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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. Would love to see and meet you Dave.... sound like a road show for you Dave. Roast Pig with all the fixens. breakfast pulled pork sandwiches camaraderie be able tell lies, act smart, bike maintenance, general BS session, and meet friends you never knew you had. And McGiver will demonstrate his new purchases or maybe his old ones too.
  2. Bill bring your buddy McGiver! That is an order. Bubber
  3. Bubber

    PIP Patch

    You can PayPal to black owl and I will set them aside or mail them to you. need complete address for you Wiley Canadians. Will that work for you? Bubber
  4. BUBBER add me since I ordered the pig.
  5. Bubber

    PIP Patch

    Just a BUMP to shamelessly promote the sale of the patches, I think I have enough to satisfy everyone but no guarantees. Bubber
  6. I'll bring a collection of patches that will cover everyone that shows up. Until I run out that is. Bubber
  7. Bubber

    PIP Patch

    Heh I just wanted to say that I had little to with the patches, I'd like to take credit for it but my conscience and Black Owl won't let me. If I remember right the people that started and took charge of this was Black Owl, Red, and Freisman. They deserve all the credit. I was just the finger pointer and nothing more. Yes they did a great job and feel free to tell them that. Bubber
  8. don't plan on being in the Hospital !!!!!!!!! Be there or else........... we will eat without you.
  9. Well here we go again. Yes I will be there. Yes I have the 10th anniversary patches. Yes they are $5.00 hand delivered. Yes you may tip me as much as you want. Yes Gary will remind me so that I actually do show up. I think I covered everything. Bubber
  10. Bubber

    PIP Patch

    Sorry he must have sent it to you and I don't have a record of it. Not to worry! Send the info and I will ship it out early this week. Bubber
  11. OH Puc. I read the fine print, I think you may be pulling a fast one here (fast is relative). Add the snow maker to your list of clientele will ya?
  12. Bubber

    PIP Patch

    I got the patches in on Friday so this weekend I will be sending them out to all that have paid. I will list the first name and last initial so that you know I got the payment. But I will have to do that latter today. I will edit this post to add them. Bubber sent out today 5/9/15 Russel H. James B. Frank C. Alan Mc. Dale H. Bill C. Steve H. Kevin C. Gary K (set aside for you buddy) 2 Red S (set aside for you buddy) 1 Michael B
  13. Go ahead and add it to mine, I am sure they won't mind. Bubber
  14. Where did you get the light please be specific with the ebay posting if you can Thanks Bubber
  15. Bubber

    PIP Patch

    Yes it did! OTHERS: I have 11 paid for patches from all who paid up front. I could post the first or last names if people don't mind. I don't have all the screen names to go with the checks. I'll wait to see if I get any replies about this. When I get payment I write it in my book with their address. On any future orders please include the whole address with zip. Otherwise I have to look it up or contact the buyer. And yes I make mistakes too. So that would help the old guy out by giving it all up front. Bubber
  16. I am counting on it my friend. Where else can I have a laugh and enjoy the company of such a great bunch of people. Yes that includes that snow maker/trouble maker in Wisconsin. We even like him too. I recruit people to the site every time I meet someone that may be interested. Until we actually meet, keep up right and may the wheels keep turning. Bubber
  17. Bubber

    PIP Patch

    OK folks I got confirmation today that the patches will be sent out to me on Monday. So I have the envelopes and will start sending them out to everyone that has paid. I should have them sent out by Friday or Saturday. Bubber
  18. I too want to wish you a Happy Birthday and many more. It would be great to see you at the PIP 10th anniversary. We are having your favorite, friends, food, and wild if not fictitious tales of adventure and skill. I would love to share some BS with you over an adult beverage or two. Be well and we'll leave the light on for you. Bubber
  19. Be thankful, The other is really just a waste of time. It is what it is, and it is good. You can quote me on that. Hope mine is as good as yours was. Bubber
  20. Bubber

    PIP Patch

  21. Green with Jealousy !
  22. Good on you!
  23. Do you think she will ever let you drive it?
  24. Bubber

    PIP Patch

    Got yours Prairiehammer Paid 1 EagleEye Paid 1 Hoss Paid 2 Bill-IN-MN Paid 1 zzyzx ? danaman ? I haven't looked at paypal yet so there may be a ?mark by your name send checks not paypal
  25. Bubber

    PIP Patch

    Guys I don't do Paypal, I am old school and if you need to pay for the patch it is better to send a check or cash and I will keep a running list of who ordered what quantity and if paid. Bubber
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