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About raybear71

  • Birthday 08/27/1971

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  • Name


  • Location
    Isanti, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 Venture
  1. Keep shopping. You will come across something like this sooner or later.http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/wsh/mcy/3344498178.html
  2. I work overnights and last week on two different mornings the bike turned over but would not start at first. I cranked it repeatedly and after awhile it was like flipping a light switch it started. Figured it was the plug wires from the morning dew. I changed the wires and the plug caps over the weekend and rode it to work Monday. Tuesday morning it would crank and occasionally pop but not fire up. I even pulled the top of the airbox off and gave it a good shot of starting fluid and it still would not start. I left it sit and caught a ride home from a coworker. Went to work last night when it was warm and dry out and it started with the touch of the button. The tci has been moved to the top of the airbox and is covered. I can ride in the rain without any issues. When it's popping and not starting it almost sounds like the timing is off, and will all of a sudden backfire through the exhaust. Could this be corrosion in the plug to the pick-up? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks, Ray
  3. Are MK1 and MK2 different? I have some from an 83. If they are the same I will drop one in the mail for you.
  4. cool. Thanks for the fast reply, Ray
  5. Are the plug wires screwed into the coils the same way the caps screw to the opposite end, or are they just pressure fit into the coils?
  6. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=491 It's actually an easy and straightforward job. You can get a set of ebc springs off ebay for 14bucks shipped. I'm also in Mn. If you were to pick up the springs and friction discs you could bring the bike over and we could change the clutch. I changed out my springs for the ebc's earlier this year and have had no issues with them. When you pull it apart inspect the steels for any discoloration this will tell you if they will need to be replaced also.
  7. WOW.. someone finally found a way to make golf interesting.:rotf::rotf:
  8. Maybe you should go buy some new shiny stuff for the trike to make you feel better!!
  9. Sounds like you need to set the floats just a tad lower.
  10. I would like to say the first thing that came to mind was that you're ok, but it wasn't...sorry... The first thing that came to my twisted mind was Tweety drinking the potion that made him ten feet tall and kicking the crap out of Sylvester. I suppose if there's a potion for Ventures it's probably seafoam. Glad to hear you came out of it ok. Ray
  11. BOB.....sorry had to get your attention. I am also a driver. I love it. I worked for Cummins for almost 8 years and got tired of punching the timeclock everyday. That was 9 years ago. I trained with Schneider and after 4 months running over the road I was hired by a local company for a linehaul gig. I work nights running from Minneapolis to Des Moines and back.60-65k a yr.Home everyday and off on the weekends. If you would rather run days there's always pick up and delivery work and that pays around $20hr on average. There are LTL companies everywhere just like the one I work for and the industry is always looking for drivers. There's nothing written in the truck driver handbook that says you have to live in a truck. It's a lifestyle choice and it very much depends on the person. One thing I have noticed over the years is that ex-military personnel thrive on the over the road stuff if that is any indication. I think it has to do with self discipline. You should also check with your unemployment office about training. One of our drivers was in your situation and was given training at a local tech school paid for by the state!!! He collected unemployment while the state paid for his schooling!!! If you have questions feel free to give me a call, I will slap on the bluetooth and chat you up. I'm on the road from 8pm to about 4am m-f nights. 763-670-6667. Good luck, Ray:080402gudl_prv:
  12. Use some common sense while riding it and you will have tons of fun, use some poor judgement and it will kick your a$$!! A couple friends of mine back in the early nineties had a very similar bike. They enlisted another friend who raced dirtbikes to "soup" it up for them. It was properly named the crippler. More than a few " ten foot tall and bulletproof " fellas got knocked down to size in a hurry by that monster. But several others including myself had a lot of fun on it simply by using good judgement and respecting the machine. Makes me wish I lived a little closer to ya. Have fun and be safe. Ray
  13. You may want to talk to other members with the class air system, my bike is a standard and must be adjusted manually. I do remember someone also mentioning that the class system only adjusts when the key is in the accessory position. If that is true you would wait for it to adjust and then turn the key to on and start the bike.
  14. Awhile back I asked about rear air pressure and was told by several members to run at about 70psi, I am 350lbs and have never bottomed out the shock.
  15. Thanks for the replies, but it is definately the tci, it did the same thing on Dougs bike. I'm just wondering if I should change the diodes at this point or would it be useless. Both bikes ran great on my tci, the only problem at this point is that the tach doesn't work below 1200rpm.
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