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Everything posted by Billkroeger

  1. All, first off thanks so much for all your thoughts on this, it was just a small adjustment on the idle and i did a sync again, runs better then ever. Thanks again
  2. Thanks Guys, I will check all these out and get back to you all
  3. Hi, Got the bike out a couple of weeks ago and noticed after about a 10 mile trip the idle seems to go up to 2000 then after a few more miles goes to 3000 and i can't get it to go down at all, any ideas ? if it matters it's a 1985 and it ran fine when I put it away in the winter . Thanks
  4. Thanks for the reply, I took a couple of what I hope are better pictures, I took a measurement of the gap and it is .0740 in It looks like you have a gap too ? take a look at the new pictures.
  5. Hi, I decieded to grease my drive shaft splines and when i got it back together I see there is a gap between the caliper bracket and the washer I think I got the washer in the correct place but don't remember the gap being there ,is there suppose to be this gap ? Thanks
  6. Thanks, I have Avons on the bike, i checked all the items metioned and they seem to check out, I'm guessing it's just the nature of the beast.
  7. I was going 35 MPG and I let go of the handel bars to zip up my jacket, I know I shouldn't ever take both my hands off grips , but that being said at that speed the front wheel really started to wobble, I that I was going down for a moment it was that bad, at first I thought it was just the road but I tried it again and again the wobble. I also tried at 30 mpg and 40 and zero wobble. What should I be looking at ? Thanks
  8. What size of v-6 are we talking about ????? And what years ????? Thanks
  9. I would be interested also, They make Mirrored SS looks better the chrome
  10. Ok, I have Vemon X tires front and rear, I am a little north of 300 lb's and am wondering what tire pressure I should have front and back ? Thanks
  11. Yep your right the battery is to high, I will remove the mat, don't you sell these batterys ????
  12. I have the same seat but different color, I have not been ablre to figure out how to attach the back rest ? Could you let me know how ? Thanks
  13. I found a super set of driving lights a Walmart, chrome and under $20.00 I also put in a new Silverstar Ultra and it made a world of difference. best to you.
  14. Will a 1986 back rest fit on a 85 ?
  15. I got to give Kudo's to earl also, kit was a breeze to install and love the look, my only problem I can't use the cover, my fake gas tank cover will not install right with the cover on the fuse kit, not sure if this is just a 85 problem or not ? I have tried to move to all over and just don't seem to work. Would it be possible for you to send a photo of where you put yours ? Not a real big deal I just covered it with electric tape for now.
  16. Ok, Could someone pleae give me the part number i need for the 2nd gen gaskets ?????/ I think i may have ordered the wrong ones ? do you mean 2nd gen 86-2001 or later years ??? I'm doing this job on sat so really need to make sure I have the correct ones. Thanks
  17. You just have to love the people on this site.
  18. If you decied to go the Heli coil route let me know and I may have what you need, Let me know, it would just cost shipping there and back to me.
  19. No i don't have gaskets, wheres the best place to buy a set ? thanks Randy
  20. I'll be more then happy to try the tool, send away and I'll get to back to you within the 2weeks. thanks alot. hey if you happen to haver a feller guage that would be sweet to have also.
  21. Well thank you Sir, How long can I hold onto them ? i'm having the orignal owner help me out the first time and not sure when he can do this. My adress is : Bill kroeger 1586 Nebraska Ave E St Paul, Mn 55106 Cell Number is 651-492-1334 Does PayPal work for shipping ?
  22. Where can one find a shim set for a 85 royale, I have the tool and a couple of shims the previous owner gave me but would like the kit. Thanks
  23. You and your family are in our prayers. Best to your grandson.
  24. All, I installed a new set of driving lighhts on my 85 and have been told I should have used a relay, Where could I find the correct relay and am looking for ideas of where to mount one if I need one. Thanks
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