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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. Nothing that big should ever be PINK
  2. Been there! Done that! More than once ! Bubber aka Steve
  3. Well thanks for the invite. Thanks for all the wonderful posts I have read and used to modify and add stuff to my bike. So I guess this means no shows don't get any cheese cake..... HUH? lol Granddaughter has a recital and I am commited (or at least should be commited that is). I'll be in Madison WI being jealious of you all. You all have a great time and take some pics to post. Be good ........ no forget that part. Have fun! Steve aka Bubber
  4. I know I wasn't invited but would you sendl me a slice "any kind, any flavor, any type of crust" and I ain't on a diet either. I LOVE CHEESE CAKE or maybe you noticed. You guys and gals have a great time at the maintenance day. I wish I was a little closer and it wasn't still 30 degrees here in Minnesota. LOL Been lurking in the backround for ever! Steve aka Bubber
  5. Your right Flugar I got to learn to read betterer. Thanks for the info. Thanks for saving me some money on the rail too. I may have to try your mod. How did you prtect the end of the rail when you cut it off? Bubber aka Steve
  6. Can post the Fortech website I wasn't able to locate it during a search. Thanks Bubber
  7. Formost $213.00 full coverage and 3500.00 in extra parts included
  8. Thats funny so do mine. except there are five nuts on my seat! LOL Including the one driving.
  9. Your right Condor That is one sweet ride! Did you remember to get the money fore the helmet and control the drooling over his MC. LOL I know I may forgotten to collect the money. Thanks for the pics Bubber aka Steve
  10. WWJD Drink the rum before you go. GOOD LUCK consider it character building. from the frozen north Bubber (Minnesota)
  11. Try this guy I just got mine and it looks pretty good slowroll01@comcast.net Chuck Arbogast PO Box 653 Falling Waters Wv. 25419. Bubber aka Steve Stelter
  12. So now I have read all the postings from frt to back. What was the final out come with Yamaha? What about the whine and what can we expect them to do to fix it. 2006 Midnight Venture 4000 miles and a very heavy whine.
  13. My two cent from someone that has 2 cents or was that sense/sence? The first time I chane the gear oil I drained like normal and then used the pump that they use to fill out-board motor lower ends. But since then I had a brain fart and have decided that the container of hand soap that sits on the sink once cleaned out and drained and let dry will be just the thing to pump the fresh gear lube into that little filler hole in the rear end. (did that come out right?) Am I the first to think of this or have I finaly lost it big time and now need professional help? :rotf: LOL Bubber aka Steve
  14. to Kit Carson Don't ever let a good conversation and discussion like the one you started ever let you be in the silent majority. Discussions like that are rare and pervoke the thought that is needed to spark more interest. I thought your very first post was great and got me to thinking.... and that in itself is a feat that few have tackled.:rotf: Keep it going
  15. I too am concerned about noise, the bike is very noisey. When I shift weight from side to side it goes away to some extent.... momentarily. I also am hard of hearing so I don't know how much is excessive or not. But it is loud. Lots of power and such. Anybody had their's looked at because of this?????? Bubber
  16. Stanardized tests are common for corrosion. A High Humidity and or a Salt fog chamber (5% salt fog is common) So basicically time and type of chamber, evaluated to a specification, so much rust pits or what ever the spec indicates. I would ASSUME that the bolts were submerged in salt water all at the same time to corrode the parts and them the product indicated (WD-40) was sprayed on and let sit for a specified amout of time and then a break away torque was applied and measured. "WALLA" a number to throw out to argue about. LOL OTAY? Bubber
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