my title free and clear. The guy that repaired yours must have done the same thing. Not sure if there is any way to clean the title, but I have heard that people register it in other states that have looser controls on the "branding" of title and it comes back clean. I gotta believe the insurance companies keep track of this stuff. I know they share info of claims. At least they do on house claims. If you plan on keeping it a while I wouldn't worry about it. You will get your money out of it at $4000. Best of luck on your decision. Bubber
  8. I didn't see that one coming. OUCH !!!!!!!!!!! WOW that hurt even to watch it!
  9. With out being political, Those people that don't represent the people that elected them should be voted out of office at the very next election. Here it is supposed to be "Of the people by the people" Vote all of the bums out! Yes I know. I will go lay down by my bowl now.
  10. I probably have the housing from the bolt out to the lens, but do not have the bracket portion to the bike. Do you need the whole thing or what I have described? I will look if still interested. It sure looks like what I have.
  11. Now I may actually have one. what color are the wires. If just the housing is bad you can just swap the guts to a different housing. I think I may have a complete house. Still I would like to see a picture to be sure. Bubber
  12. Picture would help. You have two bikes listed and I for one am not sure if they would be the same. Good luck with the search.
  13. What color is your front fender? I may have a spare for sale if your interested. I will look for it if you have interest. Sorry about your troubles.
  14. Good Luck and God's speed with the operation and recovery! Bubber
  15. Hey I am the tenth of ten kids. The more the merrier. Mom was pregnant or had a toddler for twenty years, don't that sound like fun? God bless her heart. I couldn't see doing that. I had three girls and that was a hand full. Good luck on "Your camping" trip. Maybe we are making to much to do about this. :rotf: Have fun and enjoy your time away. Bubber
  16. People at the Pork in the Pines asked me where I got the strobe light on the back of my Venture so her is the information. I ran into the receipt below. Date Ordered: Wednesday 18 November, 2009 LEDs must be "RED" Products ------------------------------------------------------ 1 x Strobes N More E4 Super LED - E4 Super LED (SNME4) = $49.99 Choose your Color Red 1 x Strobes N More E4 Super LED - E4 Single Mount (SNME4SNGMT) = $5.99 ------------------------------------------------------ Sub-Total: $55.98 United Parcel Service (1 x 1.5lbs) (Ground): $9.34 Total: $65.32 Bubber
  17. Had Direct TV and went with a local company called Midcontinent. I had nothing but bill problems with Direct TV and when the DVR that recorded multiple shows came out I wanted to upgrade to that DVR, Well they wanted me to pay for their equipment and not own it. Told them that I was a loyal customer for multiple years and they said that is why they wouldn't up grade me. My parting remark was " I will be leaving them by the end of the month". I got call backs from them but they couldn't do any thing. (so why did they call)? The day MidContinent came to install the cable Direct TV called and said they would upgrade me for free. TOO FRIGGEN late I told them and hung up. If they think your bluffing or that your locked in they won't do a thing. WRONG... I'll call the bluff every time. Been with MidContinent about a year can't say I have had any real problems to speak of. I bundled my phone, internet,& cable together for about $100.00 first year and & $120.00 for the second year. Third year it jumps big time and then I'll switch again. It is just a game with these people and they really don't care if you come or go because they get people switching every single day of the year. I am convinced that the days of a company caring about their loyal customers are well gone. To bad too, because older folks like to stay with people longer than the younger generation. To prove my point, every time a new phone comes out there is a lineup to purchase it regardless if their phone is fully functional or not. To bad too because I think they are missing the boat here. Maybe I am to Old School to know any better. Good luck on your choice. Bubber PS Direct TV called me right after I wrote this... so I got a chance to tell them again why I left and throw them out for the second time.. LMFAO
  18. Try Denise Kirk in Rush City MN. That is where I got mine a few years back. Catalog is on line.
  19. Bubber

    Wild Hair

    Tell Wild Hair, Eagleeye, Yooper and even you too, we missed you at Pork in the Pines. You guys better make it next year! Give my best to Wild Hair, sure do miss him. He is a great guy to BS with. Bubber
  20. Recently I got a Bunkhouse trailer and I used it at Pork in the Pines. It rained so the tent got wet. Well I was thinking that the nylon was wet and the water was not beading up. The tent did not leak but it got me to thinking. Should I spray the tent with some sort of water proofing before I put it away? Has anyone used a waterproofing on their Bunkhouse ? Did it work? Were you satisfied? Would you do it again? Would you just leave it alone? The guy I bought it from had softener sheets (like when you do laundry) all around the bed to keep mice away during storage. Do others do that and does it work for them? A lot of questions I know, but your help is appreciated. Bubber
  21. 2006 Venture midnight I bought a Bunkhouse trailer and it has a 5 wire plug on it and the bike was wired with a 4 wire Hoppy isolator. I believe that the isolator is not working and now I want to wire the bike for a 5 wire so I can plug it into the trailer. Does anyone know which isolator I need for a 5 wire? A little help from you electrical guru guys would be much appreciated.
  22. I am so ashamed, I didn't know you knew.
  23. The washer thing is common, don't ask me how I know.
  24. Who do you think you are calling me a friend, you should know better than that. ONE MORE DAY! Yeah!
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