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About pmj423

  • Birthday 04/23/1968

Personal Information

  • Name
    Patrick A Miller Jr


  • Location
    Annandale, MN, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Motorcycles, Wood working, Photography
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 Royalstar Venture

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  1. Just got back myself. I agree. Great time. Good conversation. Great food and new freinds. Will be back again. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  2. Headed for the pines. Looking forward to meeting new freinds. Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  3. I second the interest in purchasing a set
  4. Thanks Larry, I will pass this along to him.
  5. I know he was looking for front break calipers. Can I give him your email & you two can talk directly?
  6. Hello, I am looking for a forum about Silverwings. My buddy is looking for parts for his 1983 Silverwing interstate GL650. Any one have any ideas of sites similar to this one where he could go for help sourcing parts
  7. Pictures please
  8. So I have noticed a High pitched hum from I believe the rear wheel. It starts at about 60 and gets louder the faster I go. However it only shows up when I am riding Solo. If I toss the 80lbs kid on the back it is not there. I had my tire changed this spring and just noticed it last week. but then I rarely ride at highway speeds when I am alone. I am wondering what I should check? is it possible something was not done correctly when they changed the tire. I have also picked up a vibration this year that was not there last year. A friend told me this could be due to the front tire. The tread still looks ok but you can feel some small bumps when I run my hand over it.
  9. Very interesting. I will have to consider that as an option. Where did you get them?
  10. I would love to see the 6 horns but will have to think about that one for awhile. I will take pictures whenever I decide what I will do.
  11. Thanks for the info squidly. What do they sound like? I would like something that is real deep like a semi or train. A real attention getter.
  12. Thanks for the info squidly. What do they sound like? I would like something that is real deep like a semi or train. A real attention getter.
  13. pmj423

    Do you...

    I use Google Navigation on my android phone. I always go a different way she wants me to but then I am traveling the back county roads running parallel to the highways she wants me to take. I just keep an eye on the time to destination when I miss the turn she wants me to take. to make sure I don't get too far off track. For me (on the bike) it is more about finding the destination once I get into the area than it is about taking the route she wants me too. In the car I follow her most of the time and have only been off by a few 100 feet for my final destination.
  14. Warranty ran out in April. Bummer. I wanted a louder horn anyway. Guess this just makes getting s new one Easyer to justify. LOL Thanks for the info
  15. I cracked open my faring today and removed the cassette player. Anyway I dropped the spacer for the light bar. I thought it went into the front cowling. so I took them both off. I found what looked Like a horn under the shifter side. Hit the button and sure enough it is a horn. I thought the horn was on the break side with the chrome cover circled in the picture. Hit the button & nothing happened there. So is this a horn or what?
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