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Everything posted by SilvrT

  1. Vancouver's on top with Calgary right behind.
  2. Eck... none taken
  3. Eck... this was a "standard" thing I always did when I used to pull wrenches (years ago) and I continue doing that. It tends to take any glazing off the surface and provide a bit more "bite" for those new pads. I even do this on old pads/rotors or shoe/drum brakes if they're not worn out. Just "cleans em up" a bit. It may not have much of an effect but it's just something I do coz that's what the old geezer who taught me said I should do. LOL I should mention that I scuff them at 90 degrees to the rotation.
  4. from all the talk I've heard on here about deer, seems to me you all need your deer hunting season opened up. Danged deer around here are scarce at the best of times...hunting season opens up (which is very limited) and *POOF* ... they go hide! LOL Have to admit tho, some areas have more deer than others.
  5. I kinda agree.... no pipe for me! (definately don't wanna look silly) LOL
  6. BTW, did you bleed the lines after changing the pads?
  7. I generally scuff up the surfaces with emery paper. It may take a short while for the pads to "wear in". When I changed my rear pads and rotor last year, it took a while before they started braking as they should...they seemed like "faded" brakes would...in other words, took more pressure on the brake pedal. Wasn't long tho...can't really recall. Dumb question... any chance you got the pads in backwards (is that even possible?)
  8. That just goes to show that even 90 yr old, half blind people admire 1st gen's
  9. There's some talk that we will have another market crash and it's gonna cause a lot of problems for a lot of people. I doubt this will happen anytime soon though, not as long as the job market is strong and the immigration rate continues. A lot of the housing around here is getting snapped up by people coming from other countries.
  10. any chance the rotor is bent? how's the rotor surface look?... any gouging or raised edge? Did you "scuff" the pad surfaces and the rotor surfaces with emery paper first? are the rotors/pads completely clean of any oil or grease?
  11. I certainly appears that the West Coast is NOT the place to buy a house if you're an "average" wage earner...unless of course you just won the lottery! I recently heard that some billionair just bought a penthouse here in Vancouver for a cool 18 million! gee...it even has it's own outdoor deck/garden! LOL
  12. When they start wavin at ya, then yer probably gonna get a ticket so be thankful they ain't wavin!
  13. You can have ALL of ours! ...and in return, I'll take your "cooler" temps and dryness. Our highs lately are around 10 celcius and it generally rains 2 days straight before a break for a half day or so. Well, we did get a couple clear days recently. It's been 3 weeks since I last rode my scoot.
  14. just curious.... what percentage of tint did you use?
  15. Just looked at the latest statistics for the Canadian housing market showing average house prices across Canada in order of highest to lowest. Good thing I was sitting down. Vancouver (where I live) is currently the highest at $560,000. That's up from 2004 at $373,000 and they expect it to hit $600,000 in 2008. Western Canada in general is the highest with the East Coast areas being the lowest at around $125,000. These are prices for major Canadian cities. How does that stack up against you folks south of the border.... what are your prices like and have they been increasing over the past 3 or 4 years or declining?
  16. Hang in there bud!! LOL... I had a doozer of a dream night couple nights ago. This is start of week 2 for me on the Champix (that's what they call it here in Canada). Feeling a bit "wierd" today... so far...
  17. Smoking a pipe sounds like a good "alternative"... I may take that up..we'll see. N-E-Wayz .... wife & I had a little "ceremony" last night .... we had 3 cigs left in the pack I bought Friday after work. We poured ourselves a shot of Sambucca, lit up 2 of the cigs, ripped up the pack and the 3rd cig, lit them on fire , smoked the 2 cigs and made a toast to our transition to being non-smokers.
  18. sure ya don't... thousand's wouldn't believe ya.... but I will ! :D:D
  19. Sometimes while driving the car, I wave vigorously at an oncoming motorist. Ever have someone wave like that to you? You go along wondering... "now who the heck was that? Do I know him/her?"...
  20. I won't be on that thread... I enjoy my rum & coke, wine, liquers, and beer ... I don't drink excessively but I do enjoy them.
  21. There always seems to be at least one cage-jerk who thinks he's in a race with you. Seems no matter how much faster you go or how many lane changes you make or how many other cages you pass, there's always one jerk who seems to feel he can keep up with you as if he's in a race with you. This happens all the time and not just out on the highway... even around the city.
  22. hmmmmm what kinda tobakky you got in that pipe? speaking of which, no one has answered my Q about pot yet LOL
  23. AFTAsx?... once a month? who is that lucky? If I followed that program, I'd be a non-smoker today! :sign20:
  24. Pretty good... I kept it down to mebbe 3 smokes from the time I woke up 'till I got home after work yesterday. Then I had a whole one. Wife got home and we changed to go out for dinner, drinks & dancin. We shared one before we went out but didn't take any with us. Got home around midnight, had 2 puffs and went to bed. I've had 2 puffs..no 3 puffs this morning so far and I've been up for 1.5 hrs. I made a mistake on "butt out" day... it's actually Monday that will be the first day of no smoking.
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