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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. Well I breezed into Denver on Monday and looked at my rear tire and with 7500 on the original tire and 1000 miles to get back home I decided to see if I can get a tire put on before I left on Friday. I called Coyote Yamaha in Denver and was pleasently surprised that they could get me in right away and the Dunlope 404 for the rear was $89.00 with $85.00 for the install and balance. Very nice people and service oriented. They took care of me and sent me on my way. Congratsulation Coyote Cycle for being what a dealership should be. Headed back to Minnesota Friday morning. While I was here I got to meet a great guy BigJohn. We had dinner together and shoot the bull for a couple of hours. Great guy and thanks for the hospitality. Thanks for making my trip more memorable by meeting a fellow Venture owner. Gotta get ready for the ride back. Bubber aka Steve Stelter
  2. Well I'll be there Big John! It'll be real good to meet ya and who ever may show up. Sorry everybody is tied up with that rotten thing called work. I have been busy today getting all the fixer uper projects for the daughter today and she only has a cell phone which she takes with her everywhere. I was hoping to stop in there tonight and speak to those people. Don't know how late they are there but gotta do something. I'll try Coyote Yamaha too. Drostar from the 1100 forum speaks very highly of them. He and a bunch of guys were headed of to Srar Days in Arkansas for the week so I won't get to see him this time around. Bubber aka Steve
  3. OK guys I am leaving for Colorado in the morning. Stopping in Iowa to meet a fellow biker (nyuk), and then out through Nebraska through the sand hills and then some how some way to get to Denver / Thornton CO. to my daughters and then Tuesday 22nd to meet up with Big John for dinner and a meet and greet near there. Then the following weekend headed home and hopefully meet up with OB-1 out in Wyoming (east side) near the Black Hills and putts around there for a while. then back to Minnesota and Paul Bunyon and the 10,000 lakes for a much needed rest. See ya all when I get back.
  4. So how do you get the side car to bolt on to the WRONG side like that? LOL Some great looking bike and side cars.
  5. Well to answer a few of the questions. I don't know anything about first gens. Wouldn't mind meeting people along the way, even Iowegiens. LOL Having a cup of coffe or what ever sounds good. I would most likely be going through there Sat afternoon. Send me a PM and I will see if it fits with the "PLAN". Daughter lives just north of Denver about 15 - 25 miles. I plan on being in the Denver area only a couple of days so between the daughter a neice I probably will be streching things. The stops mentioned sound good I will have to get a map out real soon and mark some stuff out. Like I said I ain't blasting my way to Colorado. I do know that the riding is great out there but limited on time. I don't mind stopping and starting up a conversation with anyone anywhere. Anybody else out there with suggestions where I can go? That didn't come out just right did it? LOL
  6. Hi all I am leaving Minnesota on the 20th of July to visit my daughter in Colorado. I plan to take my time and meander my way to Colorado (3-4 days out). What is there to see and do in Northern Iowa and through Nebraska? I also plan on working my way back through Eastern Wyoming and Eastern Montana and finally go through Sturgis ( a week early) on my way back home. Suggestions are appreciated and Thanks in advance. Any people to meet along the way????? Steve
  7. AND YOU WOULD WRONG! AGAIN!!!!!! Shall we end this since it is going nowhere and fast? I am done here thanks for letting voice my opinion. It may not be right but it is mine! Over and out si-a-nara Adios Ad-ve-ter-zain Oh heck! I be gone.
  8. tx2sturgis http://venturerider.org/forum/images/statusicon/user_offline.gif I can see mr tx2sturgis that you must be one of the lemmings that Diaz was talking about because you have a opinion that clashes with him. LOL But I am afraid that he has cut you to the quick with his snappy reply or shall or shall I say lack of reply. I would suggest that you do not tangle with with this man of pure wit. LMFAO You would be having a battle of wits with an unarmed apponent. BTW All bike have good things and bad things or things that could be improved that is why the aftermarket exists for all bikes not just Harley amd RSV. Ride what ya like and don't listen to the crap some people want to feed ya. Dang there I go with an opinion again.
  9. I read one of your other articles where you bad mouth and bash Harley Davidson MC. Well that’s fine that you don't like them but a lot of other people do. Yes the design is old school but then a lot of us are old school and it is a classic design. I don't presently own a Harley but I have and I like them. I just can't or don't choose to pay the money to own a new on. Actually I like a lot of different bike that go by a lot of different names, and yes there a lot with Japanese names. I have never owned a BMW either but every time I see one it seems to have a bazillion miles on them so I can only guess that they are ridden and must be pretty reliable. If new and improved means super sport bikes (crotch rockets)? Then please keep them, I have no interest in doing wheelies and stunts to see if I can do something a little dumber than the other guys that do that kind of thing. I presently ride a RS Venture Midnight and I am perfectly happy not doing wheelies and power braking to stand on my front wheel. I want to get on ride half way across the country if I want to and not worry about a break down. That gets me to my real point. Every body has different needs and you ride the bike that fills that need the best. So if that is a classic MC or a Chopper of a Cruiser or even a rode sofa.... go for it. Bashing other makes just don't cut it for me. Like em, don't like em, your prerogative. Don't tell me or others they are sheep because of your hang ups. BTW if you want to meet some sheep if were you I'd walk into a biker bar and tell all the Hell's Angle that they are all a bunch a pussies I mean sheep. I am sure they can show you the errors of your ways. Have a great day and enjoy. Oh ya Welcome to America!
