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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. Hello everybody I am clearing up some stuff I have. These are all for a second gen and I believe according to the tank emblem they are 2005 1st assume all painted stuff needs paint 2nd I will describe in detail the best I can and send pictures if need to interested parties. I am located in Minnesota. Here is the list Rear fender black Tank black no emblem Tank red/gold 2 dings on top Front fender red/gold dent at mounting bolts Rear fender red/gold wire mounts and gaskets and rear molding still on Mirrors not sure if they are right or left no stem set of handle bars Venture contact me here first, then if interested we can exchange emails and pictures. Thanks Bubber aka Steve The guy in Canada is not ready to buy right now so parts are available.
  2. First thing I would do is find out what I have and what I don't have. Then I would separate them into what can be used and what needs to be replaced. Lists, lists lists! Then you should buy my home made sand/bead blaster to get all that rust and primer offen those parts. Good luck on the resto, it should be great. Bubber
  3. I hate snow!!!!!! No more snow, do you hear me? Keep all you dang snow. I want warm riding weather. Stop all this talk about snow! Thanks for your consideration, going back to my corner now and chew on my bone till the weather gets above 60 degrees F. Bubber
  4. You know Fred and Barney they must have been your neighbors back then. They had a big pet named Dino. The vehicle they had only had two wheels (ya had to push that one too) so I just thought it must have been one of those mock one thingys. I don't remember any Fred and Barney coming to the Pork in the Pines, to late now it ain't no more, the last one was the year before last. We laughed, we sang, we told lies, enjoyed life, we even had a little something to eat. Like a pig. I hope your poll goes good for all those lop eared rabbits or what ever you called them. They must be the only ones left that have those mock one thingys. I think most guys ride something made in this century. Well good luck and god bless all. May the wind always be at your back and you never run out of gas Bubber
  5. Are you having a "Do Over"? What is a 1200 anyway. Did they have those when Fred and Barney were still around? Glad I could help. Bubber
  6. My brother has a similar vac. His blower housing on the vac was made of plastic and things punched holes in it. He lined the inside with sheet metal to get mode use out of it. I would make sure the blower is metal and not plastic that is my 2 cents worth of wisdom.
  7. Slowrollwv So sorry to hear about your brother, Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in your time of need.
  8. Man am I sorry to hear of the Maintenance Day cancellation. I am really bummed. I have been wanting to go for the last 10 years. This was my year to go. I actually made plans to stop in Madison WI. (visit my daughter) on my way to Freebirds. Gosh, golly oh darn and a bunch of other 4 letter word (yes some are 5). That's it I am going to my corner and sulk. Well maybe later in the year???? Stay safe all, until we meet for the first time. Bubber
  9. I worked for a guy that specialized in fixing Corvairs. (St.Paul MN) He loved those things and he was a wiz at fixing them. I think he was the only guy around that would even touch them. He made a nice living fixing them. That was a lot of years ago and I am sure he is gone by now. He was in his 50's back in the 70's. I personally did not like them but each to his own.
  10. Hey that ain't motorcycle related. It's better! Nice pictures, you got good friends too, to help you out like that. Nice to outdoors enjoying the weather and friends. It sure perked up my day , Thanks Bubber
  11. Can you please just stop?
  12. dfitzbiz In generic terms can you explain what it is that you do to repair them (the shock). Curious minds would like to know. What is it that you charge? Thanks Bubber
