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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. Falls under "useless piece of crap" in my book. But then again each to their own, just not for me.
  2. Sorry I only speak English. I don't have any idea what your talking about.
  3. I remember hearing about a Harley Sportster that went back and forth across Canada and the guy actually put one million miles on the original engine. That was a lot of years ago. I am sure BMW are long lasting bikes also. But I have no specific examples to share. Bubber PS Happy Thanksgiving to all
  4. Good cheer and happiness to all this holiday season. May you be with family and friends and be thankful for all your blessing.:dancefool: Bubber
  5. Congrates! Grampa. :dancefool:
  6. Congrats and many more. :dancefool: Make sure you spoil them and send them home with the parents. Sweet! Bubber
  7. Owl turn on your flashlight cause I know you is lost beyond hope. :rotf: Bubber
  8. I haven't been over that away in a long time to Richmond WI that is. When I do go that way I will relay your message that you like snow and to send you all they can....collect. Those boys are gearing up for snowmobile season I am sure so they are out praying for snow as we speak.:banana: Hope all is well with you and enjoy. Bubber
  9. tx2sturgis, Please keep your dog-gone snow to yourself. I live in Minnesota and you can have all the snow you want, just don't share it with anyone. :rotf: Enjoy the white stuff! Bubber
  10. Maybe not as many as you thought! :rotf:
  11. PLEASE! I just ate. :rotf:
  12. This forum is real. Most of you people on here I have never met, but I must say I feel a kinship to this place and it's members, Not only for the info, jokes, stories, life To those people I have met from the forum they are all real people just as they represent themselves on here. That is an oddity in the cyberworld these days where people pretend to be just about anything they want to be while on the computer. I have read posts on here that give a very blunt opinion of what ever subject that is being discussed at the time and that is OK. Sometimes we need to hear the reality of other people to either change our minds or solidify our original opinion. So the reality is we are all different and have different opinions and we can all still get along and share those differences with each other and still be friends. It goes much farther than what bike you ride or what accessories you like or dis-like. It is the people of VentureRiders. Still family after all these years kind of sums it all up. Thanks for the reality check! Steve aka Bubber
  13. I'm not as smart as I thought I am/was. I can always out smart myself by over thinking a situation I have always loved my parents. I just never realized how much till I no longer had them. We elected fools, drunks, crooks and thieves to represent us in government. Time to elect people that represent the people & not their own self interests I Love the Lord Took me to long to realize what I was missing in my life and I have lost a lot time because of it. Friends don't have to be in your back yard Friends are those people you choose to call your friends and can be all around the county or countries. Being smart is not the same as being street smart. Doctors can't change a tire without help, but then again I can't do brain surgery. We all have a place in life we just need to find it. When you (I) find it I'll let you know Your kids are the most important thing in the world, BAR NONE! Teach your kids the good things and let them teach you too. When you were disciplining your kids when they were little and lecturing them They were listening, you can hear then tell their kids the same things. When I was 18 I didn't think my Dad knew to much. When I turned 21, I sure thought he learned an awful lot in 3 years If you don't learn something new every day your not paying attention or your dead. You can't tell people how to spend their money You wouldn't want anyone telling you either With old age comes wisdom. If your paying attention you may get old & learn stuff along the way too.
  14. Sorry to hear about your brother. Prayers on their way for a fast recovery. Bubber PS: the sound of getting hit by a front end loader made me cringe.
  15. Sounds political! LOL :rotf:
  16. Along the same thoughts. I have told my family when the time comes (hopefully a long time from now) to come and celebrate my life and laugh at all the good times, remember the stupid things we did and got away with and sometimes NOT. Remember the life, there will time enough to morn, time enough to miss the person and the remember them for what it meant to you. All those who have gone before us surely would want you to remember them with good thoughts and what they meant to you and the good times we all had together sharing each others life, laughter, heartache, joy and stories. Prayers for your friend and may you remember him for all the great times you had together and shared each others life. My deepest condolences to your loss. God's speed to your friend and may you meet on the other side. Steve aka Bubber
  17. Just because. The Guberment always knows best. And get back in line....NOW! :rotf:
  18. According to the listing of members in Minnesota alone there are 67 some of which are trial members. Big question is ...is there a place (pole barn, garage, or other structure) to perform maintenance on bikes and have them secure if they don't get finished on the first day? I suggest that we start a list of specialty tools that are available so we can determine what we are capable of doing. Tools I have: neck spanner wrench MC lift carb tune Also are there any experts in: electrical wiring brakes (replacing hoses & bleeding them) clutch replacement There is a start, I think. You could keep the listing off line to keep the list a little cleaner as far as who has what. Bubber
  19. JUST GIVE ME THE MONEY! You can call me anything you want. Just don't call me late for dinner. :banana: Bubber
  20. 2006 Venture bought in 2007 new off show room floor it was a hold over and they didn't sell it till I cam around. So 6 years and counting. I had other bikes but I like the Venture the best of the bikes I have had. Just now getting it the way I want it. Keep on tinkering. Bubber
  21. POR 15 has a high temp paint for headers and manifolds. I think they state it is good up to 1800 F POR15.com I think or do a search on Google. Best of luck. Bubber
  22. Ya we know, but you started it and now your stuck with all the wise cracks we can come up with. :rotf: Enjoy and have a laugh along with the rest of us. Bubber
  23. Hey lets call ourselves the VentureRiders.org. NOW ALL of you go lay down by your bowl! I can't remember what day it is and you all want to change the name of the site. FREEBIRD! where the heck are you? Put a stop to this before they elect Black Owl to some office or something. Je
  24. I can tell you that the powder coating shop I worked at wouldn't coat any chrome without blasting first to remove all the chrome. typically they use aluminum oxide as a medium. and for free too. :rotf: Bubber
  25. Federal Mogal has been around awhile. I think since Moby Dick was a sardine. :rotf:
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