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Personal Information

  • Name
    Bill Kroeger


  • Location
    St Paul, United States


  • City
    St Paul


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1985 Venture
  1. All, first off thanks so much for all your thoughts on this, it was just a small adjustment on the idle and i did a sync again, runs better then ever. Thanks again
  2. Thanks Guys, I will check all these out and get back to you all
  3. Hi, Got the bike out a couple of weeks ago and noticed after about a 10 mile trip the idle seems to go up to 2000 then after a few more miles goes to 3000 and i can't get it to go down at all, any ideas ? if it matters it's a 1985 and it ran fine when I put it away in the winter . Thanks
  4. Thanks for the reply, I took a couple of what I hope are better pictures, I took a measurement of the gap and it is .0740 in It looks like you have a gap too ? take a look at the new pictures.
  5. Hi, I decieded to grease my drive shaft splines and when i got it back together I see there is a gap between the caliper bracket and the washer I think I got the washer in the correct place but don't remember the gap being there ,is there suppose to be this gap ? Thanks
  6. Thanks, I have Avons on the bike, i checked all the items metioned and they seem to check out, I'm guessing it's just the nature of the beast.
  7. I was going 35 MPG and I let go of the handel bars to zip up my jacket, I know I shouldn't ever take both my hands off grips , but that being said at that speed the front wheel really started to wobble, I that I was going down for a moment it was that bad, at first I thought it was just the road but I tried it again and again the wobble. I also tried at 30 mpg and 40 and zero wobble. What should I be looking at ? Thanks
  8. What size of v-6 are we talking about ????? And what years ????? Thanks
  9. I would be interested also, They make Mirrored SS looks better the chrome
  10. Ok, I have Vemon X tires front and rear, I am a little north of 300 lb's and am wondering what tire pressure I should have front and back ? Thanks
  11. Yep your right the battery is to high, I will remove the mat, don't you sell these batterys ????
  12. I have the same seat but different color, I have not been ablre to figure out how to attach the back rest ? Could you let me know how ? Thanks
  13. I found a super set of driving lights a Walmart, chrome and under $20.00 I also put in a new Silverstar Ultra and it made a world of difference. best to you.
  14. Will a 1986 back rest fit on a 85 ?
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