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Everything posted by Bubber

  1. Hey Freebird

    I got the renewal notice and am sending it out by snail mail today.

    I hate electronic transfers and I don't do PayPal

    you should get it in a week or so.


    Steve Stelter

    AKA Bubber

  2. I always wanted an old school 750 Honda chopper with a extended springer. Pretty much like the one pictured I am sure it would be terribly uncomfortable but back then it wasn't a real consideration. BTW: In my neck of the woods (Minnesota) you never painted a bike green, never, never, never!
  3. Best to you my friend, and positive vibes coming your way. Do what ya gotta do, go hunting and enjoy!
  4. Maybe this is to much notice but I am tentatively setting the "Pork in the Pines 2023" for August 25-26-27th, 2023. Save that date in your phones calendar and make no other plans for that time and we will go from there. BTW: In the past we have had more of them there Canadians at this than any other group. I am hoping that the Canadians from BC will come and make a vacation out of it. Yes Rick and Marylin, Laura and Gord, I mean YOU !!!!!! Updates as I know them Steve aka Bubber 👍
  5. Looks like there is lack of interest this year so I'll see if I can resurrect it again next year with enough advance notice so people can save the date and hopefully attend. Otay then! Steve
  6. Hey Rick. Send me a private message and I'll keep you in the loop. Thanks Steve aka Bubber
  7. SO! After talking to a few members in Minnesota I was thinking of having a miniature Pork in the Pines at my house in North Branch MN. Thinking about Sept 17th and 18th Question is: IS THERE ANY INTEREST IN A MINIATURE PORT IN THE PINES? Let me Know here and I will decide to go forward based on replies. It will for a Saturday and if you need camping over night I have a large back yard for that. It all depends on interest and replies here. All the best and be safe out there Steve AKA Bubber
  8. Was it something I said? It has been a while since I visited and now this? Hope all is well and it can be rescheduled at some time. Respect Steve
  9. My resolution is to make no resolution but this: be happy, enjoy life, ride as often as I can, love my children, see them as often as I can. Make friends instead of enemies, find happiness in everyday life activities. Be independent from need. I wish this all to everyone here, so go and be happy! Merry 2022 to all. Steve aka Bubber
  10. There are more pieces falling off that, than a leaper on a Pogo stick. You can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish!
  11. A Brick of 22LR is going for $100 or more here in Minnesota. Look what is going on around you there is no wonder why people have 1000's of rounds of what ever. Reloading is not much of an option when you can't get primers or powder. Other than that you can pay $1.00 plus per round. So you the law abiding public get the bad rap for some idiot and mental defective out shooting up your local mall and work locations. None of my weapons have called to me to hurt another human being, they are to be used for their intended purpose or for punching holes in paper or clay pigeons. Anyone want to bet Nancy P. has armed security around her or that she lives in a gated community? But you shouldn't have a right to protect yourself like her....BS. Be care full out there and make sure you obey the law. God Bless and God's speed my friends Bubber
  12. I just saw this posting and it broke my heart to hear the pain in his writing. I have 3 girls, all grown and I cannot imagine the pain of losing any of them. My heart breaks for you man, but don't give up, your daughter wouldn't want that for you. Anything else I say from here on out is just not enough to end your pain. My sincere hope you get through this and live to enjoy your daughter's memory. Respect Bubber aka Steve
  13. Sorry I haven't been on the forum for a while. All the stuff I had in the first post I still have and would like to find a nice home for it. Whole bike too: 2006 Venture Midnight I am guessing 4800 would be a fair price. about 28000 miles on it. I haven't looked in a while. I will be firing it up this week and doing basic maintenance. So let me know if interested.
  14. Glad you are doing OK. I see they put in a zipper for easy access. Let's try not to need it ,OK. Get better soon and stay safe my friend!
  15. So sorry to hear this. I know I am jumping in late here. Best of all and a speedy recovery. Get well soon Earl or we all have to come and visit you.
  16. I am with Flyinfool on mowing. Grass is just green crap that covers dirt.
  17. If you don't succeed at first, try, try and then quit, don't be a damn fool! Attributed to the late great, oh heck I don't know who, the Chinese Covid19 spreader.
  18. You can't fix stupid! But a good 2x4 to the head will stun them.
  19. I found the tread entertaining to a point. Why screw with people that are idiots. NO TIME, WON'T MAKE TIME, NEVER GOING TO HAVE TIME! Enough said there. Any snowflakes that are offended please call me direct at BR549 A Buck? Are freaking kidding me? I'll piss that away on a pop every now and then. Cheap at half the price!!!!!!! Bubber
  20. I don't C&C but I do have a permit. Today I bought a Taurus TX22 for plinking. One heck of a lot cheaper to shoot than a 9mm. I do like my Glock 17 with a 17 shot clip for my home protection. With 17 shots I think I can get lucky at least a couple of times. I think I will be looking for some accessories for the Taurus, like a holster and laser (if I get real crazy). Gotta love the 2nd amendment. Thank you founding fathers.
  21. Well I didn't get one call or inquiry on my parts. Put them all back in the overhead in the garage. Guess I'll put them on fleabay this fall. Oh well, that is the way it goes. Going triking for a while to get my head back on straight. This Covid stuff really sucks!
  22. Stop you're scaring me! Help me!
  23. Good on Ya all Canadians! I didn't know you celebrate on the 1th of July? Have a great day to all my Kanuckian friends.
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