  10. HOSED ?? YES! Repeatedly and with out a kiss!
  11. Some more pic of the trailer
  12. Can I have your lawyers name an address? LOL
  13. I havn't officially weighed it but I thinks its get to 300lbs or so. I have ideas that I waould made now that I am almost done. Tall Ships that may be a plan. Steve
  14. You could have stopped ya know LOL Thinking very seriously about coming up to the PIP
  15. The short answer is YES I DID! The long answer is I have been fooling around with it for about a year off and on. I got pictures od the steps and I even have a plastic template for the sides. It is a tear drop and it is skinned in aluminum. BTW Juggler I am located in North Branch 35 miles North of the cities (St.Paul/ Mpls) for non locals) if you want to take a looky see at it. Steve
  16. I got the same thing and it is the friggen tires. I have a great hearing loss and they are very loud to me. and especially when you lean. Not so much when you are straight up and down. Who would have thought that the tires can make that much noise???? Steve aka Bubber
  17. Did you sell this yet???? steve_stelter@yahoo.com
  18. WHAT & How & Where did you locate the garage door opener? Instructions please? Write up even better!!!!! Thanks Much Bubber
  19. Tell the Insurance Company you just had a buyer who was going to give you $6500.00 for the bike then give them my name and I will swear to it! BTW go rip the peicing out of mister redneck's nose and shove it down his throut. After you get the check. Bubber:whistling:
  20. And the prices are???? May be interested. Steve
  21. Author: BobW Views: 4051 Votes: 0 Print Rate This: Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Well, here is my final update. After experimenting with 4 sets of mufflers, what I found is that there are actually 4 phases, not 3. In order from quietest to loudest they are: Phase 1 - Four 1/2" holes in front donut baffle plate Phase 2 - Phase 1 plus drill out center rear baffle with 1-1/8" hole saw Phase 3 - Drill out ONLY the front and rear center baffles - NO holes in front donut baffle plate. Phase 4 - Phase 2 plus drill out the front center baffle (Four 1/2" holes in front donut baffle and remove front and rear center baffles.) Phase 1 is a nice pleasant low tone, muffler. Louder than stock RK or RSV mufflers. (Of course your lawnmower is louder than stock RSV mufflers.) Phase 2 is slightly louder than the Phase 1, mostly adding volume when under load. The Phase 3 is only slightly louder than the Phase 2, with a slight more growl under load. Gives a little "bark" when you blip the throttle. I probably would not have noticed the difference between these and my Phase 2's if I hadn't been the one to change them out. (The Phase 3 is so close to the Phase 2, that for ease of modification, I would recommend simply doing the Phase 3 with the hole saw instead of fighting with drilling the 4 holes in the front donut baffle.) The Phase 4 is slightly louder and has a lower tone than the Phase 3. It is, in my opinion a nicer sound than the Phase 3. The difference between the Phase 3 and Phase 4 is that the four 1/2" holes allow more flow into the outside chamber giving it a lower tone. Same reason you get the lower tone when performing Phase 1. The old Phase 3 is now Phase 4. None of the above modifications are objectionable, and the wife says she can hear the radio fine at 15 at Phase 4 on the highway. Even the Phase 4 is nowhere near a straight pipe or Screamin' Eagle, so you don't have to worry about waking up the neighbor's baby when you leave for work in the morning. But it is loud and "growly" enough for people to take a glance when you come down the road. Each phase is only slightly louder than the previous phase, so if you decide to go up a phase, you won't have to worry about it being a significant jump that will deafen you. Some have referred to a "puffiness" in the mufflers. I only noticed this in Phase 1, not in any of the subsequent phases. Hope this is helpful. Bob W Last update: 05:49 PM Thursday, June 2, 2005 http://www.venturers.org/Tech_Library/?action=category&cat_id=002 OK I found it on Venturers.ORG under the tech articles, exhaust Good luck! Bubber
  22. I am not sure where it is but somebody documented the different steps and just exactly what to do and expect when completed. I know I keep a copy of it in my book. I will try to find it and post the location for all to find. Maybe someone knows already and will post it. Bubber aka Steve
  23. Bubber


    Well here is the deal you told me you sent the adapter on Saturday. Great! I said I would send you a Money Order. The only problem is you have not answered one of the emails requesting an address to send the MO to. What am I to do? I always pay my bills but a little help is needed here. Please contact me if you would like to get paid. You have my home email address. The ball is in your court. Thanks. Bubber aka Steve I should learn to keep my big mouth shut! Package came today! Address is on the package. I will be sending the M.O. out ASAP. BTW THANKS. Bubber aka Big Mouth
  24. I have the Progressive 0-30 PSI and I got it from Dennis Kirk 10 mile s up the road. NO shipping. About $40.00 or so. I also bought the kit that links both fork legs together so it balances the preasure. ~$20.00 7 PSI max front Hope that helps Steve
  25. I got a bad case CRS (can't remember $hit) I think I already wrote you about the linners but didn't get a answer. So can you send a picture and price so I can look at it? Do they hold beer:rotf: Thanks Steve aka Bubber
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