  13. And so we continue.
  14. Marcarl Re: Shut down China Wow!!! you all clean up pretty good for a Sunday Morning,,,, who'd A thought? Bubber I was just checking in on all of you and I read Marcarl's remark. Did I leave my camera on? How do you know that I clean up good or not? See what I did there? I blamed Marcarl for all of my problems. good thing Marcarl has big shoulders and thick skin too. Lets get back to arguing about 1st gen Vs 2nd gens and not who did what to who. We will have plenty of time for that in the weeks to come. Arguing about religion and politics is a no win for either side. Kind of like someone coming to your door and trying to convert you to a different political party or religion. Ya It just ain't going to happen. Everybody just take a deep breath and relax about the whole who done what thing. Remember we came here to argue about motorcycle and have a laugh and just get away from the world and the problems of life. At least I do! This is my escape from reality and life's little curve balls. I want to have fun with Yamma Momma and see what trouble she is stirring up with out me. Sorry Yamma Momma for that bus that just ran you over, but you get what I mean. People that have met me, I think realize that I would rather have a laugh or two than a deep seated argument about almost anything. There is a place for everything in life and this is the place to talk about motorcycle and poke fun here and there and enjoy each others company. That what I come here for. So lets get on with it! Yamma Momma if your reading this I can't make it to the toga party cause I sent my best toga out to the dry cleaners so all I got is my birthday suit. Besides Marcarl turned on my camera and he has been watching me from that secret location in Canada. Hope he gets an eye full. Best to all you folks and enjoy the forum and it's members, I know I do. In the immortal words of Black Owl........ "Shut the hell up Bubber" Ya I know .... back to the bowl in the corner Bubber
  15. I decide I don't want to play the Chnia game anymore and I am going to another forum to share my unbounding wisdom with them, at least till they throw me out. Have fun and keep it civil please. Bubber
  16. I happened to look for my last reply to this post and it must have been deleted. Also I noticed that on the thread for "Shut down China" there is a red box over to the right. So not knowing what it was I clicked on it. It lite up that there were a number of threads deleted, seven I think. So if my last reply was deleted so be it. After all there must be some order to our forum. Not even sure I remember what it was that I said other than I may have used a three letter word. So so be it then. It is lost forever into the ibis of cyber world. If there was something in there that offended someone, I am sorry. I was just trying to add a little humor to the post. See you in the funny papers! Bubber I'll be at my bowl in the corner sulking.
  17. How did we circle back to this. I thought I derailed this thing 6-10 posts back? So how about those Nick's huh?
  18. Well it turns out that was the only thing she got right "I was never wrong". Who knew? I do believe I am due for a another adult beverage. Care to have one with me? BTW the wheels came off of the race car in China. Coincidence?..... I don't think soooooo!!!!!!!! There we go again we are back to China. I swear I don't know if the wheels had corona virus but it may all be a world wide plot to stop buying tires all together. Ya sure that's the ticket.
  19. Take a deep breath CaseyJ955. Maybe I should be more excited about it all but I also realize my only real power here is the voting booth come November. Let's not get this back into the realm of political subversion (that was a word I threw in there I heard once a long time a go) we have spies among us ( me being one of them). Let's just get through the next few weeks or even months and survive this mess. God willing and the creek don't rise, we will all come out of this with a much clearer vision of what is really important and what isn't. I tried to introduce a little humor/sarcasm into the conversation to change the mood of the postings I fear I may have failed my rapier wit. So to you CaseyJ955 I say: Nah.... Nah.... Nah.... Nah.... Nah..... There I win! My "X" would be so proud! Oh ya who cares! Let me buy you a drink and enjoy a little "ME" time. Chears my friend Casey !!!!!! I think I will have one with you! Bubber
  20. Folks just in case I am the only dense one here. You have to consider a little tongue in check going on here. But seriously folks, we still need to pull together like our fathers/mothers and grandfather/grandmothers did during WWII. They did what they had to for the good of the nation and didn't complain about a little inconvenience they put up with for years. I don't particularly like being at home alone, I am pretty poor company since I can't argue with myself since to my knowledge I have never been wrong in my life and my 'X" can verify that. Just saying folks we, the real people of this country need together and basically " Suck it up Buttercup" and set a good example even if our elected representative are to scared to do their jobs. Oh don't confuse this with being political, I just want to enlighten you with the wisdom of my old age. Gee I hope I saved my bacon with that last remark. Bottom line: stay safe, stay home and enjoy what we all had right in front of us that we didn't see till now. Good friends, good conversation (sprinkled with sarcasm) and a tolerant forum moderators/member/owner. I'll be in the corner by my bowl till someone trows me a bone of forgiveness. Bubber
  21. Your last line may be co strewed as a political statement. So please refrain from that if you can. I heard on the nightly news that the Trump Bucks were tax free. As far as anybody having to pay the money back only time will tell. Just glad our government is thinking about us instead of only thinking about their own hides. Here they are working diligently in Washington trying to solve this crisis without one thought toward their own safety and security. They are in Washington aren't they? What a great bunch of people we have chosen to represent us. We should be so proud. Well of to spend my Trump Bucks before the power that be give me more free money that we don't have.
  22. Corona virus special: Did you all receive your what I like to call "Trump Bucks"? I did, they just showed up in my checking account the other day. Wasn't that nice of our President to think of us while he is diligently fighting the corona virus? Others may call the windfall: Corona Bucks Congress Bucks Nasty Nancy's Bucks Do any of you have a pet name for your Trump Bucks? Feel free to add your corona bucks pet name below. Be respectful we have rules to live by and for good reason.
  23. I will have to check my busy calendar. But I think I can make it.
  24. I young lady I may just show up in my finest fluffiness just for you. But beware just because I am single I am not easy.. cheap yes but not easy.
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