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About SundayRider

  • Birthday 04/29/1964

Personal Information

  • Name
    Scott Buck


  • Location
    Chesaning, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding, archery, shooting,fishing
  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 RSTD

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  1. That video...lmfao!!!
  2. I couldn't leave the throttle alone. Something bad was bound to happen so I sold it. Just way to easy to twist that wrist.
  3. I like Liquid Glass wax. I use it on my auto windshields as well. Makes rain roll right off and bugs clean off a lot easier.
  4. I gotta get me some of those. SWEET!!!
  5. Seems like I have read quite a bit about transmission problems. If I recall it involves losing 2nd gear. Do a search on GW trans issues, it will pop up.
  6. I like to think this poem has some truth to it. Who knows Gods plan. https://rainbowsbridge.com/poem.htm
  7. Not as fun as you might think. After a while it starts getting on my nerves. Just ride and enjoy!!
  8. Not very many that deserve to be alive!!
  9. Happy anniversary!! Mine will be 28 years next Saturday. These poor women put up with a lot from us. That Gypsum plant you mentioned sounds like Abitibi. They made drywall. My Dad used to deliver anhydrous ammonia to them years back.
  10. No adjustment. It's the factory RSTD windshield setup. I was hoping a fairing with the deflectors on the bottom edge would push the air down and out enough to get the air past me.
  11. The Venture I had was a lot better in this regard. I'm just nervous about dropping a grand into it for nothing. Thanks for the replies.
  12. Yes I have the lowers under the windshield. The air comes around those and comes up around the gas tank and hits me right in the chin and up my face. Was hoping someone with a fairing could tell that it would help with that situation.
  13. This is to anyone with a fairing on a RSTD. I'm trying to stop the wind that comes up from around the lower windshield area and gives me bobblehead from below. At least once every ride I get a bug behind my sunglasses from below. I have knee blockers which worked pretty good on the Venture I had but not so good on the RSTD. To much wind coming up from around the gas tank area. Will a fairing from WOC or Reckless cut that wind down? Thanks, Scott
  14. Same here. I used to flat foot it very easy. Now tippy toes. You kind of have to get used to sliding forward a little at stops. It's worth it for me and the long distance comfort I get out of it. Feels a little weird at first but I think you will get used to the feel.
  15. She has a great sound. Really enjoyed the video.
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