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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. Bubber


    Bob! Really? I won't have expected this from you, your always so nice. :rotf: No really! Not sure anyone will believe me, but it was a good try. Sorry Bob.:rotf: Besides they're not sick puns but extremely well intentioned. Cleaver? Poignant? Punnyfull? Bubber
  2. Bubber


    I recently saw a posting about the cause of the groan when you sat on the venture, well I will be danged if I can find it now. Any help finding the posting or better yet the service bulletin that was mentioned to describe the fix (hopefully) Thanks Bubber
  3. I have always been under the impression that no matter how dead you are it still has to hurt. Really hate the thought of it. Besides it may be a prelude of what is to come. Bubber
  4. From a friend Tanker Hank: CONFUCIUS MAY NOT HAVE SAID......but would have, if he had thought a bit more! Man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient. Passionate kiss, like spider web, leads to undoing of fly. Lady who goes camping must beware of evil intent. Squirrel who runs up woman's leg will not find nuts. Man who leaps off cliff jumps to conclusion. Man who runs in front of car gets tired. Man who runs behind car gets exhausted. Man who eats many prunes get good run for money. War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left. Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night. It takes many nails to build a crib but only one screw to fill it. Man who drives like hell is bound to get there. Man who stands on toilet is high on pot. Man who live in glass house should change clothes in basement. Man who fish in other man's well often catch crabs. Finally CONFUCIUS DID SAY. . ... "A lion will not cheat on his wife, but a Tiger Wood!" Bubber
  5. I can't ever remember drinking that much to actually sing and dance at the same time. One is tuff enough for this old soul to do at one time. Besides Annie told me to behave myself,...... ya like that is going to happen. :rotf: Bubber
  6. How many of you that carry have used your gun in self defense? Before you get all bent out of shape, I am not for gun control. I own numerous rifles and have owned hand guns. I just always wondered how many really have used it in need. Bubber
  7. Make it back in time for Pork in the Pines.....or else! :rotf: Bubber
  8. Ya sure, that be good! :rotf:
  9. No picture just an 'X". Bubber
  10. I thought Beer30 was to old to have any more Birthdays? :rotf: Happy Birthday and many more!
  11. This may be the year that pesky on rooster finally dies of lead poisoning! :rotf: Bubber
  12. "So question is .. Is it $5.00 U.S. or $5.00 Canadian.. There is a BIG difference donchyaknow..." To answer your question..... YES! Glad only your pride was hurt. Bubber
  13. Bob go back to your corner and lay down by your bowl until further notice. NOW Bob! NOW!
  14. Annie will tell you. In Australia the kangaroos come up to the side of the road, look both ways and then cross regardless. They splatter them like deer in Wisconsin. BTW on the way back from Madison Wi. I had to quit counting deer sleeping by the side of the road because there were just to many of them. Bubber
  15. Congrates and have a great time. Take warm clothing, when we were there a few years back it was still cold and drizzly. Hope you have a great trip. It is surly one you will never forget. Post your trip as you go along if you can so we can enjoy it with you, if not hope to see some of your pics when you get back. Green with envy Bubber
  16. Mucho Grat-si ass . Now I know more of the stuff I didn't know. :rotf: Still electronically dysfunctional ( but happier about it) Bubber
  17. The chicken had motives? Wow? Who knew? Bad chicken, bad chicken!
  18. Am I missing something? I don't know the first thing about electronics but don't you need instructions on where to connect it..... OR is it that obvious? electronically dysfunctional :rotf: Bubber
  19. MY BAD ...............it didn't copy over. I'll try to fix it if I can.
  20. And so it goes! Bubber
  21. Gary W You can't fix stupid no matter what they ride. Bubber
  22. Yes Gary It had been cancelled. We'll have to try a little latter on. Bubber
  24. Bubber


    Watch her! She can't hold her beer. LOL :rotf:
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