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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. Good for you Larry. Hope all goes well. Best of luck on the operation and recovery. Bubber
  2. I hope so too Yammer! I just hope we take care of business and stop being the policemen of the world. Some people are just happy fighting and killing their own. Enough said there or it will turn into a discussion it wasn't intended to be. Best of all to all our members and be safe out there. Bubber
  3. You started it. I suggest you keep it going and we will help you as you go along. Look in the members list of people here in MN and possible surrounding states and start there. I can lend a hand as needed and share my thoughts on the subject. Others will chime in too. Things to consider" one day affair or multiple days camping over night place to work indoor/outdoor tools needed friends to help, it is a lot to do without help. food/cooking/etc I know from Pork in the Pines there is a lot of thing going on in the background that people don't realize. Bubber
  4. Thanks you all for your kind thoughts, and the razzing. I sure see myself as lucky to be born on such a great day as Nov. 11th. it always lets me remember the sacrifices that have gone before me by the ones that made our way of life possible and the freedoms that we enjoy. Not to be political but look around the world and see the conditions an oppressions that a lot of people have to endure and it makes you humble and grateful that we live in countries that afford us the freedoms that we enjoy. Be happy and grateful that we live in countries that respect human life and freedom. Thanks to all that allow us to be free. Bubber
  5. I never forget Veterans Day. It is a time to celebrate those people that protect our freedoms and our way of life. Thanks to those who have served our country. Let our prayers and thoughts be with those who made the ultimate sacrifice for God and country, and salute those that are still serving or made it home safe. God bless you all and protect you on your well deserved day of recognition. OH ya, my uncle was born on this day many years before me, and I to was lucky enough to born on this great day. With Great respect to all our Veterans! Bubber
  6. Thanks everyone. I will give one of them a try. I just want to do 2D stuff at the present. BlueVenture87 do you do cut outs for people on the side or is this your day job? Always looking for talented people. Speaking of which, does any one know how to strip paint from ABS without destroying it? Other than sanding it off. Bubber
  7. Does anyone on here use a free down loadable CAD software? What do you recommend? Where can I get it? Bubber
  8. Bubber

    HF Coupon

    OK I'll get you a pattern soon(er or later). Are you looking for something to do or what? I'll give you a call. Bubber
  9. Bubber

    HF Coupon

    I bought the Larin and now to modify it to fit my needs. It has got to hold a cooler and small tool box like trunk to hold some extra gear. Also thinking about lengthening the tongue on the Bunkhouse but I haven't determined by how much. Any ideas on that. Steve aka Bubber
  10. Bubber

    HF Coupon

    Since we were the recipient of 2" of snow the other day the RSV won't be going anywhere for a while. The F150 is the gas hog at 14MPG. But thanks for the smile anyway.
  11. Bubber

    HF Coupon

    So the HF carriers works out like this at a local store list price $129.99 with 25% coupon and on sale at $99.99 works out to be $79.67 w/taxes $60 off the list price of $129.99 works out to be $74.36 w/taxes Problem with these Harbor Freight carriers I have is I have to drive 80 miles round trip to get it. Or I can go locally to Fleet Farm for list price of $89.99 on sale (for a Larin carrier) plus taxes works out to be $95.61 26 miles round trip and I go there regularly anyway. I am thinking that it makes sense to buy the Fleet Farm carrier and save the gas expense. At 14 MPG it seems to be a wash. Only real difference is the HF Vs Larin as manufacturers. What do you think?
  12. My understanding is that these are made in India. Please sell them all to them. Just like Polaris moving the snowmobiles to Mexico. Sell your snowmobiles to the Mexicans, see how that works for you. Yes I know Yamaha is Japanese. Just saying the whole world is working on the getting it for the cheapest buck, first, only and last. The Japanese suffered through that and after many years they figured out that they have to make a good and dependable product and now they have the best quality in the industry and make great products. New emerging countries will have a hard row to hoe before they have a first class products on the market. I won't be drinking that Kool-Aid any time soon.
  13. Bubber

    HF Coupon

    I was thinking aluminum do to weight concerns. I may have to reevaluate all my options. Thanks. If there are other coupons greater than 20% keep them coming. Bubber has anyone got one of these http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Harbor-Freight-COUPON-500lb-CAPACITY-ALUMINUM-CARGO-CARRIER-SAVE-60-/00/s/MTQ4WDIyNQ==/z/DOIAAOxyTMhR9J5p/$(KGrHqZHJCYFHR8SuZkmBR9J5o86Y!~~60_35.JPG so I can print it?
  14. Sounds good to me, I would come. I have some ideas as what would help and some needs. PM if you like or call may work better. Bubber
  15. Bubber

    HF Coupon

    I will call to make sure they will take them printed. Bubber
  16. Bubber

    HF Coupon

    Does any one have a Harbor Freight coupon To save some money? I was looking at a trailer hitch cargo carrier to modify and I wanted to save some bucks. ANYBODY? Thanks Bubber
  17. I had heard he was sick but I must have missed that he had died. What a loss to our forum. So sorry to hear we lost a great member such as Steve. God's speed Mr. Wagner
  18. Got a little something in my eyes from watching that. Very well done! Thank you all you who have served. Bubber
  19. I am always innocent ...just ask me! I have never been caught, charged or convicted, at least under my God given name. Oh ya define convicted? :rotf: Bubber
  20. No offense taken. We are what we are and it's all good. Nobody here gets to excited about stuff so don't get too excited about comments. Good day mate! Bubber
  21. Just a little horse trading from a product to services to be rendered. Let me see about the pattern and the bling. Make what you want of that, I am perfectly innocent ..... as usual. And yes you ain't getting any younger or prettier either, but you all ready knew that didn't you? :rotf: Bubber
  22. Good for you guys. I know that feeling right about now myself. Have a great time and enjoy the sun. Bubber
  23. Never did hear back from Bunkhouse. I asked for how to winterize and about replacement parts. I was concerned about the stretchy cord that goes around the cover. I have heard about the steel wool and hedge balls but never about the peppermint oil. I think I will try a combination of the softener sheets and peppermint oil. Thanks for all the good advice. To those who responded with humor I liked that too. Bubber
  24. Tell what you do for winterizing your camping trailer to keep the mice and other destructive critters away. The guy I bought it from said to use softener sheet in the sleeping area to keep mice away. It just got me to thinking and you know how dangerous that can be. I have asked BunkHouse but I have not received an answer yet. So I thought I would ask all you experts for your advise and secrets to winterizing. Bubber
  25. So let me say it out loud. The guy is a liar! It happen as and when the paint is being applied. PERIOD! End of story. If the guy actually thinks that it can happen after painting then he is a bigger fool than the painter. I too painted cars back in the day and I am here to tell you it ain't happening the way he said. Rick is 100% right. Most fisheyes are caused by silicon and poor preparation and cleanliness. Additives will get rid of it when added to the paint. Sorry to hear of your troubles. Find someone reputable and someone not full of BS.
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