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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. The other silly question post got me to thinking sooooooo........ While my daughter was in Hawaii she worked on a boat and someone asked her if the water went all the way around the island. Now how do you answer that???? Be nice!
  2. No one actually lives in Fargo especially after the movie by the same name. Just saying.....LOL Bubber
  3. OH great Bongo finally dug himself out... Man it has been quite around here lately. Welcome back Bob
  4. Keep it up Angelo and we will send you all the snow from Buffalo NY. Gotta like them there southerners with their dry heat. LOL Best to you and yours this Holiday season by that I mean Thanksgiving and Christmas. How is that for politically correct ....NOT!
  5. Happy Thanksgiving from and to the richest people in the world! Yes we may not have the money but we have each other and this Venture Family. For that I thank you Don, without you we would have probably been long gone. To all you other crazies, thanks for putting up with me over the years and my not so smart, smart aleck remarks while trying to be funny. Happy Thanksgiving,........... my friends!
  6. So friesman just because I stole, I mean borrowed EagleEyes's idea you steal it from me? ........ shame, shame, shame. I can't tell you how many great ideas I have relocated from the great folks on here..... well I could but they would hunt me down and want a royalty or something.
  7. Sounds like you WENT!
  8. Bubber


    Oh I forgot to say WHY in the last week or so. Yah I know WHY?
  9. I have been to Vegas once and that was enough for me. I don't gamble and I got tired of being solicited on street corners for "Do you want a Date" and then handed a card. Thanks ....but NO THANKS.
  10. I have the beehive lenses on my Venture and EagleEye told me where to get them. If I remember correctly they fit a Harley and I did get them at JP Cycle. Hope that helps.
  11. Way to much information Bob!
  12. Congrates Eck. Good on you mate!
  13. I have been in Las Vegas at Christmas time and it was colder there than it was in Minnesota so don't tell me that you don't have winter.
  14. Bubber


    are we really going to do this again? Yes I Know. WHY?
  15. Me too except I am not 60. Happy Birthday to another Veteran,s Day baby. That makes two of us.
  16. Flyinfool This ain't funny that we are getting 6+ to more than 12" of snow. what did we ever do to you? You better be coming over to shovel me out before I get home. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get to work this morning. Guess what list your on?
  17. WOW! This is the first I heard of Yooper's accident. Sorry to hear about your encounter with deer. Glad to hear the O'l bugger is doing OK though. Get well my friend we still have plenty of laughs to catch up on. Stay safe and I hope the surgery goes/went well.
  18. "C" senior! And no fairings are ABS and are not that easy to add stuff like a recessed cup for a lamp. besides there is stuff in the fairing that could interfere with the lights. Do with it what you will. Bubber
  19. Maybe the guy didn't know how to start a flood? :rotf:
  20. Who makes the ignition by-pass harness ? what is the benefit? precaution before failure? fix after a failure? Do you still use the key? or is it a total elimination of the key? Just planning ahead for winter. electrically illiterate
  21. Close enough for the girls I go with! added later: over the years it has been a practice of mine to take the part your replacing in to the counter for a positive ID before you buy it, drive it all the way home and then start cussing out the guy behind the counter. I have done it too many times the other way not to take the parts along. Good on you for being smarter than the parts guy.
  22. I had the same thing happen to me, going down the road and the bike died. In my case I believe it was the gas and specifically the fuel pump points. I have yet to take it apart but I have ridden it in cooler weather and did not have the same problem. I have heard the pump make its pumping sound on startup but still suspect the points. Let us know what you find out. Bubber
  23. FYI Spear is from Australia. Going to his capital not ours.
  24. Remind me again what sex is?
  25. I pay by the minute and I use it to make calls. What else do you need? Minions.... I like that! I find it funny that the people would camp out weeks to buy a product. Don't they have jobs? If not where do they get the money to buy one? I just think it is funny then it pisses me off that people are constantly on their phones diving down the road taking my life into their hands. I would just like to shoot their tire out ,but I don't want to suffer the consequences of doing that and getting caught, so I give them lots of room. I can only hope they reck their car and don't hurt anyone else. Yes I know I am not a teckie, just old school and that's the way I like it. Going back to my corner boss and waiting for the smoke to clear.
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